Discontinued The Splinter by RBT

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cui bono?
It took me about 5 or 6 bowls before I got a cougher. I needed to bump the TCR to around 125 to get enough working range in TC mode but I'm figuring this thing out. It needs a lot of power - like 50 W. Get your chargers ready, folks.
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Well-Known Member
No, competently different coil set up for i heat.

Splinter works grate in tc mode. Little slow to warm up but carries a nice lil bit of inertia. It's very nice. Little bit restrictive.

Will maybe rember to eddit in names, im so bad at that... lol


Free Men Don't Ask
Is there any way around the 15 second temp control cutoff on artic fox firmware or stock evic firmware? TC seems to be working but there's a 15 second max cutoff for it on my device. Tried AF firmware no different. Getting absolutely amazing results with wattage mode, really wish I could use TC to it's full potential. I haven't ever used a Zion but this is definitely what I imagined using one would be like.

Edit: The more I use this thing the more I love it. My Milaana may be taking a back seat for the time being.

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Well-Known Member
Is there any way around the 15 second temp control cutoff on artic fox firmware or stock evic firmware? TC seems to be working but there's a 15 second max cutoff for it on my device. Tried AF firmware no different. Getting absolutely amazing results with wattage mode, really wish I could use TC to it's full potential. I haven't ever used a Zion but this is definitely what I imagined using one would be like.
You should be able to work around that fairly easy by just pulsing the button for a split second halfway through your hit or so. That should reset the timer on the cutoff and give you enough time to finish the hit.

Other Side

Great to see more Splinters out there! Hope you guys are enjoying!

Interested to know who has a Zion and how do you think it compares?

I know you'll have to take some time to dial things in but give this some thought as you do please. I'd like to hear your thoughts. :)
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Calm Consistency
Great to see more Splinters out there! Hope you guys are enjoying!

Interested to know who has a Zion and how do you think it compares?

I know you'll have to take some time to dial things in but give this some thought as you do.....
Zion still more full bodied and gets thicker clouds for me once heated up. Splinter not quite there for me but it's closer to Zion than it is to Milaana. Love all 3, and I think only under a lot of use would one find much of a difference. To the average joe it's just 3 great vapes.

Edit: well got me a little surprise .. the one on the right came today. Did a quick sesh just to see whatsup and it vapes much more even than my original and the wood looks great. More texture, really love it. @RastaBuddhaTao is the man! Will do a water test today and see if it can hold a milk longer in the 14mm with the more even vaping .... excited to see!!
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Well-Known Member
Splinter from NY and mod from CA are on the truck for delivery! Charging up a fresh set of batts, have two rehearsals tonight, so pics way later..........now to pace around the house for a few hours.........

EDIT: Decided to get the family out and wait for the new arrival, updated family portrait pending......
That's a beautiful family picture.


60 going on 20
Great to see more Splinters out there! Hope you guys are enjoying!

Interested to know who has a Zion and how do you think it compares?

I know you'll have to take some time to dial things in but give this some thought as you do.....
I got lucky enough to snag a Zion on the classifieds, and it has been a great thing. Just got my Splinter this afternoon, but have been getting acquainted this evening. What a sweet, sweet addition to the vape arsenal. I am very quickly headed to a RBT/Vapcap/WoodScent's daily trifecta. But I digress........this little thing is an absolute fucking beast!!!

I couldn't help but record the unveiling......somehow, I had the good fortune to get notification from RBT, finish my mod research and order......two packages, one from CA and one from NY, placed into my greedy hands this afternoon.......

Typical Apple style packaging for the Lost Vape Therion DNA166. Nice little burlap sacks for the Splinter and stem and screens.......


A family portrait........


And finally, the new addition by itself. This thing just rocks. Right now, I'm just playing around with wattage mode, I need to go back and read and research what's out there regarding TCR. But damn, this is like having a Zion in your hand, but way more elegant and refined, IMHO. I'm going to grab a DNA75 steampunk style mod as a backup, and patiently wait to add a few more wood styles to my arsenal. Great job @RastaBuddhaTao
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Well-Known Member
I’ve been under a flu induced T-break since Monday. But I figured I can make an exception to try out The Splinter. First bowl at 28W was surprisingly smooth with very little throat irritation and no coughing. Second time around I want to try with water so I grabbed my 18mm male to male adapter and realize there is no way to get the basket screen to fit without possibly damaging it. But the cap to an ELB fits perfect so I loaded it up gave it a little 5sec warm up and it milked my hydrotube amazingly well.
I am so baked right now. This thing is the real deal!!!
Also the handwritten thank you letter from RBT was just that extra personal touch that makes me feel good about supporting a relatively new company.


Well-Known Member
:wave:Thanks again for the note rbt.:cool:

Grate in vw mode also. :clap:
Its a grate lil bit of kit. Will do well retail.

It is a lil bit of battery hog for a single bat mod, but works very well to me. Heavy users might be advised to get a two + 18650 or lipo battery mod. :tup:

Thank you. RBT.


Well-Known Member
Mine arrived as well.

Fit and finish is great, much better than previous RBT products, likely because it's easier to sand turned pieces.

I took two hits in TC mode which worked with no issues, and then wanted to unscrew it and try it on a different box.

Unfortunately at this point I found it was loose, and the wood just came right off the 510 connector when I tried to unscrew it.

Since it seems the wood is only held onto the metal with adhesive, I can't just slide it back on as it will simply fall right off again. Looks like it'll be taking a trip back to RBT for repair.



Calm Consistency
Mine arrived as well.

Fit and finish is great, much better than previous RBT products, likely because it's easier to sand turned pieces.

I took two hits in TC mode which worked with no issues, and then wanted to unscrew it and try it on a different box.

Unfortunately at this point I found it was loose, and the wood just came right off the 510 connector when I tried to unscrew it.

Since it seems the wood is only held onto the metal with adhesive, I can't just slide it back on as it will simply fall right off again. Looks like it'll be taking a trip back to RBT for repair.

Wowwww that's unfortunate :(. So sorry man what a bummer. Hoping for a speedy return for ya! Maybe you can 2 part epoxy it yourself if RBT recommends it.
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