It doesn't really function as a carb cap when you start adding adjustable airflow though. CCA710 tried adjustable carb caps and they didn't go over well at all.
I'm not necessarily convinced I get the vacuum pressure reduction in boiling point when carbing flowers at all. The whole point of a carb cap is to add convection heat to a conduction dab. It doesn't add more convection to an already convective flower vape hit, it just slows down airflow IMO. I just use my lungs to adjust airflow which seems to work better for me.
So here's my thoughts on what is taking place with the SC...
Naturally, the tiny hole restricts airflow which keeps someone's draw speed in check. For some of us, restricting air flow with our lungs alone isn't a problem although for someone that hasn't tried it before or is new to it, perhaps this helps them. I don't personally need it but some may.
The other thing I imagine though is 'pre-heating' the air which goes into the chamber. By adding the cap, it traps the heat in a 'bubble' and the air is slightly pre-heated before going into the chamber. So it doesn't add more convection but I do believe it increases the air temperature prior to going into the chamber. How much this matters or affects things is beyond me. Just my thoughts...
I'm with you though, I don't notice much gain UNLESS I'm on low temps. And even then, I still find myself wanting to crank the temp to around 700f. Plus, I hate giving someone a shitty hit, especially when I'm trying to show them how effective vaping can be. If it is just me by myself (haven't done this in awhile), I may load a full bowl have the temps around 600-625f and then start capping later in the bowl but I really only do this if I am alone. Loading a fresh shovel (.05g ish) at 710f, no fiddling with SC, can be handed to anyone and can be used with just about any airflow. You can overpower it at 710f but it's easy to explain to the user to slow down the intake a bit, if that happens. It takes a pretty strong intake though to overpower.
this looks like it might work depending on the diameter. a little narrow, rather than a larger surface the NewVapes bowls have. I've talked to on the phone and they can customize any of their products to your needs without much of a price difference(within reason) if I remember correctly.
if you are thinking of buying this, you might want to request one without a logo as i don't know where they put it, and if it will hold up with showerhead usage. you also should contact them anyway for sizing info and such...
Thank you! I'm going to give them a call now and see what they can come up with.