Here's the study that I was talking about ... (done back in the 80's!!!)
In the U.S. many in child protective services will see ANY positive test as "neglect" and may start an investigation.
While an investigation may not result in one's child being removed from the home (Or, not able to be taken home at all.), it is never a good thing to get a government file opened up on you.
Having it be medical does not remove the problem.
State statutes on the issue:
And, for the record, the science is not settled.
Based on what information is out there, I feel a pregnant mother who vapes in moderation is actually helping to insure a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.
That moderate use of cannabis will help insure that mom's Endocannabinoid Sysytem (ECS) is performing up to snuff, just like cannabis use by everyone helps to make sure your ECS is functioning properly.
With our diets lacking in Omega 3 intake, critical to the body producing needed endocannabinoids AND most people's lack of exercise AND our stressful/anxiety lifestyle AND the constant barrage of chemicals/pesticides/fertilizers/ hormones/poisons in modern life AND our diets lacking so many other important ingredients---- most of use have endogenous cannabinoid deficiency. Someday there will be a medical test to help diagnose this ECS deficiency
Proper endocannabinoids are critical to becoming pregnant (fertilized egg attaching to uterus wall) etc and mother's breast milk has very elevated levels of 2-AG cannabinoids (our ECS knows what its doing to keep baby healthy).
Moderate vaping will help mom be in balance and her unborn in balance.
Moderate cannabis consumption by pregnant moms should have a positive impact, just like moderate cannabis use by almost everyone has a positive impact on your ECS/ body-mind-spirit
Interesting info on topic:
With modern lifestyle, I think almost everyone needs moderate phytocannabinoid supplements to feed/energize their ECS.
Not an American? How dare you have an opinion!Keep in mind that I'm not an American, nor do I care if its legal or not, the way that the child protective services is irreverent to this discussion, they are clueless for all I care, and you can pretty much understand that when they think Cannabis as a drug.
.........................................................................................................................................Thanks for this!
Are you saying I should take Omega3 pills daily?
So from what you're saying, my wife should vape more to get pregnant?
Don't do it
9-10 months of abstinence for a perfectly healthy child is worth it.
Why risk your child's welfare?
If you can't stop for 9-10 months you shouldn't be having kids period.
I think you are failing to read the studies and missing the point of others here though ... the point isn't trying to search for justification to keep vaping, the point some members are making is that there is potential benefit. The point other members are making is that the research is not significant enough to provide enough certainty to deem it safe. What one chooses to do with said information is up to them ... people make many choices as to what to do while pregnant knowing that it is potentially not ideal ... for instance, I'm sure no one has a perfect diet and abstains from all unnecessary foods with sugar and preservatives, which I'm sure are not good for a growing fetus ... as well I'm sure many people do what mainstream media and society say is best when pregnant, and then later find out that it's not at all the case ... anyways ... just saying it's not all black and white ... there's a heck of a lot of grey here as there is in many areas of life.I am open minded but not fpr pregnant vapers.
10 months is nothing compared to a lifetime.
Not abstaining while pregnant (regardless of the amount you vape)
is narcissistic and egotistical.
Two traits you will have a hard time raising proper kids with.
Looking for support here for vaping while pregnant already shows a bad conscience needing justification.
Sorry just don't do it for ten months it ain't hard.
What about users who need it to deal with a medical condition where the alternatives are known to be much more harmful and abstinence is simply not an option due to such things as returning seizures or other which would be much worse? Should this individual not be allowed to have a child because their pregnancy will be risky?Don't do it
9-10 months of abstinence for a perfectly healthy child is worth it.
Why risk your child's welfare?
If you can't stop for 9-10 months you shouldn't be having kids period.
............................................................................Not abstaining while pregnant (regardless of the amount you vape)
is narcissistic and egotistical.
In your opinion.
I stand by my stance, based on hundreds/thousands of studies/research papers on cannabis and the body's Endocannabinoid system.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion but I strongly believe that 999/1000 people today have "reduced capacity ECS" as with their diet/lifestyle/stress levels of modern society/aging process/genetics it's just not possible to have it be full functioning..... and the ECS is the master internal bio-chemical neuro computer that controls your body's systems .
Virtually everyone is short on natural endogenous cannabinoids--- so phytocannabinoids /cannabis is vital.
Proper levels of cannabinoids are needed to get pregnant (have the fert egg attach to the uterine wall etc), cannabinoids are needed to maintain mom's homeostatis/balance of all systems with the extra complications of pregnancy, and proper cannabinoids are needed after birth (like attaining the normally high levels of cannabinoids in mother's milk to enhance suckling by the newborn).
I would whole-heartedly say with confidence that stopping micro-dosing cannabis during pregnancy is succumbing to the lies/misinformation/ignorance/propaganda and is not in the best interest of mom and "potential" baby to-be.
Unless you are allergic to cannabis, micro dose levels are beneficial to everyone . Cannabinoids are a supremely important element in maintaining a healthy body so let's stop putting them in the "bad bucket" please.
The value of cannabis as a wellness supplement is staggering and the link between diseases and the lack of internal cannabinoids is growing every week.
For example, a study of autism spectrum disorder revealed that there is a "bad gene" linked to autism and what else does that bad gene inhibits the internal production of cannabinoids. That's why cannabis is effective for autism and so many supplements the ECS
And pregnant moms have reported wonderful results for cannabis mitigating PG side-effects like morning sickness.
And again, we are talking moderate use like a micro dose.
Have you read what I posted?
Just wondering...
This study is from the 80s? wow, its not big enough tho, but it certainly correlates with the articles I've posted.
Keep in mind that I'm not an American, nor do I care if its legal or not, the way that the child protective services is irreverent to this discussion, they are clueless for all I care, and you can pretty much understand that when they think Cannabis as a drug.
"Having it be medical does not remove the problem." - having Cannabis tagged as a "drug" is the reason for this black and white stance.
There's nothing medical here.
Thanks for this!
Are you saying I should take Omega3 pills daily?
So from what you're saying, my wife should vape more to get pregnant?
Also something else that I can verify, I did a sperm count, I'm vaping every day for the last 2.5 years and I was even drunk the night before, and my count is above average.
At least one myth is a bust.
Thank you friend for those lovely comments.
I have passed all information to my wife and she will decide what do to with her body.
I can only tell that I feel much more confident in this subject, than I was before.
I can understand how difficult is to make more researches in this subject but I am happy with with the up-rise of information.
We should never fear learning new stuff, its ignorance that causes us be be afraid on something we might have been wrong about.
I don’t just keep it in mind. It’s a matter of pride.I have 3 links I can share if you wish, but it needs to be translated, so sorry for that.
Please keep in mind that Israel is currently the most advanced country in terms of Medical Cannabis research.
I don’t just keep it in mind. It’s a matter of pride.![]()