Volute of Vapor
The Purifizer is a project still not released I came across in Reddit, here the website: https://www.purifyzer.com/
The idea behind that vape is to only vaporize a few amount of the load in order to get fully fresh hits everytime, bowl is like a ring, you turn it to expose the unvaped load to the heat, take a few hits until it's done and turn it again for a few more hits. So no more stirring and taste might be awesome all over the session... if it works!
I found that vaporizer project interesting enough to get a thread here. The manufacturer is active on Reddit so we can expect to see him here very soon.

Hit Rotate Repeat
And a unit pic:

Although they want 400$ for a pre-order expected to be shipped the 22 of August 2020.
Good luck for that new vaporizer, it's intriguing for sure!
Edit: I don't know why but it seems the pics aren't visible but I think you can if you hit the "reply" button.
Modnote: Broken image links fixed.
The idea behind that vape is to only vaporize a few amount of the load in order to get fully fresh hits everytime, bowl is like a ring, you turn it to expose the unvaped load to the heat, take a few hits until it's done and turn it again for a few more hits. So no more stirring and taste might be awesome all over the session... if it works!
I found that vaporizer project interesting enough to get a thread here. The manufacturer is active on Reddit so we can expect to see him here very soon.

Hit Rotate Repeat
And a unit pic:

Although they want 400$ for a pre-order expected to be shipped the 22 of August 2020.
Good luck for that new vaporizer, it's intriguing for sure!
Edit: I don't know why but it seems the pics aren't visible but I think you can if you hit the "reply" button.
Modnote: Broken image links fixed.
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