Just wanted to let all of our European and and U.K. Friends know you can now pick up The SWII at https://thehedonistclub.co.uk/ !
Wow. We are seriously concerned about this and are here to help. For consistency, the pieces are always machined together. Generally we can match one piece to another with no issues. It is possible the machining can cause a slight minor difference, but it sounds that it's a big difference. Can you send some pictures to my space case email? Thanks!
Keep in mind that I don't believe the Boveda packs are usually very effective at lowering humidity, they primarily are designed to release moisture to raise humidity levels, but I believe they can also lower it providing they have enough capacity to absorb more moisture.I need to invest in some of those 58% Boveda packs, using the original 62% at the moment
The NVFG seems better all the time. Can you believe it Lazy, my XL Herborizer suddenly malfunctioned on thursday! I suddenly couldnt get any visible vapor from a fresh NVFG big load. It is making odd noises,,I emailed Verdampftnochmal, they replaced my faulty original injector last August. I am hoping the 2 year warranty applies to this injector as of last summer, and not when I bought it over 2 years ago.@Alexis
I have let my bud dry for most of the day in the open. Well i opened their mason jars and covered with a piece of paper towel for about 8 hours.
Threw some White Russian in the NewVape Fine Grinder and went to town.
Problem is i hit the concentrates this morning and my brain power has not booted up yet... Spent a few minutes surfing the web and grinding, it's so smooth!!
Opened the grinder to find the most finely ground material i have ever seen!!
This is the same bud that was ground into tiny pellets last night!
Vaping it in the NewVape Flower Pot and the difference is insane! Massive thick clouds!
Can't wait to try this grind in the herbo Ti and Glass Symphony!
Studying the purchase of my next grinder, the finalists are:
- SLX v2-> by their anti-adherence
- NVFG -> by grinding fine
I have a GR8TR that would highlight because it never gets stuck and I would hate it for how dirty it gets to be ...
Ideas or advice ???
if its too fine it can restrict airflow in a convection causing hot spots from my experience. more material ttouches hot surfaces when ground fine, in a conduction setting.Ive read some vapes work better with different grind consistencies (fine or course)
Why is this?
Id assume every vape would perform better with fine grind.
Ive read some vapes work better with different grind consistencies (fine or course)
Why is this?
Id assume every vape would perform better with fine grind.
The SLX 2 is an exceptional grinder but I never could get quite as fine a grind as I wanted with the SLX 2 using it upside-down or otherwise. The company printing 'Never Sticks' on the SLX 2 only pisses me off when it eventually sticks, like it always does. It should say 'Sticks Eventually'.
Finding out a few days ago I can clean all my grinders in hot soapy water with a firm tooth brush or denture brush in a few seconds changed everything. If grinders can be cleaned this simple and fast then there is less of a need for special non-stick coatings especially if they increase the price of the grinder.
Hot soapy water made me suddenly love all my grinders again. I would have never believed it.
There are some well built grinders out there from many companies. You can spend a little or a lot and get a decent grinder either way. The most important feature of any grinder is that you like it.
Personally I get a very fine grind with the SLX 2 by using it upside down (essentially making it a 2 piece) and twisting it 5- 10 times. Still twisting, turn it the right way up, then just twist 3-5 times until there is no resistance at all, meaning all the goods have fallen into the bottom chamber. The material is like a dense clumpy powder.
I am prioritizing a non-stick coating because it seems that I can always get a grind as fine as I want (which is very fine indeed) using repeated upside down twists, or just using a 2-piece for as long as required. Any other grind doesn't compare at all. The biggest drawback of this method is of course the grinder gunking up, and the subsequent loss of material. The non stick coating helps to combat this immensely, making it by far the most important feature for me. A quick brush after grinding a bunch of material, and it's like new.
Having said that the SLX 2.0 is certainly not perfect: the action isn't as smooth as other grinders I've seen, it scrapes a bit and produces a little scraping noise. The ring on the bottom part is loose (though perfectly functional). The magnet is positioned on the wrong side, and is too strong to the point that it compromises the turn.
It's still a nice solid thing, but from what I understand, of all the high-end grinders, you'll notice the build quality isn't as good with the SLX 2.0; no 'smooth as butter' comments here. BUT it decimates any material I put it it with very little effort, from dry crystal-y sativas to very gummy resinous indicas. As I say, the non-stick element is the priority for me (I don't need a smooth action if it's going to be rendered useless by grinder gunk after a couple of weeks), so the fact that there is a very noticeable difference in this area really does make up for it not being as flash as others.
Having said THAT, the SW2 was actually my first choice, so I'm happy to hear from @InterplanetaryTanner that the SW2 is now available in EU for a very reasonable price! After seeing the glowing reviews here I'll definitely pick one of those up next weekend. I'm considering a newvape too as a 'desktop' model, but I'm not sure what benefits they offer over any other two piece in terms of grind quality. Have you noticed any difference there @lazylathe ?
but even more important than that, is what goes into it. It's all about exploding buds in a controlled fashion, and the buds are really what make all the difference.The most important feature of any grinder is that you like it
...but that does not mean the guy next door doesn't absolutely love that plastic grinder that came with his volcano...
Yes it's my actual grinder of choice.... tired of this 4 pieces grinders!Why wouldn't he? The Volcano grinder is awesome.
For what it's worth, I smeared a tiny, tiny, (baby's pinky nail) amount of Vaseline around the inner rim of my SLX and the friction is completely gone. I've been using it for about a week and a half like that and it works better than new, with no discernible residue anywhere