Fuck Joy Behar. I've been observing her since the day the show premiered. I 100% truly believe she has the educational level of a 6th grader. The woman has no logic. The things that come out of her month make me cringe from stupidity. Today, when they were putting down VP Mike Pence for his religiosity, she alluded that he heard G-d speak to him &, thus, he is

. I guess Moses was crazy 'cause he heard G-d speak to him.
You know, what further pisses me off, is that it's OK to belittle Christians & Jews who are religious, but saying anything negative about Muslims is sancrosanct. And in our PC enviroment she would be ground up like chop meat going through a grinder if she said anything anti-Muslim. One of the fundamental cores of Americanism is the right to practice your religion freely. From the poem written on the base of the Statue of Liberty,
“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" very much includes those immigrants, world-wide, who were fleeing here because of religious oppression which continued until after WW2. No different than the Muslims who have immigrated here because of religious oppression today.
For anyone interested start at 2:30. She just makes me want to