I've been considering doing exactly the same myself...

I get nice Moroccan hash from source from time to time. Not full melt but bubbles nicely nevertheless and is pretty nice.
I think i've basically retired flowers and replacing with hashes! I have so many different strains and sources, that i've developed a real appreciation for it, and furthermore it's way smoother for me and doesn't fuck with any of my allergies to plant material.
Have you tried in your SV3? The experience is absolutely sublime. You've probably seen my concentrate stem mod in the thread, but I just throw some crumbled in there (or grated if it's rock hard like my Rolex), heat it up with the stem inserted to 380-400, then take a nice slow rip and whitewall (flavour country). Then when it thins, I remove, tamp/stir/fluff, re-insert, heat back up, and now it's time for the money shot! I've just been loving it!
The Omni and any TI version is best, as it allows for the best airflow. But, the M is a damn nice vape too and for the price can't be beat. Id recommend getting both, but the all TI version is best in class.
Thanks man, that's easy then - Omni it is - airflow is the name of the game for me here. How would you say the omni ranks in airflow vs sv3? I assume maybe slightly more restricted? Sv3 is tolerable for me.
It is a very different beast than the SV3 but i personally use the VC much more often. The VC is faster to use, and has a very unique vapor profile that utilizes convection, conduction, and radiant heat. It is obviously a great portable, but can hold it's own at home. It doesn't take up much space. It is amazing how cool the vapor is considering the short vapor path. I love the SV3 but the vapor comes in very hot if you don't use it with a water tool.
Is the VC vapor profile really that unique vs the sv3's convection/conduction/radiation? Why do you think the vapour is cooler?
@Gray Area the Lotus is a great vape too but is pure convection and thus not ideal for hard hash and concentrates IMO. I have found vapes that use both conduction and convection are superior for all hard concentrates.
Completely agree, so in your experience is there anything better or close to as good as the VC for hard concentrates? Now that i'm retiring flowers, i'm left with only the sv3 to work properly with hash and extracts, and planning to add the VC to the collection. Any others that could compete at this level for hard hashes? The only others to work well for extracts for me was the E-nano using cotton, but not sure just how effective it would be for the harder hashes. Probably an airflow nightmare.