First they will consolidate his power. He seems to be simultaneously testing constitutional authority, judicial oversight, public and institutional opposition etc. Don't look now, it could all just be a distractionDrumpf is only out to make money. He is not all that rich but thinks he can finally become a real billionaire now.
I experienced similar stuff at this little church when I was a kid. I recall a person saying what sounded like "she bought a Honda" really fast over and over again lolI think one of the weirdest things I can remember back when I went to church as a child with my mom, was during adult church services sometimes (not very often) the members would start to "speak in tongues". This wasn't a Pentecostal church. It was crazy sounding gibberish that made no sense. It was like they were in a trance. It was scarey too for a 9 or 10 year old child watching this. Later as I got older, I figured these people were making this stuff up. One of the many things I couldn't wrap my head around.
Also once a month or so folks would come to the alter at church and ask forgiveness for their sins and usually would be crying kneeling down as a large group. The minister would be praying for them. Putting his hand on their heads. This was Baptist/Protestant religion called the Four Square Church. I always thought what a spectacle at least the Catholics did this in private and they can drink alcohol and swear.
Thank you @RUDE BOY . I guess the 4 Square church is part Pentecostal. I'm glad I know that, no wonder all the weird stuff.
First he will consolidate his power. He seems to be simultaneously testing constitutional authority, judicial oversight, public and institutional opposition etc. Don't look now, it could all just be a distraction
This is another attempt at a corporate takeover. "Religion" is just another device.
It will probably work this time
The money will follow.
Agreed, semantics. Post edited to add a "t" and a "y" around "he"Do not kid yourself. Drumpf is not the brains here.
Agreed, semantics. Post edited to add a "t" and a "y" around "he"
I forgot to let you guys know a couple of years back, that I was ordained a Minister.
Anybody want me to perform a wedding?,,.jpg
I forgot to let you guys know a couple of years back, that I was ordained a Minister.
From Abraham came the Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims (so says the bible) ... all seemingly sharing the same supreme being and yet their absolutism that there brand of faith is "right" (politics) justifies and rationalizes harming each other. Rastabuddhatao is the non-religious belief that Bob Marley is the Christ reincarnated. Thus to say, the only thing we all should agree on is Love. Convert to RastaBuddhaTao Today!
For me, I prefer tolerance, respect, and letting others express their personal convictions, and I try (not always successfully) to not undermine or belittle them even when – particularly when – I disagree with them.
I appreciate the kindness of your speech, but I disagree on last part . . . If someone tells me that according to his religion it is right something that for me is not, well, let's talk about it
. . . We seem to like to put god a somehwere far away. Without realizing we are god. Each one of us. . .
let me rephrase ...we are all apart of god. God is everything around us. The wind in the trees,the tranquil babbling stream,a hawk crying out in the rising as it begins its first flight of the day. Not saying we should build ourselves up as a god and have people worship us and or kill . You read the first part of my post maybe you missed the last ? It’s all about loveOne of the most violent Roman dictators, Nero, believed himself to be god. Hitler believed himself to be god. So did Stalin and Pol Pot.
And it looks more and more that Kim Jung Un and Donald Trump regard themselves as god.
Often when one has thought themselves to be god, the bodies begin to pile up. What kind of god is that?
I suspect it might be better to regard ourselves as limited and imperfect beings, to acknowledge our shortcomings and insecurities, and to try to approach others in a spirit of kindness and humility rather than omniscient divinity.
LOVe that above post! We seem to like to put god a somehwere far away. Without realizing we are god. Each one of us. No religion necessary just a constant desire to look inside rather than outside for answers .greates power in this world ? LOVE.
. . . think god is perfect and doesn’t make mistakes ??
That’s ego my friend. Something we must innerstand before going further..Without a standard that is outside of us, how can one measure? Few set out to do wrong. I suspect Hitler felt he was doing what was right--at least in his own mind. Doing what is in one's heart is destined for selfishness on the same theory there is no such thing as true altruism. Even the most altruistic have their own motivations for doing so. Is it a selfless act if one feels good doing it?
Play hard. Play fair. Have fun.
By what measure is it "ego" and not "innerstand"ing?LO
That’s ego my friend. Something we must innerstand before going further..
So you think it's acceptable to undermine or belittle anothers' beliefs? Oxford defines belittle as:
"To dismiss someone or something as unimportant."
How can there be any true, objective, fair, empathetic "talking about it" where one belittles – dismisses as unimportant – the beliefs of another?
greatest power in this world ? LOVE.
I don't want to belittle . . .
I appreciate the kindness of your speech, but I disagree on last part.
. . . I prefer tolerance, respect, and letting others express their personal convictions, and I try (not always successfully) to not undermine or belittle them . . .
theres not answer for it th at. Everyone’s journey is different and we all grow physical and most impprtantly spiritually at different rates. Raise you’re vibration by tuning into love.By what measure is it "ego" and not "innerstand"ing?