Quartz Banger Thread


If the price was equal, what would you guys rather- a good torch, or a generic enail to use with your banger?

(Sorry if this is not the place to discuss this!)

Kinda a silly question. You can get the best torch in the market for $40 when on sale, no big deal, grab one. Blazer Big Shot.

Get an enail when you can afford it. They are amazing and assist greatly in bringing consistency to your dabs. low temp enail with a good cap is far more efficient with material, IMO than torching.


Well-Known Member
Im in the UK and all the deals around $40 have postage that is almost half the total price, at which point i could get a generic enail from amazon or dhgate, so for me at least they more or less work out the same. (I.e in my case its not a silly question as they actually do come out more or less the same price!)

And thanks for the insights @biohacker !


Well, perhaps start with the torch. You can use it with bangars and get you started...

IMO most enails still work at their BEST when paired with a torch, so you may as well get one.
When using an enail, I will torch the carb cap before starting. If you do not pre-torch your carb cap, the cap will rob a great amount of heat away from your nail, faster than the enail can correct for. This leads to puddles, inefficient hits and unvaped material. Always preheat.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thanks for the Carb Cap Tipps, i will try today first. Using my preheated Bowl from Herborizer Ti and put the Cap on Top for my cooldown Time of the Banger, its quite hot but i can touch it at the top. Im excited for the effect.

Gettin to this thread because Alexis recommended the 710 Coils at the herborizer corner. I started trying dabbing for about a month ago, with China Bangers, Torch, Straightner and the 274kg Grip. Making Rosin is quite easy, i payed 50€ for straightener and Clamp together, and get lots of amount of tiny buds.

Using the Torch, Quartzbanger and IR Thermometer and a cap let me do some quite nice hits, but as a beginner in think there are more effecient ways for consuming. I also dont want to get over 600F dabs, its hard to obtain with that Torch, IR Stuff and i want to get an enail.

Thats why im here now, i need an enail for quartz bangers. I didnt go through the different shapes and sizes yet, maybe you can help me out with that.

I want to start with Quartz Bangers and enail only, but maybe later on i will go for a Flowerpot, combine the two worlds. I dont not want to buy things more than once, so getting the right size and shape would be good. Alexis also recommended the Auber RDK 300, which 710 coils doesnt sell, do they? Found it at newvape.com, so the coil should be compatible with it.

Would be very happy if you make a recommendation for me about Coils, Adapter and Banger. Cant wait to order that stuff.

If there is already a recommendationl list, i am really sorry i didnt find it and appreciate any links for it.


Oops, i posted this in the Quartz Banger Thread, intention was to post in 710 Coils Thread... im doing some chaos here.... at least its not fully off topic.
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Well-Known Member
(axial) coils + bangers + inserts + quartz pearls + carb cap from @710Coils


- Auber RDK 300 from Auber instruments or NewVape (best low budget but quality deal)
- MaxVapor 2018 controller (high quality, advanced features)
- FC E-Nail (high quality, advanced features) by @JCat

Thanks, first Question: the Axial Coils are 30mm and 25mm as far as i can see. Are they compatible with the Flowerpot? Or does the Flowerpot needs other Coils that Quartz Bangers in general?

Seccond Question: Bangers and Inserts are easy to choose if i know the size of the Coil, right?

Third Question: The 710 Coils are compatible with the Auber Controller? The Controller from Auber Instruments just offers 110V, so i need to go for the NewVape one.


Honi soit qui mal y pense
No they don't. But if you intend to buy a VRod sometimes order a VRod coil together with the other stuff at @710Coils. Shane still has some VRod coils 150w, 110/220 v in stock so long it lasts but don't to offer them anymore. But you have to contact him per PM about these ones. They aren't offered at his site anymore

Yes, 25mm for 25mm bangers. 30mm for 30mm bangers

Yes, they are compatible and no, the Auber controller stands 110-240v, you just have to order the right plugs and cable at Auber while ordering.


Well-Known Member
No they don't. But if you intend to buy a VRod sometimes order a VRod coil together with the other stuff at @710Coils. Shane still has some VRod coils 150w, 110/220 v in stock so long it lasts but don't to offer them anymore. But you have to contact him per PM about these ones. They aren't offered at his site anymore

Yes, 25mm for 25mm bangers. 30mm for 30mm bangers

Yes, they are compatible and no, the Auber controller stands 110-240v, you just have to order the right plugs and cable at Auber while ordering.

VRod? These are the ones Compatible with the Flowerpot? If they arent compatible with the Quartz ones... maybe i will order later, when it really comes to the Flowerpot stuff. Thanks to have that clear.

I looked at the introduction Video for the Auber Adapter, so it only depends on the Power Chord that im using right? From here it just looks i can use any Powercable we use for example for Computers here. Have plenty of them stored. So i just order that controller naked, right? There are no two controllers, just different cords, right? The PowerPlug at the backside is all the same?

So i have to decide to go for 25mm or 30mm. Wheres the point here? The amount of dabbing material? Air flow?

I get close, thank you very much Hogni.

Packing the Shopping Cart from NewVape:

Auber RDK 300

Boveda 62% x5 (wanted to try these couple of days, and they have them)

Fine Grinder "3 Arm Band (wanted to try these couple of months, and they have them)

Threaded Loading Tool (wanted to have something like this, the plastic scoops get burned on my herborizer and some china stuff doesnt really fit well)

NewVape has really got many products you dont get in the shops here, dangerous. :)

Any other recommendations? Will show my order from 710 Coils soon.... any suggestions welcome...
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Honi soit qui mal y pense
What do you meanwith the "FP"? There is the Showerhead and the VRod. Both are FP. They need different coils. Perhaps you better should look at their site to make your choice?

No, tell them what power cord you need (110?/220V? EU or UK plug) and you'll get it with your controller. But probably you can also use a regular computer cable. But why? The cable is included.

Big dabs need better 30mm. But the performance of the 30 mm shall be a bit better even with small dabs. More surface of the dish area, better heat transfer, and stability.


Well-Known Member
What do you meanwith the "FP"? There is the Showerhead and the VRod. Both are FP. They need different coils. Perhaps you better should look at their site to make your choice?

Yeah thats probably my mistake, i try to get all the informations well sorted in my head now, but youre helping very much to achieve that. :) So i should have a closer look to the FP and the parts of it and how theyre called, from here it looks quite .... a bit more complicated and indepth vaporiser than for example the herborizer with its few parts.

No, tell them what power cord you need (110?/220V? EU or UK plug) and you'll get it with your controller. But probably you can also use a regular computer cable. But why? The cable is included.

Theres no option to choose, i will text it to the order. But yeah, i have 20 of this cables here... so using the brand new or an old brand new (unused) of this undestroyable cables, i dont mind. ;) But i can choose 110 or 220 at the coils from 710coils, why is that? I thought thats just for power cables, and the coil get its power thorugh the auber RDK ?

Big dabs need better 30mm. But the performance of the 30 mm shall be a bit better even with small dabs. More surface of the dish area, better heat transfer, and stability.

Sounds like, go with 30mm, there are just pro's. :) Are they more expensive? I will look for that.

So interesting order would be:

30mm 710 Coils Axial coil
Voltage: 220

30mm Opaque Thick bottom banger
Size: 14mm
joint: 90 degree

Quartz Pi clear ball caps
Size: 30mm

2 clear Non-slit Inserts and a pair of tweezers for $20.00
Size: 30mm
style: Clear
Tweezers: Straight tip
(Slit or not Slit? Anyone asked here before, im looking for the link about the insert to insert)

Quartz Terp Pearls
Size: 6mm
(For what are these? I put this inside the inserts? Which size for this setup?)

This would work with the order from New Vape in my post before?
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Honi soit qui mal y pense
Sounds good so far!

Yep, write just a note to your order at Auber.

Yep, you need a 220v coil. It doesn't matter regarding the controller but the coil gets 110 or 220v so it must stand it.

Probably you want the VRod if you intend to use it more or less often with trates. The Showerhead could have a bit better performance with flowers only but for trates the Ti dish of the Showerhead isn't as good by far as the SiC dish of the VRod. Take care which version of the VRod you are ordering there is a regular and a reverse one same as Shane's coils so you have to order the right one for its fit. For the Showerhead just order a VRod coil anyway it's the regular or the reverse one, they fit both.

Order a mixed set of inserts (clear + opaque) for comparison. Just tell it Shane, it's the same price.
Hmmh, it's still an open question which one of the inserts (slit/ non-slit) is performing better. So take the non-slit for better cleaning if nobody tells another reason for a decision.

Take 6 and 8mm pearls for comparison. It's just a few bucks. But none of them will fit the SiC dish, those need 4 or 5mm you can directly order at NV.


Well-Known Member

So interesting order would be:

30mm 710 Coils Axial coil
Voltage: 220

30mm Opaque Thick bottom banger
Size: 14mm
joint: 90 degree

Quartz Pi clear ball caps
Size: 30mm

2 clear Non-slit Inserts and a pair of tweezers for $20.00
Size: 30mm
style: Clear
Tweezers: Straight tip
The slit version are a bit taller than the non slit and allow some air to be pulled through. Some prefer this since its a little taller and doesnt impede the airflow. The non slit are the same thing but shorter and no slit

Quartz Terp Pearls
Size: 6mm
The Terp pearls are quartz balls that bring the heat into the banger by letting the terp pearls saturate with heat. This will allow you to drop your temps 5 to 15 degrees and just need to be in the dish to work. They do not need to spin fast to work effectively

This would work with the order from New Vape in my post before?
If you purchased the Auber version of the NewVape controller with the standard XLR plug. It would work fine with my coils

I added my answers in bold above =)


Congrats to your ruby! And, is it worth the money and an evident difference to the quartz inserts?

I guess it depends on how much one dabs, but it's the smoothest and best tasting vapor experience I've had so far :nod:

Eager to hear aswell :)

Edit. Talk about small rigs, i feel like u could just draw directly from the joint of ur banger :D :D :D :D

Edit.2: How much delta do u have between quartz and insert, did you have to raise the temp much or did you even lower it..?

It seems to come out spotless, even with flower rosin. :sherlock:

Love small rigs! Less reclaim, more flavor! That one is definitely tiny, I like to think of it as almost like a J hook with a splash of water cooling.

it's actually my buddies rig, mine can't even handle the weight of the ruby so I have to find something new :uhoh::science:

I'm not sure of the floor temp, I don't have anything here right now to measure the delta but I went up 30-50 degrees so far on the controller to heat the ruby insert. Vapor is extremely smooth.

@invertedisdead I'm so intrigued by this setup! How do you like the ruby? Is this your flavor sipper, or daily driver now? I have a mini Zoda bubbler that I break out for dry use every now and then but my lungs are pretty sensitive so doesn't always fare well in my case.

It's the pinnacle vapor experience for me thus far! :borg: It cleans up perfectly with rosin, and the flavor retention and smoothness is really enjoyable. If smooth vapor is a top priority its probably going to be hard to beat.

As I mentioned above that one is a friends rig, mine is so small it can't handle the weight of the coil and the ruby at the same time! :ugh: Once I can get a different setup its gonna be my daily driver for sure. I want to find something small but still supportive. My little rig has the perfect form for torching but not really sturdy enough for an enail piece.


Glass Addict
Thanks for ur insights, even more tempted now to test it out as smooth vapor is my no.1 priority right now
but still I wonder how much difference it would rly make to my Liger Air with the saph insert...
The new short design of the vapor path makes it easy to q-tip compl. clean every time and therefor the "bad" reclaim taste from the older versions is pretty gone IMO so I dunno if I wanna justify the money...

Constant gems seems to be the best solution for now as AT went way beyond what I would spend with their fancy new designs...I hate that they discontinued their normal design seems they leave that market to others..but that makes me also think there won't be any difference in their "high end" russia ruby vs. china ones..but that's just imho ;)

On a side note, I contacted @Shooby via IG and he told me he is quite busy right now and will be back on the forums in the new year :)


Pining for the Mountains
Seems to be the time to open a thread/discussion "What's the best tasting rig that stands a heavy banger"? ;)

A dry rig!

Past few months I've only enjoyed my concentrates dry and have loved it. Low temps with the opaque and ruby terp pearls and it tastes great.

I'd love to eventually get a ruby insert, but that's not in my future any time soon.


Honi soit qui mal y pense
A reason more for a discussion/thread bc these tiny thingies must have an even more safe standing.

BTW, my current recommendation is the EHLE AKW.
Slick design, easy to clean, versatile, nice size and standing like a rock. 2 different mouthpieces and 2 different percolators to choose.
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Thanks for ur insights, even more tempted now to test it out as smooth vapor is my no.1 priority right now
but still I wonder how much difference it would rly make to my Liger Air with the saph insert...
The new short design of the vapor path makes it easy to q-tip compl. clean every time and therefor the "bad" reclaim taste from the older versions is pretty gone IMO so I dunno if I wanna justify the money...

Constant gems seems to be the best solution for now as AT went way beyond what I would spend with their fancy new designs...I hate that they discontinued their normal design seems they leave that market to others..but that makes me also think there won't be any difference in their "high end" russia ruby vs. china ones..but that's just imho ;)

On a side note, I contacted @Shooby via IG and he told me he is quite busy right now and will be back on the forums in the new year :)

Hard to say if you'll notice an improvement since your current setup is already pretty close. I've not used a Liger Air, but if the design reduces those titanium cooked reclaim flavors its gotta be pretty solid.

The new faceted Adapt Tech inserts look super badass but I agree the price is high, definitely going after the heady market. Personally Russia vs China means nothing to me as far as quality, I'm sure either country can produce a fine quality product. I honestly can't see performance being different, just aesthetic variations.
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