It's official, after trying sapphire, I just can't go back to opaque quartz... not even drop tech!
It's like it defies physics with just how smooth the vapour is, and the flavour notes are sooooo damn clean!

It's official, after trying sapphire, I just can't go back to opaque quartz... not even drop tech!
It's like it defies physics with just how smooth the vapour is, and the flavour notes are sooooo damn clean!
bro I told you you were in for some smooth tasty vapor, the big homie has your back
Worth it!
And why go with such an expensive gemstone when you can grab a ruby for like what $250?
Thank you!!!!![]()
The hype around saph was real for me. I have been on that surface since the first insert from dnail. This turned me into a huge custy, and I have fallen for the marketing behind ruby. I feel the replacement of aluminum by chromium in ruby would make for a better dabbing surface. My great saph experience made me susceptible to the ruby marketing, my positive ruby experience has made me the perfect custy for colored ruby.
I'm just waiting for some cheaper SiC inserts to come out
Theres only one that I know of. Its from fadespace its 125 so its not crazy expensiveHaha! So you notice a distinct tangible difference between sapphire and ruby?
I need a SiC insert! Even if it's expensive... any suggestions?
heres only one that I know of. Its from fadespace its 125 so its not crazy expensive
Theres no problem with drop tech. SiC has better thermal properties than quartz, sapphire, and ruby. It doesn't melt at any known temp. You can torch them clean if thats what you want to doCool, i'm really curious how it would taste vs the sapphire. I've never had SiC without Ti in the path.
Can you drop tech SiC?
Haha! So you notice a distinct tangible difference between sapphire and ruby?
I need a SiC insert! Even if it's expensive... any suggestions?
SiC has better thermal properties than quartz, sapphire, and ruby.
@helpoverthere have you compared SiC vs gemstones?
SiC doesn't melt it directly sublimes at 4892F. don't think those thermal properties mean much in a real life usage scenario though. Pretty much everybody on the forum prefers quartz over SiC despite 1/120th of the conductivity...
Sure you can torch SiC clean which is cool I guess, but I thought we were getting all these swank inserts for lower temp dabs? SiC is definitely meltable by the way; you may want to familiarize yourself with the manufacturing process; it literally starts with a resistance furnace.
for me, the gemstones just hit that spot right on.
SiC doesn't melt it directly sublimes at 4892F.
Quartz is one of if not the most widely used crystal for conducting electricity so I don't think conductivity is gonna ruin the flavor as much as you think it will. SiC is highly chemically inert and can hold temp for a long time and heats very evenly. I think it has potential in quartz. All we've really seen so far is SiC on titanium nails.SiC is extremely conductive which results in a compressed flavor profile compared to longer "rung out" notes from quartz.
Like I said, it STARTS with a resistance furnace. It literally dissolves like sugar in a coffee. Regardless, I can't see how a 5000 degree sublimation point would be an advantage to anyone. I'm here for flavor, effect, and smoothness; not thermodynamics numerical values.
The hype around saph was real for me. I have been on that surface since the first insert from dnail. This turned me into a huge custy, and I have fallen for the marketing behind ruby. I feel the replacement of aluminum by chromium in ruby would make for a better dabbing surface. My great saph experience made me susceptible to the ruby marketing, my positive ruby experience has made me the perfect custy for colored ruby.
there's a lot of weird shit that can happen to things when the process and constituents are manipulated.
Can't lie adapt tech is makin some crazy claims.Just to be clear, chromium does not replace all of the aluminum when forming ruby. Chromium impurities replace 1-2% of the aluminum ions in the crystal structure, a very negligible amount.
Both sapphire and ruby are gem forms of corundum, Al2O3. When there are zero impurities, you get a clear, or "white sapphire". When you start adding trace amounts of impurities, you start to change the color of the gem.
Rubies get there red color from trace amounts of chromium impurities in the crystal structure. Sapphires, blue corundum, get their color from trace titanium impurities in the crystal structure.
Sorry, just a geology nerd needing to clarify!
I would love to pick up a sapphire/ruby insert for my 30mm banger at some point, just not in the cards right now. Til then, I'll just keep it loaded up with sapphire/ruby pearls/steamrollers!
Still calling bulllshit on Adapt Tech's claims about their (blue) sapphire!
Just to be clear, chromium does not replace all of the aluminum when forming ruby. Chromium impurities replace 1-2% of the aluminum ions in the crystal structure, a very negligible amount.
Both sapphire and ruby are gem forms of corundum, Al2O3. When there are zero impurities, you get a clear, or "white sapphire". When you start adding trace amounts of impurities, you start to change the color of the gem.
Rubies get there red color from trace amounts of chromium impurities in the crystal structure. Sapphires, blue corundum, get their color from trace titanium impurities in the crystal structure.
Sorry, just a geology nerd needing to clarify!
I would love to pick up a sapphire/ruby insert for my 30mm banger at some point, just not in the cards right now. Til then, I'll just keep it loaded up with sapphire/ruby pearls/steamrollers!
Still calling bulllshit on Adapt Tech's claims about their (blue) sapphire!
And the crazy thing is that I can understand trying to make a buck, but at least keep it real with your customers. If you want to charge a crazy price go ahead. Just tell the truth about what it is. Some stoner with too much extra cash will probably buy it just for the hype.agreed. Never said the corundum differed by a full replacement of ions, if it did it wouldn't be corundum lol the chemical formula would change.
adapt tech is out of control with unwarranted claims. That being said, you disagree with the scientific principle behind absorption, reflection, and transmission?
darker things heat up in the sun more quickly due to increased absorption. different colors, different wavelengths, different absorption.
why wouldn't color have an effect on thermal properties?
aluminum has "higher" thermal properties than chromium, yet following that logic breaks down when subjectively comparing saph to ruby.
agreed. Never said the corundum differed by a full replacement of ions, if it did it wouldn't be corundum lol the chemical formula would change.
adapt tech is out of control with unwarranted claims. That being said, you disagree with the scientific principle behind absorption, reflection, and transmission?
darker things heat up in the sun more quickly due to increased absorption. different colors, different wavelengths, different absorption.
why wouldn't color have an effect on thermal properties?
aluminum has "higher" thermal properties than chromium, yet following that logic breaks down when subjectively comparing saph to ruby.
agreed. they lost me long before they started cutting and polishing like crazy.And the crazy thing is that I can understand trying to make a buck, but at least keep it real with your customers. If you want to charge a crazy price go ahead. Just tell the truth about what it is. Some stoner with too much extra cash will probably buy it just for the hype.
Honestly at 750 an insert it better take the dab for me lolagreed. they lost me long before they started cutting and polishing like crazy.
can't justify them
in this case though, they actually have based their outrageous claim on something sound.
no way its 150 degree difference like they claim, but the science is behind them on thermal properties and wavelength.
For sure, I assumed you knew that, was more a clarification for others that might be reading this and not know the full difference.
I absolutely think there could be some differences between ruby and blue sapphire when dabbing off of it. It's actually pretty suprising how big of a difference a small amount of impurities can make.
I'm just calling bullshit on AT's claims until they provide some science or proof. They're claiming a 150 degree temp drop from ruby? I don't buy that for a second.
They're just trying to come up with ways to inflate their price.
Honestly at 750 an insert it better take the dab for me lol