Deleted Member 1643
Well-Known Member
What an annoyingly bullshit pose!
Just say you’re anti-human, it’s more honest and doesn’t pretend a superior moral position. Being pro-death is more honest still, but might strike you as somehow less fun since you don’t get to outrage strangers for your own amusement with that one...because if there should be no people - and charity begins at home - then you know what to do
@OldNewbie said antinatalism! Never heard of it before that!
The point isn't to outrage, it's to provoke. Consider the outlandish title of the thread. These aren't deeply-held beliefs. Just maddening ideas that are fun to banter about.
Or maybe not. Have lost a few friends recently. Of course, there were only a few left at that point.

Liked your post a lot, genuinely touching.
I knew a gentleman who's wife couldn't have children and he didn't seem to be aware of the exposed nerve it represented to him. I commented that someone we both knew was pregnant after trying for years. He responded with a very blunt "So what...even a dog can recreate it's own". True statement but it was the tone of the comment that told me so much more.
That's a helpful insight eloquently expressed, thanks. As bachelorhood advances, one can grow too accustomed to the taste of sour grapes.
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