Another evening another pot in the Bowle?!? But it's really a cup?!? Aromatherapy device , made by a company called tafée which in french means nothing?!? Confused? I know I am! But enough about the sixth split personality the other five don't know about! Let's talk vapes! And since this is the tafée bowle thread I guess I better talk about that?!? Even though I have a hell of a anecdote about a tinymight a manatee and a disheveled bishop, I have better better stick to the vape at hand the bowle, less I be chastised by the power's that be!
Temp stepping is a utter delight and I don't think I had such even dosed hits outside a session vape past the warm up part and before vapor dies , right in the heart of it at one set temperature, when every hit feels the same, if that makes any sense. The Bowle just has this precision of hits until vapor stops inevitably and you step up and it totally delivers again!!! Amazing! Though it can be fun putting in a fresh pot and starting at level 4 and going for a white knuckle ride into vapor town, weather conditions low hanging clouds and dense fog that can roll in any second of the day
I'm splitting duties pretty easily between the bowle and my tinymight, even though I am still honeymooning I don't see myself not keeping that up even when the honeymoon is over

savouring a larger bowl in the Bowle has become a very welcome part of my day. The tinymight will remain my biggest\hardest hit when I want to medicate in a hurry but the Bowle is for when I really want to enjoy vaping and the ritual of my cannabis use. The Bowle is not my middle of the night medicator for a couple of reasons first is bowl size and yes I know I don't have to go with a full pot and I could scale whatever else before hand but my old brain just doesn't work that way and yes I know I'd only have the do it a couple of times before I could eyeball it.... But get off my back jack! Second is its just a little to slow even at 4 and those kind of hits would likely make me cough being half asleep and not exactly prepared for that. So the tinymight will continue to fullfil it's purpose and the Bowle has purposes of its own, namely decadent indulgence. Excuse me while I kiss the sky