The NC lab was invistigating, as science should, the existence of the other viruses like SARS in bats in China, and the pathogenicity of those viruses. Straight forward science.
While this research was being performed, Gain-Of-Function (research that
improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease) on such airborne transmitted SARS and similar diseases was prohibitally and specifically paused by the US GOV due to the innate dangers involved and ethical questionability.
This link is a cited source from the UNC study.
The UNC research was
of course, initiated before the pause, but was published while such research was prohibited (in America, not Wuhan China)
But let me post that link again, because this is
very important. This time I want you to just
read it,
don't click on it.
Now please google search what the term "dual use" means. As always, source is paramount, my source in this case is coming
directly from the Assistant Secretary Of Preparedness And Response, part of the US Department Of Health & Human Services, Public Health Emergency department.
According to Wikipedia,
Dual use goods are products and technologies normally used for civilian purposes but which may have military applications
But in the world we live in, I understand if the Wikipedia link is not a solid enough source for ones trust. I certainly understand, which is why I will link to the ASPR's direct definition as well.
"Dual use research of concern (DURC) is life sciences research that, based on current understanding, can be reasonably anticipated to provide knowledge, information, products, or technologies that could be directly misapplied to pose a significant threat with broad potential consequences to public health and safety, agricultural crops and other plants, animals, the environment, materiel, or national security.
Now, getting back to the UNC paper in question, for me, I have to wonder why US scientists should be devoting research to investigating the pathology of Chinese bats modified to increase pathogenicity in humans, considering the existing preeminent disease we
could be focusing on, like more hands on deck for cancer research.
"The data from chimeric SARS-like viruses argue that the quasi-species pools maintain multiple viruses capable of infecting human cells without the need for mutations (red-filled circles). While adaptations in secondary or human hosts may be required for epidemic emergence, if combined with virulent CoV backbones (green outlines), epidemic disease may be the result in humans."
The last sentence was essentially demonstrated with this study on human lung tissue, without any natural mutation or adaptation ever taking place. This type of "straight forward science" as you put it is intrensically dangerous, particularly if it were to get into the wrong hands. Such technology could be easily weaponized. You mentioned Sci-Fi, and that's all fun, but the big difference here is the "science" involved actually exists. Unfortunately, we're really not talking about Tremors 2 here.
If you read the scientific paper and saw which authors contributed what to the study, you'll note the Chinese virologist who heads the Bio Safety Level 4 lab in Wuhan, China obtained a grant by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Award 81290341 for her participation in the study. As such she also provided the SHC014 spike sequences necesarry to perform the experiment. A cornucopia of coincidences as far as a criminal investigator would be concerned.
"In this study, we examine the disease potential for SARSlike CoVs currently circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations. Utilizing the SARS-CoV infectious clone, we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse adapted SARS-CoV backbone. The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild type backbone can efficiently utilize multiple ACE2 receptor orthologs, replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells, and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV"
I don't see how the Chapel Hill study indicates anything along the lines of biological weaponry
@GetLeft brother you know one certainly cannot talk openly about biological weaponry in a publicly published research document. The military does
NOT talk about the science it chooses to use,
while using it, hence
CLASSIFIED information,
not available for access by the feeble minds of the mere populous.
However, it would be fairly hard to believe the worlds utmost military superpower, who spends more on developing "defense solutions" than most countries combined, outright stopped developing crazy weapons after the completion of the Manhattan Project. Which was of course, highly classified information at the time. Consider other ecologically friendly biotech firms who lead the pack, such as Monsanto (now owned by Pharmaceutical giant, Bayer) famous for their creation of Agent Orange yesterday, ready to help put an end to world hunger, today. So I am of course skeptical of some of the brilliantly minded ventures who play in this particular sandbox.
"While offering preparation against future emerging viruses, this approach must be considered in the context of the US government-mandated pause on gain of function (GOF) studies. Based on previous models of emergence (Fig. 4a, b), the creation of chimeric viruses like SHC014-MA15 was not expected to increase pathogenicity. However, while SHC014-MA15 is attenuated relative to parental mouse adapted, equivalent studies examining the wild-type Urbani spike within the MA15 backbone produced no weight loss and replication attenuation21. As such, relative to the Urbani Spike-MA15 CoV, SHC014- MA15 constitutes a gain in pathogenesis (Fig. 1). Based on these findings, review panels may deem similar studies too risky to pursue as increased pathogenicity in mammalian models cannot be excluded"
SCH014-MA15 was specifically provided by ZLS, the Wuhan BSL4 virologist who received funding for the study. Now in the video I linked, the Harvard law professor says grant funding could translate to them "purchasing it." Of course that could be outright wrong, but it's also a long river away from impossible. Such "wink-wink, nudge-nudge" actions of underlying conspirators have surely ran the course of history, I'm promoted to think of Julius Caesar; or the last dozen seasons of American Greed. Most wink and nudge deals are not disclosed publicly with utmost transparency, for obvious reasons.
If one were to answer the below of questions historically, I think the results would be intriguing.
Have people ever lied for money or power?
Is the government a truthful agency, 100% of the time?
Do prominent militaries publicize their best technology?
If you look at what happened in Nazi Germany, could we safely assume such mal intent on a group of people could never happen again, all while living under the guise that "history repeats itself?"
I hope the above questions will demonstrate a historical pattern, and not just one blanketed as a modern "conspiracy."
As for answers to the above, well, we may in fact never know, if a public confession is required.
However thankfully in America, such confessions are not required for legal prosection.
Thanks for this! Nice way to start week number infinity of lock down. I've been taking a turmeric / curcumin supplement a couple of times a week since
@Alexis sold me on it a while back (along with the Redmond real salt). And I do't miss a day when it comes to cannabis
Excellent, anything viable to keep your immune system in check will do the job! As for the last bit... it's possible, think of the famous "apple a day" saying... rumors are, Doc was getting stoned from that apple