VAPEnsiero... sull'ali dorate...
Please pardon me if I've misunderstood you.
I believe there is still a difference between "belittling" and discussing.

Please pardon me if I've misunderstood you.
What is "love"?theres not answer for it th at. Everyone’s journey is different and we all grow physical and most impprtantly spiritually at different rates. Raise you’re vibration by tuning into love.
. . . Raise you’re vibration by tuning into love.
One can evolve to good and to evil. Without an outside measure, no one can tell which direction they are evolving.No comparing or judgment...LOVE. letting others voluntarily evolve.
Sending positive energy on your journey my friend.
This is an interesting idea – though admittedly, I'm not quite certain how or why vibrating is to be considered desirable. When I am cold, I shiver, which is a form of vibration. I suppose this is desirable, since it serves the function of generating heat in response to the cold.
But I suspect you are referring to some other form of vibration.
Can you expand on what exactly you mean?
One can evolve to good and to evil. Without an outside measure, no one can tell which direction they are evolving.
This person innerstands ^^ doing evil is negative. Like taking someone’s life. Doing good is positive. Like a hug embrace doing a task for someone opening a door any positive act really. Daily affirmations COMPLETELY CHANGE YOU. you are sending out positive vibrations and like anything else you develope a habit. Love love love. That doesn’t mean forget about your darkness. It must be innerstood but not dwelled in. Ascension can happen for us all if we tap into the infinite power that is everywhere. Tesla discovered it. Viktor S as well when he observed water. Water contains vibrations. Japanese man did experiment on snowflakes.Everything is energy. Energy is vibration.
Positive energy> Positive vibration.
Negative energy> Negative vibration
Love, trust, joy are positive energy.
Anger, hatred, sadness, fear are negative energy.
If we then consider that "nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, but everything is transformed" we could say that we are "constantly" changing the environment in which we live. And we don't know. Because ignorance is the main feature of the human condition. Fortunately, reversible.
Love you brother /sister. Feeling your energy strong over here. Keep vibratingIf you do good, you are making an evolution, if you do evil, an involution.
I believe that despite all the differences there are ethical principles that are common to any human being.