Herb Grinders


Earthling flora is... fascinating.
No grinder is safe and we're all gonna die :cry:
I want to know, though, is aluminum dust as toxic as, say, cooking with aluminum? Because I heard that was bad for you, but I know quite a number of people do it. Is it as easy for the body to naturally detox? I guess I'm asking if this is something that will build up and ruin the body over time (such as mercury or lead poisoning, which I have experience with) or is it simply unhealthy, but manageable by the body's natural detoxification processes.

This might not be the place to ask, now that I type it all out. Maybe we need a new thread for it.


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What is the lift grinder stainless steel type, for the money they want I hope itis 316, not the crappy 304?
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Earthling flora is... fascinating.
I would love to see a stainless steel BCG, I am done using aluminum grinders. I don't like them at all. Every one I've gotten has finish that comes off on the blades, similar to the image of the orange SCS a couple posts up. That's bullshit.
I was googling stainless steel grinders and the Lift was one of the only ones I saw. Is that the only well known stainless steel option?
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Once the anodizing gets as bad as yours it probably should be replaced, I gave up on my 2z purple slx as they would not stop shedding purple, supposedly safe material even if you get some in your mix they said...fuck that,

Just so I can watch for it on mine, where are the wear points that the purple coating is coming from?

Here's a few more.

HerbRipper (All SS)

Roiel (SS contact with flower, aluminum case)

United Machining (All 316 SS) https://www.unitedmachining.us/

The United machining with all magnets is on my short list now!

Edit: emailed United Manufacturing. Response in minutes. He said he will have units, likely, by April. :)

Doesnt do preorders...
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No grinder is safe and we're all gonna die :cry:
I want to know, though, is aluminum dust as toxic as, say, cooking with aluminum? Because I heard that was bad for you, but I know quite a number of people do it. Is it as easy for the body to naturally detox? I guess I'm asking if this is something that will build up and ruin the body over time (such as mercury or lead poisoning, which I have experience with) or is it simply unhealthy, but manageable by the body's natural detoxification processes.

This might not be the place to ask, now that I type it all out. Maybe we need a new thread for it.

The only safe grinder is your fingers haha. And only if they are clean haha.

I’ve been using the same grinder for years to be honest and never thought about flaking. Guess a Space Case Titanium or the Raw grinders May be a safer bet. Or go with a wooden grinder.


Less soul, more mind
I think titanium wouldn't be that good of a material for grinders anyway. It's very hard, but also very prone to scratches.


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where are the wear points that the purple coating is coming from?
Mainly on the inside edge of the bottom plate and the corresponding mating surface from the top but I also noticed the teeth can slice each other when you first press the plates together on a new load.

My 88mm Titanium Space Case is definitely not titanium, it just refers to the coating which is holding up pretty well on mine, showing a bit of wear but nothing compared to the pics above, mine is only about 3 or 4 years old though...I think.:mental:

Edit, the slicing problem only occurred on the first unit...so far

Diggy Smalls

That video was outrageous! Hahahahaha
I would not be surprised if that was the dude's only acting gig. My goodness, what a ham! The grinder itself functions similarly to the magic flight grinder that presses herb against a plate with holes.
Doesn't seem like a bad design, but the video did say aluminum (or whatever lol) and I'm staying away from that material for grinders


Less soul, more mind
Doesn't seem like a bad design, but the video did say aluminum (or whatever lol) and I'm staying away from that material for grinders

The specs of the Stona Grinder say the plates are made out of stainless steel and they only touches wood & weed. The lid is made out of aluminum, but I don't think that could be an issue.


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That's not my grinder, just a recent reddit thread I found.

Wow, is that a genuine SCS? Because it looks exactly like my cheap 8€ grinder I've been using for ~10 years (*after* those 10 years)
The OP says it's genuine...

Inhaling aluminum particulates is no bueno :disgust:. Lung clearance is limited, especially the more deeply one breathes when vaping.

That United Machining grinder looks pretty sweet :nod:.

At this point, I'm not going away from aluminum grinders yet; checking my grinder, I don't have any notable wear at this time. But I take this story of grinder wear seriously and as a reminder that I should diligently check my grinder with some regularity to make sure that the surfaces are not wearing at all. Maybe I'll replace grinders more often too.

With all that in mind...
I've always been interested in inexpensive grinders. This one on Amazon is a 4 piece unique design; it's being sold under a number of names, highly rated and a big seller . Anyone here try this one?


I picked one of these grinders up :tup:; had to try it for that price. So far so good. It's the Canadian version of the one above. $18 US.

Big picture with lots of detail [4976X1626].

Use this link to open the picture into its own browser tab, https://i.redd.it/na0v1mzjtpj41.jpg.

The grinder is very well constructed and the exterior protrusions are very pronounced... no worries about slippage here. The bottom chamber measures 14 mm deep and the interior has a smooth rounded transition to the floor of the chamber. The bottom chamber is coarse threaded and takes one full turn to remove. The 3rd chamber (from top) has a little rubber o-ring to help the outside seal. Now I need to get some use on it and see where the rubber meets the road. I plan to use this grinder in 3 piece configuration and not separate out the kief.

The Kozo grinder in the Amazon.com link now has over 6K reviews... at 4.8 stars :clap:. I love all the color options available... though the price goes up. The black anodizing looks great and is cheap :2c: :tup:.

The same Kozo grinder on Amazon.com also has a 4" wide version :o :brow:.

I can always use the grinder in the kitchen if I don't want it for cannabis :).

:peace: :leaf:
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I have a lot of wear on my grinders. My grinders are at least 5 years old. My zeus one is black on the outside but not black on the inside. I also haven’t seen any wear in on the inside. As for my puff one that’s black where the buds go, I see some silver shining through now. But that’s usually my grinder for when I make creams


I don't get it. I bought a cheap Chinese grinder for under $5 all-in. The aluminum is nickle plated over copper and the inside of the grind-chamber is coated. Not a mark or nick on it despite the pounds of flower it has devoured. A quick cleaning with the Everclear and it is good as new except where I've worn the nickel off the copper pre-plate on the outsides. I never really thought of this thing as special but with all these high dollar fails I'm wondering what I ended up with. Doesn't look like it will be simple to replace.

As to that Stona... yea, that would be a fun unit to make. I like the way the Magic Flight grinder works. Didn't really think about just scaling that up.

All that color is also aluminum. It is oxidized aluminum but aluminum none the less. You don't want that dust mixing in with your herb. Same with the gray stuff. It is all aluminum oxide.
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