So speaking of plastic scoops, first of all that might be an option here soon enough (and he already started to offer wooden scoops too), but also I had Rogue build me a tool based off the Delta 3D nylon grinder scoop since I did not have a need for it to be in my grinder and its handle was a little too tiny for me to use... So I sent it to him for this awesome handle (he even sent me a spare handle) and now I use it all the time!
Here it is with my Rogue steel scoop, my Delta3D regular sized steel scoop and Delta3D larger pax sized nylon scoop:
I also had to put an order in to get me some of the new square handled tools with laser engraved designs, these ones are actually for dabbing use, it is fantastic how they can stand up on a surface so you don't need to worry about the loaded or dirty tip touching anything! Gifted the green one (has the same tip as my black and blue tool posted above) to my dabbing buddy, kept the blue:
Then I saw Rogue was working on more new designs for upcoming 420 sale, I saw the smaller squared handles with the finger notches cut in them, and I knew I wanted some Canarywood... Since I only just started actually dabbing, and got Sai/+ to try with bottomless bangers, I was thinking of how to load them in particular, so I wanted the flat tip and the angled tip (cherrywood below) for that though I haven't tested them there yet... Upon checking his Etsy shop (great place to get glass J-Hook btw!) I saw this dragon scale laser etch design with cool pink/ purple color and the exact other tip I wanted to try so had to add one (there were two in the shop) to my collection as well:
These tools are always so much bigger than I expect in person, although the handle on the canarywood is pretty perfect, I mean nicely compact like I was expecting and desiring lol The cherrywood angled tool is like twice as big as what I was imagining so we will see how it works for the Sai, may only fit the Sai+ well enough? Either way I like it and it is going to be a useful tool, though I also have one other tip in mind that could be good for my dabbing needs!
Meanwhile the tip on the dragon tool is so useful, having the curve cut into the other side creating that little hook point, but having the rounded tip with the flat edge on the other side, very nice way to empty Bowle pots and Splinter stems. Also it is super comfortable to hold, with that notch, which perfectly fits a regular size BCG btw, I love the size and the colors, everything about it!
So yeah I am a very satisfied customer, this is already my third purchase and as many months or less? Never thought I would become a tool collector as well, but these are so nice and there is so much variety... Rogue is also a absolute pleasure to deal with and makes it very easy to keep coming back... Everything is also so reasonably priced and useful for all of my various vapes! I hope more people find this thread and start posting because everyone should own at least one of these tools, if they can decide on just one of course