Well I was gonna grab one of the blue sapphire inserts, take the hit for y’all but it’s out of stock.

I think it’s kinda ridiculous that they’re charging even more now because of the cuts & facets on the exterior of the insert. If there’s no performance benefit especially, and I can’t imagine how there could be, it seems to me like they’re just trying to find out how stupidly high the ceiling is for all this shit. Like $400 bucks for an insert is a good chunk of money for the majority, yeah? Let’s double down and see who bites?
I totally understand that the price of admission for top performance dab gear is very dear and one will always pay a premium to be an early adopter on the cutting edge of 21st century stoner technology or any tech. But geez... that seems excessive to me. I’m also not in the targeted demographic: Supa Baller
“Because we’re aware that selling “standard” inserts at crazy mark-up just isn’t enough for today’s dabber, we now present to you the latest innovation: triangles! But understand that cutting & polishing triangles ain’t cheap and we’re passing the cost onto you x 50%!” ~ Constantly Adapting Gems Tech