Thank you for a very nice review
@Square4Life . I completely agree with your findings. I'd like to offer one suggestion. Try extending the heat soak time on the vrod with a lower temp when twaxing. I'm under the belief that both the SH and Vrod will eventually normalize with time. Granted these time will be different. Prehaps try 650F with a 10min heat up and do another comparison.
Thank you for the response! It really does mean a great deal to have this level of response and involvement from the company.
Onto your suggestion, I want to make sure I understand it correctly as I would love to be able to use the VROD as I did the SH. Well, I just about do, the only difference is modifying the temperature depending on what I am doing. I turn it up to 770-780 for concentrate only and 700-710 for flower only. Whereas I set the SH to 730 and never changed it, period.
Anyhow, all of my testing listed in the original post was done over the course of having the new unit. I turn mine on and set it to whatever temperature being tried that night. The 600 degree temps I see everyone using, worked great for flower, especially if capped, and the flavor was much better. I could handle those temps for the flower but the concentrate never felt spent enough until I start getting to 730+ for concentrate on VROD. My point being, my unit may be turned on, VROD sitting on HOT post in tray, for 15-30 minutes before I ever touch it, as I flip it on when walking in from work. Aside from that, the unit stays on throughout the evening and doesn't turn off until going to bed. So, I believe I am heat-soaking for at least 10 minutes as it is. If my Hexnail was working, I'd use the lower temps for flower but due to the way the temperature is changed on the enail I have, it is easier to stay within the 700 degree range.
Now, that does bring up another point which I am not doing, and you may be heat-soaking WITH the carb cap on (since the concentrate temperature is the 'problem' for me...flower at 650 is fine). I haven't tried that at all yet since the cap starts to get quite warm but would be more than happy to do some testing tonight with the carb cap being on the VROD for 10 minutes, with the VROD being on the HOT post, at 650 and THEN doing a concentrate hit to see if it fully extracts to my liking. I'd imagine that would definitely get the temp of the dish up some.
If I am on the right track, should I let the enail 'calibrate' to the mass with the carb cap on and set to 650f? THEN, let it heat-soak for 10 minutes at 650f with the cap on?
***I have been told I am not aware of how my posts can come across sometimes. I just want to make it clear that I am trying to fully understand your input to ensure I provide the best feedback. I am in no way trying to be aggressive, argumentative or difficult to deal with.

Again, I really appreciate your input and feedback.***