Cheap High Quality Bubbler


thoroughly vaped
I really like Stevenlmz79's FC-188 in 14 mm with side car and no logo. VERY nice piece with a wide and stable base.

Looks like this is now same piece as FC-187 with 14mm instead of 18. Very cool! Think the old FC-188 was a stereo matrix copy, which I never really saw the point of - especially for vaping.


Anyone have experience with the mini piliar? Only 37 on Stevens popularglass

Edit: Id like to see a vid if someone has a WS .. trying to find something not so close to my face
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Well-Known Member
@flotntoke The FC-UFO is on the short list. I know @ataxian loves his (and I believe @Hogni has one as well. I think a lot of people have this seems for good reason). The price increase on the UFO made me balk a bit.

I'm currently using a 14mm DHG banger hanger
& mini bong
And a 18mm j-hook as well. I think it'll be the D020 again or the UFO (I'm gonna keep perusing here & elsewhere still). D020-D looks ok, but I've heard from several people here & elsewhere they feel it has a little too much diffusion & they felt it killed the flavor a little bit. F that. I wanna be on the flavor train as much as possible. Chugga Chugga Choo Choo!


thoroughly vaped
Anyone have experience with the mini piliar? Only 37 on Stevens popularglass

Edit: Id like to see a vid if someone has a WS .. trying to find something not so close to my face

I usually stay away from mini pillars, or anything with that much diffusion. Mainly because I'm a flavor chaser. The more twists, turns, bubbles, etc. - the more flavor you usually lose. I say usually because some recyclers seem to be able to put on a good show without robbing much flavor, and a good diffusion pump (like FC-710?) will do the same.

An angled out gong, or 45 degree or offset adapter (like many use for dabs) will get the vape off your nose if it feels to close. Also, gives you something to pull to clear instead of trying to grab whatever small vape adapter you may have hooked up. Not much of an issue with WS (since you get so much cool shit with it). but sometimes a problem with short glass ones.

@flotntoke The FC-UFO is on the short list. I know @ataxian loves his (and I believe @Hogni has one as well. I think a lot of people have this seems for good reason). The price increase on the UFO made me balk a bit.

I'm currently using a 14mm DHG banger hanger
& mini bong
And a 18mm j-hook as well. I think it'll be the D020 again or the UFO (I'm gonna keep perusing here & elsewhere still). D020-D looks ok, but I've heard from several people here & elsewhere they feel it has a little too much diffusion & they felt it killed the flavor a little bit. F that. I wanna be on the flavor train as much as possible. Chugga Chugga Choo Choo!

Love the banger hanger. I had one very similar I gave to a friend, and another with a shower head perc I use on occasion. Also, have a sweet JoDa one that works very well!

I like the D020 OK, and find it will keep flavor pretty well. Haven't used mine in quite some time, and would advise the D020-D over it. I like the added volume. Really depends on how you like to hit it. I go back and forth between having nearly the perfect amount of volume in the can for one good hit (once vapor hits your tongue you clear), and smaller ones (where you take a little vapor in before clearing).

I'm also a sucker for a nice showerhead perc way down low in the can. They can get pretty bubbly, but if you adjust your technique I find them to be very easy on flavor. What I normally do is take a slow steady draw so there are just a few bubbles rumbling around at bottom. Cheap Chinese rigs generally don't have well balanced showerheads, so you'll notice bubbles coming out here and there in different spots around the showerhead. This is fine in use, but doesn't look as pretty. Well done showerheads you can usually get a few small bubbles coming out all around the showerhead at same time. But, I digress......

Point is that you draw slow and steady until you clear. Once the vapor is through the perc you're not going to lose much flavor. This is another reason I like these low showerheads... At this point you'll have a can full of vapor and no matter how hard you pull, you're not going to lose much flavor. Clear as hard as you like.

This isn't going to give you quite as clear of flavor as a straight dry stem, or a dry j-hook, but if you manage it right it shouldn't knock things back too far. On the other hand, if you're pulling through all kinds of twists and turns (like fab eggs, pillars, and all kinds of pretty bubbling stuff), you'll usually be knocking the flavor way back. Not always a bad thing for combusters (you can take huge rips with much tamed smoke!), but IMO a bad thing for vapers - especially us flavor chasers!

Still can't believe SteveMinz has blown the price up like that on the UFO. It is a great piece! And, after that price figure you're going to need at least a couple feet of good, healthy silicone tubing. I use Tygon because I have leftovers from my EQ days, but think there are a few newer ones that are good for high temp and have no smell/flavor, and aren't as expensive.

I'd email SteveMinz and make an offer, and see what he says. Maybe $35 or something close? Be sure to tell him how much you'll rant here about how great it is, and how this should bring him more sales.


@flotntoke The FC-UFO is on the short list. I know @ataxian loves his (and I believe @Hogni has one as well. I think a lot of people have this seems for good reason). The price increase on the UFO made me balk a bit.

I'm currently using a 14mm DHG banger hanger
& mini bong
And a 18mm j-hook as well. I think it'll be the D020 again or the UFO (I'm gonna keep perusing here & elsewhere still). D020-D looks ok, but I've heard from several people here & elsewhere they feel it has a little too much diffusion & they felt it killed the flavor a little bit. F that. I wanna be on the flavor train as much as possible. Chugga Chugga Choo Choo!
@Morty I have many.

The UFO I personally like because I can use my own mouthpiece.

The D020 is nice to own and cheap.

D series I like the size. (sunshine store)
I have most all of them.
FC, CLEAR GLASS, LIBERTY and a few others.
produce decent pieces

The FC UFO is nice however I wish he used a MALE 18mm facing down as to I have a lot of SHERLOCK'S.

BIG ASH COLLECTOR use your own mouthpiece!

Diffusion is ideal if you COM-BUST?
Like you I chase FLAVOR to most! (EFFECT vary the strain)!
This is really cheap$
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Almost there...
So far this RooR WT has been my go to for over a year!
It is super simple with a downstem that has about 12 holes.
Nice mouthpiece at a good height.
Super large base makes it super stable as well!

Does anyone know if this is made by any China glass seller?
I have looked many times and not found anything similar.
Greta flavor, minimal diffusion and great visuals when vaping!
It's just a great experience but i would love a cheaper one to use, just in case...


Just got rid of my matrix sidecar .. the matrix perc is cool but using with a log vape looks/feels weird. My WS is inbound due to be delivered and I'm hoping Steven via popularglass will have my new mini pillar to me by sat .. 10 extra bucks for Rush shipping. 47 total
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Well-Known Member
I like to vape lying

Aren't you always laying or sitting down @jabba, sorry, I mean @Hogni :doh:

Checked DHG and the UFO is $43. $40 on Popular Glass. I could of swore I saw it going for fifty something & some change a few months back. :hmm:

Watched some videos of it last night after getting back from the casino. Ooh boy, that perc looks awesome. Simple & delicious. :drool:


thoroughly vaped
I just looked and I paid $40.91 for my FC-UFO about a year ago.

I stand corrected!!! I paid $42.05 for my UFO in April, 2016. Must have had it mixed up in my head with another piece. Wonder why? ;)

IMO it's worth every penny to $50. You should grab one if you can swing @Morty ! I use mine on a regular basis since I got it. A fun piece that everyone loves.


Honi soit qui mal y pense
@Morty, funny boy! ;)

Serious, you won't regret buying the FC-UFO. It's an awesome and pretty versatile device. But don't forget to order at least one regular mp, a mp for the whip and a hose adapter for the joint as replacements. I've paid around $3 per piece of each. Just ask "Jane". And I needed one part already after one week I've had received the UFO.


@Baron23 I thought about that .. just went with a mini pillar from Steven. Looks like a lot of glass and I don't want to balance my 300 log on it. Looks like a game of mousetrap haha. If the mini pillar is no go I'll try something like this. Thanks for the pic !!


Well-Known Member
@Baron23 I thought about that .. just went with a mini pillar from Steven. Looks like a lot of glass and I don't want to balance my 300 log on it. Looks like a game of mousetrap haha. If the mini pillar is no go I'll try something like this. Thanks for the pic !!
You are welcome.

The rig I showed works really, really well (I mean the carbed adapter...the glass is just an FC-188/14 mm). The FC-188 (and 187) have good heavy bases so the adapter and Enano are pretty stable and not fiddly at all. Also, I love the carb. The carb is all of it. That's why I got it, really...the carb. -


So far this RooR WT has been my go to for over a year!
It is super simple with a downstem that has about 12 holes.
Nice mouthpiece at a good height.
Super large base makes it super stable as well!

Does anyone know if this is made by any China glass seller?
I have looked many times and not found anything similar.
Greta flavor, minimal diffusion and great visuals when vaping!
It's just a great experience but i would love a cheaper one to use, just in case...
This FC 186 is cheap!

Don't let the $ fool you?
I had a CARB (broke it)
You don't really need one however their fun!
CAISEN'S r what I use sometimes?

I like my FC UFO (CHEAP however work's)
When I find a GIANT ASH COLLECTOR I'm buying it!
SHERLOCK with a ASH COLLECTOR is perfect for vaping! (MYPOV)
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Almost there...
Thanks bro! I will look into that one!

I have also been considering this one but it looks like a lot of diffusion.
Mobius Stereo Matrix clone.

[link removed]

No worries i am not fooled by the $$'s.
I bought the RooR tube with the XL heating system for $200 CAD!!! SUPER CHEAP considering what i bought is sold for almost $1500, which i would never pay.
For me it is perfect, 12 holes of diffusion and a large can to fill with vapor!
Perfect flavor and taste!

I will also have to look into a sherlock, don't own one of them yet!

Enjoying some 10 week RockStar flower tonight!

Modnote: Link to labeled counterfeit glass removed
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Thanks bro! I will look into that one!

I have also been considering this one but it looks like a lot of diffusion.
Mobius Stereo Matrix clone.

[link removed]

No worries i am not fooled by the $$'s.
I bought the RooR tube with the XL heating system for $200 CAD!!! SUPER CHEAP considering what i bought is sold for almost $1500, which i would never pay.
For me it is perfect, 12 holes of diffusion and a large can to fill with vapor!
Perfect flavor and taste!

I will also have to look into a sherlock, don't own one of them yet!

Enjoying some 10 week RockStar flower tonight!
$200 is too much for me?
I'm a low income sack!
$20 - $50 is my range.

Houses were I live are $$$$$$$.

My wife won't let me collect hair dryer's or glass.

All my custom pieces of glass are broke.

Less than $50 is good enough for me?

I'm CIVILIZED (I believe)?
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Well-Known Member
Anybody know of any pieces that would produce low blowback? I have a flowerpot and when the metal expands after hitting it, this creates a very tight seal causing any amount to puff back out through the flower if I dont slow my hit at the end. I have a mobious sidecar style and a d020 as well. The mobious causes more than the do20 but they both do to some extent.


thoroughly vaped
..... REmember smoking bowl = large can & diffusion

VAPORIZER = small works and reduced diffusion.

Find your sweet spot.

We are all different?

Yeah, Buddy! Less is more when it comes to diffusion. Certainly my opinion on it, though the larger can and more diffusion can probably allow for larger hits for some (not lungs as old as mine, tho!). But, it will still knock the flavor back IME. And, while you can always take larger (and more flavorful) hits from a smaller piece, you have to be very careful to dial down the diffusion on some of the "purdy bubble show" pieces, and on others it doesn't even look possible. Much personal preference here either way.

I love the flavor of my vapor, and spend a pretty penny on strains that are tasty and effective instead of whatever I can get my hands on. I'm not willing to give any of that up for a pretty bubble show.
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