Wow, lots of new people and content on the old thc e-juice thread, very nice!
@randomtoker, nice to see you randomly tokin' it up with us again. I want to respond to some of you guys, but first may I submit
an update on the x-baby RBA and 5mm donut cubis tank projects.....
So I've been loving this big 24.5 (25?) mm tank with the dual 10mm donuts so doubt it is potent and I'm only scratching the surface, going "part-throttle" on it, with low temps, short puff durations, (and air throttle too)
About 120 hits into the 1-gram fill-up so far, and I'm getting a good idea, but still plenty testing to do...
The main thing holding me back from fully enjoying this tank, at first, was the large "810" drip tip mouthpiece, it was allowing a decent amount of
spitting to my lip / tongue. I was trying to limit this by reducing the air throttle, but only puffing on the mouthpiece more softly solved the spitting, but that also was limiting the clouds / performance by puffing more softly
So I needed a smaller drip tip, and it turns out I was wrong on my earlier statements:
the 810 drip tip is indeed removeable (very tight and hard to take off) and you can downsize to a standard 510 drip tip with an
"810 to 510" adapter"
I picked up a few of these, used the opportunity to splurge on a few new drip tips also
So now I have a reasonable sized, smaller inner-diameter 510 drip tip on top, and the spitting problem is about 90% reduced now

(most of the thrown oil accumulates underneath the 510 drip tip now)
This has
really opened up the x-baby tank for me now. I can puff on it reasonably strong, with no spitting, air throttle about 2/3 or 3/4 or so open, still a low 370F, and I can fetch, big, (some-what airy) satisfying, tasty clouds, with short, 5-6 second puffs.
The durban poison strain on this co2 oil is really nice too. A couple back-to-back puffs gives me a
solid sativa rush and tastes great
I also decided to take up
@KeroZen's advice and got a bunch of "510 extender / adapters" or, "heat sinks" for my mods. A big 25mm copper sink to match the copper evic primo, hopefully this will protect the mod's 510 threads during more frequent atty changes in the future? It fits super tight with the tank / mod with the adjustable copper pin, but it also hasn't changed the live resistance, which remains very stable & steady

I noticed this big tank gets the CPU gets hotter than my other tanks (90's-100F after a few puffs) so hopefully the heat sink will help
I usually keep the tank / mod stored on a tilt, to "swish" the oil back and forth across the large rba coil to keep it moist inside, in between usage, but I don't know if that's really necessary
I could also ensure the coil stays wet by re-filling it already, but I want to get an idea on how well this tank "scavenges" all the oil that's loaded, or how well it can puff when the oil level is low. My instinct is that it won't be as good as the smaller cubis in that regard, but we'll see. But
I will refill this x-baby the moment it starts feeling dry and not puffing well, and take note of that fill-level.
So an early pro's / con's summary:
I think I already told you guys know the +'s let me get to the -'s
It has a tendency to spit a little bit, until you get a 810-510 adapter, then that problem is solved! I'd also note, with this tank you can "feel" the hot rush of air / vape over your lips & front teeth, like a fine, hot aerosol / sticky mist whooshing past your lips soon after reaching temp.

I haven't noticed this with any other tank (even after the 810-to-510 reduction)
It could be an oil / battery hog! Although I haven't logged complete data on either of those 2 inputs yet. 120+ puffs and seeing all that oil still left on my tank is ok, but that many only reflect my holding-back, (I'm kind of scared of this tank

hot mist

) but the batteries being about 52%, ~3.6v after 120 puffs, that's kind of battery hoggish IMO. 75w, 0.375Ω on 2 3000mah 18650s. My smaller 5mm and 7mm donut tanks can go way further on a single 18650, (I've logged over 200 puffs per charge on some of those)
This thing is BIG AF! 
Just look at it...compared to my little evic basic with a little 5mm donut cubis pro mini tank on it..even with the new 510-heat sink I threw on it making it look bigger, the x-baby / evic primo dwarfs it. The x-baby tank w / heat sink alone is bigger than the evic basic mod.
It's bigger than I'd like, but not so big to carry around if you want to. The lil' evic with only 60w max, and 1500 mah, it would barely power the big x-baby (which would overhang) RBA with two 10mm donuts and that would be un-advisable, like battery abuse.

But the little 5mm and 7mm donuts still make plenty of good vape in a smaller profile. Punches above their weight?

My predictions of the cubis being obsolete to me may have been pre-mature...I have some new ideas to pump up the old cubis and make it compete with the big new SMOK tanks still....
So now my evic VTC's with the dual 5mm mini-donut tanks, filled with runny, over-terped distillate...those are still doing ok... I guess
If I'm not brimming with enthusiasm over those projects a few months old now, it's mostly because of some of the runny distillate's I've filled these new tanks with, which I didn't think were so great. Flavor: overly strong and fake tasting. I think @randomtoker is onto something when he says
Maybe just me, but I felt the sharp fruity flavors were really harsher to puff compared to mellow sweet flavors. Not just flavor-wise, they felt harsher on the lungs also.
I didn't care for the "blueberry diesel" I put on my tank for sativa, somewhat harsh, however, the "master yoda og" that I put on my indica tank I actually took a liking to, after a while. The initially strong taste mellows out after a few dozen puffs, and the light hue becomes amber and darker. The master yoda og actually tasted somewhat like an OG strain, and tickles my throat much less than the blueberry. (The distillate oil that I couldn't stand on my
experimental dual silica ceramic cylinder coil was "strawberry glue" maybe that's what doomed that experiment too

My next distillate syringes are "gorilla glue" and "girl scout cookie" flavored, which should be less sweet and fruity than my sativa fill-ups so far, so hopefully I will like those "strains" more when I get around to them?
Anyways, after about 150 puffs, the sativa tank level was a bit low, but still puffing strong, but I wanted to refill it anyways, that was a mistake
That much still there, before I decided to refill, darkened but still moves quick and easy
With a full 1 gram refill, the tank was topped off, and over-filled, as I found out
Hue re-lightened, but with this much distillate filled on the tank, it was
The initial fill-up I was huffing light and easy at 365F, with big air, 3 or 4 / 5 air holes open, and this was alright, with the low temp to counter the terpene harshness, and it was ok, with nice, big, easy cool clouds.
Now... overfilled, those same settings, I was getting only
gurgling / spitting, and
flavor, but
no vapor! Alot of spitting,

I eventually had to close the air throttle to 2 or 3 holes open, and reluctantly raise the temp all the way to 420F to get any substantial cloud. With the tank over-filled, it would hardly fetch a cloud at a lower setting.

This annoyed me, but I messed up on myself, (flooded the coil?) and paid the price with hotter vape than I want. It's still puffing ok now, but alot of oil was wasted, scraped from the drip-tip.
This is how it sits now, after the refill, spitting, and re-adjustment, and dozens puffs later
I learned my lesson, and when I re-filled the black evic with the master yoda OG, I filled only about 500mg, and avoided the spitting and waste, but I did have to raise the temp to 410F now to keep the clouds coming, when before I was fine at 370F. Don't know the reason for this? Breaking in?
But the lesson so far I guess, is that
the 5mm donuts are quite potent (and more compact & efficient overall) in the cubis tank still,
but also that I'm also not a huge fan of some distillate oils, too.
I think these 5mm donuts would work great with co2 oil also, I'm hoping to get some more of these soon, maybe try a
dual 5mm donut vaporesso veco coil?
I also will build a new x-baby RBA coil and fill one with distillate oil to cross-compare the tanks / donuts with similar oils,
but I may cheat and use some thicker, less terpy distillate syringes I've obtained also? 3 more of these big tanks / rbas on the way from china still, soon....