Did anyone know that this site would remain after the merger? I thought NewFC would live on but they merged it back here. Strange. Was there any announcement as to the final state of both sites and when it would happen? Ideally we should have been kicked off both sites for 6, 10 or 12 hours with advance notice to complete this. I won't go into server redundancy (and backups, retrieval and archiving) but the easiest way would've been to kick everyone out of both sites with some advance notice and get it all done, verify it quickly and then reopen traffic to the surviving site.
At least that's been my experience in IT for 30+ years. I think threads are still being merged as I write this - and something tells me the mods are doing lots of manual work (ugh). They deserve a lot of credit nevertheless for keeping this community up and running, I will certainly give them that. And do a couple of fills tonight in their honor. Just want FC back, old and new, together...