Shit Snacks
Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Goo Roo update. I ordered the stuff to add a whip to it from Rogue Wax Works, I don't know if it'll function well, but I'm down to try it. I'm in love with the piece though. It functions way better with my FlowerPot than my other pieces, and it's the only piece I have that there's no blow back into the bowl if I don't pull it when I'm done with the FP. The function and water required is also better with my FP than most of my others. I need to try it with my FW7, but it's been so good with the VROD. It's easily a new favorite if not top favorite.
I may just keep it to myself, I have people come over that wanna hit or try things, but I'm afraid of someone trying to lift it by it's mouthpiece or something, so I think this one just stays my personal little treat. I'm enjoying it a lot.
Awesome! Yeah I have not tried FW7 with mine, but it's still the go-to piece for my Halo, I even put my hydratree on top as the mouthpiece for double filtration and it is working better than the FC mod ever did for that! Looking forward to seeing your setup with the whip, maybe easier to share with someone that way, so you know they won't need to touch the glass at all

Update: finally got my refund from kokokoko for the heady male rigs they never sent, took some back and forth, after getting the dispute opened, letting it move to mediation, then resolved! Now how long till the money comes back to my account... Whatever already been over 2 months haha
Now I need to put everything else on order out of my mind, the adapters, mouthpieces, pink male tentacle rig, blue saki that is stuck at distribution center here, and large inline that I hope actually ships at some point... Never buying directly from Biao again after these, hopefully they can sort out whatever government troubles they are dealing with, they are ghosting everyone apparently without replying to messages or fulfilling any more orders, maybe not taking any more orders?? Who knows what's up