Box Troll

Alright; we're gonna fuck with the Box Troll above.
We will be doing a comprehensive build of one version of HalfPint, this being the flat version with components on the opposite side. I have made this decision based on several factors in no particular order;
1) The light will be facing up on the IH board.
2) The component side (side with the FETs) has the traces (planes) for the coil. I want to preserve the coil arrangement to some extent. The backside has poor coil connections.
3) I've got something in mind that requires a little real-estate available on the component side - in PCB parlance.
I have a module that came a week or two ago; a recent donor to the cause.
It was apart before I could grab the pix...

There is a trick to getting the blue connectors out without damaging the boards;
Screw the screws of the contact all the way in.
Drill the screw holes at 4mm or 5/32" to remove a little of the blue plastic. Hand drill works if you can get a grip.
Now remove the screws from the connector. They won't be captive anymore.
The 2-pin blue housing will slide off now. The 3-pin will need the inductors remove, which need the capacitors removed.
In the end, remove everything not nailed down and clean all the holes.

For some of you who have worked with this board for a while will notice a layout change. The long trace from the center of the 3-pin connector is no longer there, nor is the unused hole that use to be attached to it. If you didn't know of this trace or haven't noticed, no worries.

Please be aware of what all that stippled diamond hatching is about. It is your safety net. It is not connected to anything. Keep it that way!

We're going to make two modifications to the board right off the bat. First we make for a good solid ground pad, and second we fuck MOSFET Switches out of the circuit. This device can function stand-alone with a switch and only two high current leads coming in from any source. That is where this project aims to go.
First we make available a proper ground connection. A hobby knife makes quick work of removing the epoxy by just chipping and scritching it away. Small bits and steady scraping with the sharp edged tip.

When you put on the 3.25x Dollar General glasses, it'll look like this;

And when were done with that we make sure the whole trace is tinned well with solder;

Now we clean the board with ISO and flip it over.
We're going to make an incidental yet critical cut in the very circuit design. Before we do I want to show what we are doing. Please pay very little attention to all the words, but do focus on the momentary switch just South-East of the credits. I added -that-.

...And I moved the + symbol to the junction of the two Inductors. Notice how little the +positive power is connected to just the inductors and the FETS. FETs are N.O. devices [normally open]. These are, anyway. And look at all the components that are energized downstream of the switch. All low power as far as the switch is concerned. The only concern is that it remain momentary for safety, please. My only warning.
So we are splicing in a Fire switch according to the schematic. You can have as many Fire switches as you want. Wire the switches such that this trace cut is bridged. Many places to make the cut but this is convenient.

Literally cutting a trace! LOL Okay. The top half is positive high power input. The bottom is the switch output to power the "Gate Circuit" that we spliced the switch into.
The secret to this circuit is that the IH replicates the MOSFET switch already. The IH -is- an oscillating MOSFET switch!
I said I would make a stand alone module based on this HalfPint Build. The input wires from this build can come from a MOSFET switch if you want; You would drive that MOSFET switch with an On/Off switch of low power. You will still have redundant protection. The difference is that the fire button is no longer tethered to the MOSFET switch. It is now part of the IH circuit - proper. Only 2 heavy wires going in from wherethefuckever power source you supply.
Stay tuned, this is going to get exciting.

Alright; we're gonna fuck with the Box Troll above.
We will be doing a comprehensive build of one version of HalfPint, this being the flat version with components on the opposite side. I have made this decision based on several factors in no particular order;
1) The light will be facing up on the IH board.
2) The component side (side with the FETs) has the traces (planes) for the coil. I want to preserve the coil arrangement to some extent. The backside has poor coil connections.
3) I've got something in mind that requires a little real-estate available on the component side - in PCB parlance.
I have a module that came a week or two ago; a recent donor to the cause.
It was apart before I could grab the pix...

There is a trick to getting the blue connectors out without damaging the boards;
Screw the screws of the contact all the way in.
Drill the screw holes at 4mm or 5/32" to remove a little of the blue plastic. Hand drill works if you can get a grip.
Now remove the screws from the connector. They won't be captive anymore.
The 2-pin blue housing will slide off now. The 3-pin will need the inductors remove, which need the capacitors removed.
In the end, remove everything not nailed down and clean all the holes.

For some of you who have worked with this board for a while will notice a layout change. The long trace from the center of the 3-pin connector is no longer there, nor is the unused hole that use to be attached to it. If you didn't know of this trace or haven't noticed, no worries.

Please be aware of what all that stippled diamond hatching is about. It is your safety net. It is not connected to anything. Keep it that way!

We're going to make two modifications to the board right off the bat. First we make for a good solid ground pad, and second we fuck MOSFET Switches out of the circuit. This device can function stand-alone with a switch and only two high current leads coming in from any source. That is where this project aims to go.
First we make available a proper ground connection. A hobby knife makes quick work of removing the epoxy by just chipping and scritching it away. Small bits and steady scraping with the sharp edged tip.

When you put on the 3.25x Dollar General glasses, it'll look like this;

And when were done with that we make sure the whole trace is tinned well with solder;

Now we clean the board with ISO and flip it over.
We're going to make an incidental yet critical cut in the very circuit design. Before we do I want to show what we are doing. Please pay very little attention to all the words, but do focus on the momentary switch just South-East of the credits. I added -that-.

...And I moved the + symbol to the junction of the two Inductors. Notice how little the +positive power is connected to just the inductors and the FETS. FETs are N.O. devices [normally open]. These are, anyway. And look at all the components that are energized downstream of the switch. All low power as far as the switch is concerned. The only concern is that it remain momentary for safety, please. My only warning.
So we are splicing in a Fire switch according to the schematic. You can have as many Fire switches as you want. Wire the switches such that this trace cut is bridged. Many places to make the cut but this is convenient.

Literally cutting a trace! LOL Okay. The top half is positive high power input. The bottom is the switch output to power the "Gate Circuit" that we spliced the switch into.
The secret to this circuit is that the IH replicates the MOSFET switch already. The IH -is- an oscillating MOSFET switch!
I said I would make a stand alone module based on this HalfPint Build. The input wires from this build can come from a MOSFET switch if you want; You would drive that MOSFET switch with an On/Off switch of low power. You will still have redundant protection. The difference is that the fire button is no longer tethered to the MOSFET switch. It is now part of the IH circuit - proper. Only 2 heavy wires going in from wherethefuckever power source you supply.
Stay tuned, this is going to get exciting.
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