Thanks for the compliments! That was just the regular length Tubo whip in my videos. I agree a little longer would be ideal, but it works pretty good. Gives you a really good view of the GS and makes it easy to have both hands free. I also find it easy to get a good hard draw with the smaller diameter tube; thought it would interfere but I didn't find it any worse at all to get the optimal air flow.
Still been using the GS nearly daily since I got it. I don't typically use it as my "session" vape; I leave it on stand-by for when I really need to feel the effects of my herb. Saves my tolerance and my stash

. But the GS is the first vape I use when I get home and usually the one I use to cap my night off (unless it's time for dabs, which I've been digging a lot lately)
It's also not my typical session vape because sometimes I'm just in the mood for vaping for the sake of vaping.. and the GS is not a toy for casual play. It is a true vaping tool. The GS is here to kick ass and vape nugs. It doesn't waste time with flavour hits and warm up bowls; it crashes through your wall of bad vibes like a vapour powered kool-aid man. Immediate, brain tingling, face warming hits from the first draw.. Love the way the GS always delivers.
Prolusio, I have been meaning to say also that I thought your video was excellent. It was incresibly easy to watch and listen to, you are clearly so chilled and relaxed which is always nice to see!

And the lighting and background colour was also very nice. And you definitely made me want the Symphony a big step more, just by seeing co clearly howneasybit was to draw such large clouds, so quickly through the narrow whip, with seemingly little lung power.
This is something I definitely prefer in a vaporizer, ease of inhalation. Many vaporizers can really feel like hard work, a very long time sucking over many minutes to get medicated. It often wears me out, my allergies have already done that by the time I have brushed my teeth, so I really like vaping to be an easy affair.
The Symphony does look like the kind of vaporizer that you could spend vefy little time actually using and still be as medicated as you need night and day.
If correct, this is what I really need in a vaporizer. Both my Omnivap and XL Herborizer require fairly long, protracted sessions- I have a reasonable tolerance, and often can find it a drag to get to my level.
With the Vapcaps, for me, a full bowl, which is probable 0.06-0.08 for most people's herb, it us very hard to extract that small amount in 2 equal smooth draws. It is afine line to sail to push it, with some guesswork each time. The hits can easily come out hot and harsh, or worse.
I would love the vapcaps so much more if it was easier to more consistently extract all in 2 hits max, keeping it consistently smooth and cool each time.
The GS looks perfect to play with settings, and get the exact hit you want every time. And I have zero doubt that the vapor quality is so superior, and surely also far healthier and purer, than vapcap vapor.
Am I selling it? You can keep hold of my commisions for the moment
@jojo monkey , just deduct it of my Symphony soon!
No joke I am very interested. I need a better vapirizer that can work better for me as I have described above. I have been so torn as to where to set my sights, between the Flowerpot and Symhony. But I would be a fool not to choose the Symphony. With the all glass, neutral polarity purity, it has the best chance of me tolerating the vapor well.
The Flowerpot with its super hot titanium parts will surely be very similar to my Herborizer Ti which I just couldnt tolerate due to being to aggravating for me.
Maybe it is the extremely hot metal that makes certain vaporizers more allergenic to me, if Mark McCoy from Vriptech is right about the metal surfaces creating a charged polarity which is more aggravating to the respiratory tract (compared to glass), then this could certainly offer some clues?
Regardless, I really have to try the all glass path out don't I?
When I (alright, superstitiously, gullibly

) consult the oracle cards (which acutally come out with the most spooky, uncannily accurate and relevant shit all the time)- I have asked about how the Flowerpot would work with my allergies and vaporizer intolerances.
I never got any encouragement. I wanted it, like "Yes Alexis, this vaporizer is PERFECT for you- your vape dream, perfect for your allergies and medicating requirements."
Except that cars doesnt exist! Something like "Go forward fearlessly", or "A favourable outcome" would havs done.
Instead I kept getting "Take your time making this decision", and "It's time to leave this unhealthy situation". (Meaning my VAS obsession with the Flowerpot in the target line, as in "Stop thinking abour the Flowerpot and move on."

When I dont get the answer I want I always ask again (and again), like a damn fool not wanting to accept the truth. When I keep getting the same message again and again I finally get the message and I give up.
So then I asked about the Symphony and all I get in contrast is positive encouragement.
I'm doing some great work on my health currently to recover from long-term illness. I have finally cleared my lyme disease infection after 12 years plus. I'm also doing a series of electricity treatments to drastically reduce my long-term chronic and multiple respiratory infections, which is really paying off because I have the best chance I have had yet of actually being well sometime soon. I just have to keep my head together and do things correctly and not make any stupid mistakes now and I should be able to make fantastic progress.
So this is the priority at present working on my health and this routine of treatment. So I'm not quite chomping at the bit for my next great vaporizer to arrive just yet, but I still really can't wait to initiate the action.
And right now after serious umming and arring, I am fairly confident that's the Symphony is the best choice for me and something I feel very positive and excited about.
A massive thank you to all of the reviewers so far for taking the early leap to be involved and sharing your experiences.
@StormyPinkness I am really pleased to see you are enjoying your symphony so much. Thank you for sharing all of your experiences so far in the most honest and straightforward manner. I feel you on the glasses and visibility issue and how it plays into vaping. When using my D020 D bubbler, I have to always look underneath my glasses to see the vapor. It's okay with the vapcap, but with a log vape on top much closer to my face, it is a bit awkward.
Okay all done. Just sharing ideas and feelings really. Everyone have a real nice weekend, Bigup!