The Flip Brick by Sticky Brick Labs


VapeLife X
got my flip yesterday...i like it...the shorter flame path made me combust in it 3x's, because I was using the same flame length I would for the Jr.

it's nice to see mighty dosing capsules still fit in it and it has seemed to not get as close to combustion with the caps in.

The logo is well placed and the function is fluid and the magnet placement seems to be well thought through and functional.
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hotboxing the cockpit
works great for micro dosing in my experiences. same deal as longer sessions with a jr. i don't find loading and unloading as easy as stem-based vapes but meh.

i find this easier to use than any other bricks. the "jet engine" sound when you have flame placement correct is more pronounced.


Unknown Member
got my flip yesterday...i like it...the shorter flame path made me combust in it 3x's, because I was using the same flame length I would for the Jr.

it's nice to see mighty dosing capsules still fit in it and it has seemed to not get as close to combustion with the caps in.

The logo is well placed and the function is fluid and the magnet placement seems to be well thought through and functional.
That makes me feel better cause I started out combusting my first two loads.
Took me a minute to get the hang of it, this thing is pretty sweet.
Here it is perched on the bubbler right before igniting this load. :doh:



cui bono?
I have to say that I was really quick to defend SBLabs when it came to the "value" discussion and whether this thing was worth $95. I thought this device was fairly priced at $95 given that it was built by hand by a skilled artisan in the US.

Now that I have it in my hands, I have to say that the build quality is surprisingly low - every single drilled hole is rough and filled with small wood shavings, the screens are just jammed in there unevenly and not sitting flush, the mating magnetic faces are not straight/flush, and the chamfers on the outsides of the "bricks" are not even the same size and therefore don't line up properly.

I don't think that any of this will affect the function of the vape, but it certainly changes my opinion on the value of the product.


VapeLife X

thanks to a delta3dstudios (@Ratchett) WPA.
And my juniors mouthpiece...i am going to try my flip dry today to get this combustion thing down and figure out the perfect technique
...using it with water takes the taste aspect out, I only figure out I'm combusting when I see the light vapor, swirl into dark smoke.

I would say that this might lean more to favoring micro doses...but I have to get my technique down to know with absolute certainty though.

@SloJimFizz what finally made it click for you?

@StonerSloth not having the same experience with the craftsmanship of my vaporizer I would say contact SBL...the only thing my device that you describe is the jammed screen under the intake, but since this is the only brick I have with this feature and since it is there to diffuse some of the heat...I am unaffected by the jammed look.


Well-Known Member
Had mine now for about 4 days and was also getting combustion. Gave it a day off yesterday and came at it fresh today. First I removed the stock screen from the top of the oven, mine had a slight dimple in the middle and was causing a hotspot.
Then I did the mod that I use on my JR, screen - washer - screen under the intake glass.


Perfect for me now, not had any combustion incidents but this is how I am used to my Jr.


With my @DDave cooler (unfortunately it cracked later that afternoon :cry: it will be missed till I get a replacement kit)



Unknown Member
@WakeAndVape Still a work in progress tbh. I started thinking about it like hitting my nano or plenty and how the hot air just travels past and through the load. Slow and steady to get a decent hit so far. How these guys get instant clouds like some of the videos is not within my grasp. :hmm: I did that, but was pure combustion.
Thanks for the S&B capsule fitting tip.:tup:


Well-Known Member
@StonerSloth you should write us at as no unit should ship with chip out or hangers in the holes. As far as the round overs (chamfers) I would very much like to see your unit as these are run as full pieces of wood, not by the unit. All three pieces are cut from the same piece of wood which was run through the router together. I can't imagine hand sanding would greatly affect the round over, but I guess it's possible. Please write us.


hotboxing the cockpit
I haven't combusted once and my technique is normally not great with butane vapes. I'm more likely to get a shitty hit, or char the load than combust typically... but so far with this, it's just been occasionally charring of the top of the load slightly, and a stir fixes both the charred color, or taste. Smooth sailing. I am very very pleased with this.

I'm off to buy a jr mouthpiece I guess then. I've been using the @DDave cooler like @Cl4ud3 bc the angle is too weird on that jhook, and I am currently using my maxx MP on my oil rig so too annoying to switch back and forth etc.

edit: I actually flipped the screen that was in the intake and it's a bit better now.

I greatly appreciate it being there - for one. I think it helps somewhat with absorbing/distributing heat and preventing combustion from the flame dipping straight down intake onto herbs.
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VapeLife X
since I've started hitting it dry, I have not had one incident with charring or combustion and it behaves like I would expect a SB vaporizer to preform....except a little stronger.

The junior mouthpiece feels really natural as well.

I think the reason the FB is different from the brick lineup is the absence if the carb that can essentially kill the heat instantly

I'm sure 'Fluting' the carb has saved my ass more than a hand-full of times

I know others don't use it at all and keep it corked.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
since I've started hitting it dry, I have not had one incident with charring or combustion and it behaves like I would expect a SB vaporizer to preform....except a little stronger.

The junior mouthpiece feels really natural as well.

I think the reason the FB is different from the brick lineup is the absence if the carb that can essentially kill the heat instantly

I'm sure 'Fluting' the carb has saved my ass more than a hand-full of times

I know others don't use it at all and keep it corked.

Ah didn't realize here's no carb here, that's a shame as I much prefer it compared to non carbed similar vapes I have... Hmmm


hotboxing the cockpit
There is a carb. Only one, on the side opposite the logo on the brick with the flame intake.

I personally like the carb and especially enjoy multiples, like in my Lily, where I can get an airy but satisfying hit still.

Same goes for this with carb open. I corked my jr bc it was hard for me to get nice hits otherwise. I prefer not having to. Also the jrs hole is much bigger compared to this and the Lily's


VapeLife X
Ah didn't realize here's no carb here, that's a shame as I much prefer it compared to non carbed similar vapes I have... Hmmm carb, but since it is designed to be used with WP's...I think lifting is the way to clear

@muunch that isn't a carb. it isn't meant to be covered.

that is what the 2nd hole on the brick/jr/hydro is...the fresh air intake and keeps it from combusting straight away.

The Lilly did have three and two could be covered to raise the temp, if the third was covered...combustion.

if I tried to hit my JR without the big hole covered, it would not produce vapor unless I turned the torch WAAY up


Unknown Member
@muunch mentioned the jet engine sound being there when flame is correct, and that was the aha tip for me I guess. I aim to hear that fluttering sound and my combustion and charring has about ceased, and my vape volume increased to nice lungfulls. I did a slight char on the tail end of a load when trying to get that extra yank out of a load, but I do that with the Vapcap and even the E-nano when trying to push it.
I did my research with the straight on the screen so I could keep an eye on the load. I combusted the fuck out of a load in a dosing capsule, figured I'd better learn to light the damn thing before hiding the weed in a capsule.:D I was going to do the move the screen under the heat tube mod, but the screen was a bit big, and I really couldn't see the difference the screen being moved what equals a 1/4" would do, so I left it where comes stock. :shrug:
After this mornings eye opener bowl, so I can have a clear head for judgement, I'm really glad I stuck with it. Did a bowl of Afgoo on the j-hook, and it set me off pretty nicely.:whoa: Great flavor, which I had read the Brick brand was known for, just takes practice to get the heat right. This mornings bowl, flavor and effect reminded me alot of an E-nano stem full, which is a good thing.
Adding this to the daily driver list. Getting hard to keep up with all these daily drivers. :tinfoil:

Its so tiny too, here it is next to a Vapman for tininess comparison:



cui bono?
I've spent the last few days getting acquainted with my first Brick and I am really liking the performance!

It's impossible for me not to compare it to a Lotus because they are alike in almost every way except for the much deeper/larger bowl on the Brick. Both of them require a set of iron lungs for maximum performance, since they both reward you for saying "just a little bit more" as you continue to heat and pull as fast as humanly possible. This is the way to the promised land for certain. Alas, sometimes your own shortcomings (greed, gluttony, lust, etc.) result in the ol' bubbler turning from white to yellow as you shriek in a panic and run for the nearest window.


Well-Known Member
Just realizing that the flip brick has a second screen below the intake glass. Does it work without the screen too? Ive never felt like my Sticky Brick Jr needed a second screen, Ive never had issues with combustion. Is the flip brick so much smaller its really needed?


Well-Known Member
@sirwalter I am more of a flavor person and I use the screen under the intake as it makes the close proximity of flame to bowl a little more forgiving. My wife (aka alpha tester #1) likes big clouds and she does not use the screen under the intake, but she has had to change her torch technique compared to her Maxx. The screen is not necessary but it's recommended until you have a little experience.
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