Well-Known Member
i am always experimenting with my temps and so far like between 640F -675F for flowers and dabs.
You know your oh so close to 666f for your flower and dabs

i am always experimenting with my temps and so far like between 640F -675F for flowers and dabs.
Ahh the 666 , i cant dab at that temp , i feel it may be bad luck lol . I have the Tag Sic , Nv Quartz and titanium but recently grabbed the D-Nail Sic Halo so that is going to be my main dish for the time being. It is allot nicer and easier than the Tag Sic .At the moment i am using the 20mm setup bc my 16mm head and nut is the older style and it will not accept the Dnail Sic dish but the 20mm i have does. I'd say maybe try emailing Tag as that is where Nv gets the Sic dishes from. You still cant go wrong with the quartz though , always good to have 2 nails anyway just in case one breaks or need's cleaning. I'm wishing you luck on the journey though man , it will all be worth it. At the moment i'm experimenting with different brand coils as i noticed they are not all made the same. Some have 3-4 wraps of coil around them , i just got one where the actual coil is hollow from Hex-nail. Now i ordered a encased coil that most likely wont work bc of the wiring and i may try another 20mm coil that is not encased but has 4 wraps compared to the 3 mine has now. I'm almost at the perfect setup for myself. My 20mm coil i am using now i had to open up the coils a bit for a better fit pictured a few pages back but i feel my temps are fluctuating to much now.You know your oh so close to 666f for your flower and dabs. What nail do you have @Justpassedu to dab on, still awaiting the SiC dish restock before I purchase, do have a enail now so I'm part way there
Not at all , it is one of the hardest hitting vapes for flowers out. Definitely up there with the best. You'd make a great choice if you purchase one and should be very happy. Save your self a few $ and grab the titanium head if you are not into dabbing.
Nope , not that i have chance of combusting at 600-700 temp?
It can likely be done if you try really hard, but shouldn't happen under reasonable conditions.Nope , not that i have experienced.
It can likely be done if you try really hard, but shouldn't happen under reasonable conditions.
If not used properly , possibly keeping the head and nut on the bowl between hits i can maybe see it happening but at the temps the op suggested and proper usage i cannot see it happening and i been hitting the fp since almost day 1 and never experienced this.It can likely be done if you try really hard, but shouldn't happen under reasonable conditions.
The D-nail version is thicker than the Tag , screams a bit more quality to me as the cuts look allot nicer and the overall quality of material seems better , also the d-nail is smoother to the touch, it is a overall bigger dish size ( not sure how much ) and much , much easier to dab on. With the Tag there is not much room to get your dab in the dish , the d-nail solves this issue for me completely. I was having allot of trouble qtip cleaning my tag compared to the d-nail and dabbing off it. Now my worries are gone , at 1st i did not want to spend the difference but now i see why it is worth it. As for taste , they both seem good , maybe i'd give the upper hand to the d-nail but it is hard to tell the difference. If you are mostly dabbing alone and not taking large dabs than the tag may be worth it to you , i personally am always searching for my ultimate setup and now feel i am mostly there if i can find the perfect coil fitment now which i am searching for. I think cost wise the Sapphire is up there , if tag made one that would be awesome but if it was the same dimensions as there Sic dish i'd most likely pass and stick with the d-nail sic , i feel i am pretty content and happy with it. Dnail does make a sapphire insert that isn't to pricey i could drop into the dish but right now the Sic is great and i cannot see how much more taste can be improved for me. As for my take on the Sic vs quartz , i am liking the sic better , its been easier to clean and seems a bit tastier also although the overall clear color of quartz appeals to me more. I am unsure of any of the sizes though , i apologize. I'd say start with the quartz if its in stock , it was really nice when i was using it and maybe save a bit for the d-nail sic if you can or even wait for your dream , the Sapphire.Could be a bad idea that 666 dabbing @Justpassedu , maybe for Halloween as suggested for shits and giggles. Why do you prefer the dnail version overall, is it simply because of the larger area to dab on? My gripe with the dnail dish is the expense compared to the tag version baring in mind its the same damn material. I'd likely get the Quartz as well with a order like you rightly say if ones cracked or needs washing then it's still a functional device.
I emailed tag last week about them making a sapphire dish or insert but got nothing back thus far, I'm desperate to try sapphire but not at that price point and with tag doing a low cost SiC dish as well can't see why it couldn't be done to a similar extent?
What's your view on SiC vs Quartz for a flavour chaser? Do you know the size of the Quartz dish the FP comes with? Seems to be a few differing sizes on dh gate?
Good Info , ty , most don't vape the avb . I have yet to set my pid settings on the Hex , is it true that the values change depending on what coil type you choose ? as when i 1st got mine i had messed up the values and than chose a coil type , i believe i use the liger 20mm sic option or heavy option i forget. I am not even sure what to have those settings at and the screen is to unresponsive to really fumble with them much even with a stylus , at least for me.@Justpassedu With my HN I've combusted on 640F Coil / 535F Nail, although I am vaping abv with CBD and adding the carb cap. Quartz dish. So yeah possibly not so normal usage as most aren't trying to taste the realm beyond brown but I love the total extraction and flavor of abv.
I still start at 685F for quick hits in the beginning but then drop to 640F so it doesn't combust as often when I'm revaping.
I have a screen inserted down further in the bowl and don't load the actual bowl. I try not to let the nail stay on the bowl.
Liger v3 16mm TiQz
P - 5.2
I - 17.0
D - 5.0
I Limit - 1.0
D Limit - 1.0
Anti - On
Windup Limit - 0.10
I believe those are my stock settings.
Good Info , ty , most don't vape the avb . I have yet to set my pid settings on the Hex , is it true that the values change depending on what coil type you choose ? as when i 1st got mine i had messed up the values and than chose a coil type , i believe i use the liger 20mm sic option or heavy option i forget. I am not even sure what to have those settings at and the screen is to unresponsive to really fumble with them much even with a stylus , at least for me.
I recommend using your browser to navigate, it will make it a lot easier to mess with the settings, if you need help with that just send me a PM.Good Info , ty , most don't vape the avb . I have yet to set my pid settings on the Hex , is it true that the values change depending on what coil type you choose ? as when i 1st got mine i had messed up the values and than chose a coil type , i believe i use the liger 20mm sic option or heavy option i forget. I am not even sure what to have those settings at and the screen is to unresponsive to really fumble with them much even with a stylus , at least for me.
Ty , I had seen a link on the hex thread awhile back. I do have a iPad sitting next to it for music during sessions so I'll have to try that out. Nice to have some settings to adjust with the hex nail , I am sure it will take some tinkering. I know @HexNailAva should be testing it out soon and hopefully have a nice preset for us. That was after a hit in the video ?I recommend using your browser to navigate, it will make it a lot easier to mess with the settings, if you need help with that just send me a PM.
Okay, so I actually decided its time to mess with the PIDs and get the nail mode more stable for my FP.
New updated PID is
P - 4.4-5 (4.4 is closer to under more often, 5 is over more often)
I - 20.0
D - 5.0
I Lim - 1.0
D Lim - 0.5
Anti - On (Technically Off?)
Windup - 0.00
At the moment I am about 5-10 degrees within range. You can see on the graph the red and yellow line are fairly stable throughout.
I'm definitely still messing around as it's not easy to get stable after the temp has increased, it plays up and down for a bit longer than I'd like to stabilize back to a lower temp.
It was not, that is just sitting idle, I've had it idle for an hour and just took a hit. When idle it probably got an avergae of 530F. After taking this hit it went down to 510F then rose back to 530 within 2-3 minutes. I did take another hit but it didn't drop so far. And it doesn't really drop until 30 seconds after the exhale.Ty , I had seen a link on the hex thread awhile back. I do have a iPad sitting next to it for music during sessions so I'll have to try that out. Nice to have some settings to adjust with the hex nail , I am sure it will take some tinkering. I know @HexNailAva should be testing it out soon and hopefully have a nice preset for us. That was after a hit in the video ?
Hi Joaon. I am interested in this mesh stuff. Do you use it with your Herborizers? Is this in place of the screen, or just on top?SS mesh 300 as screen filter, works really great !
I use it in all my vaporizers now!
Thanks Joaon I appreciate that.Yes @Alexis, I use this mesh thing in all my vapes now:
In the Flowerpot, two mesh screens
In the Herborizers, below the original screen
in VapCaps, below or sandwished between CCD screens
in the Project, one for protecting the herb falling on heating element, another one for the bowl
This thing is so thin that it needs something to hold it.. Or not. Somehow, I'll find a way to have just a single one in each bowl
I bought it on a vape (e-Cig) shop, in A4 format. I cut each one at right dimentions on the needs
Mainly, I use it to keep reclaim clean, and prevent micro particules on vapcaps when hitted without water tool.
I thought it would clog really quick.. Instead, it seems that the herb is floating on top!
Super smooth screen indeed
I love offwork days..
FlowerPot, Herborizers and hair-straightner powered On,
testing temps, dabbing fresh Rosin ..
My coil clicks too but I have menovo controller from the gate. I thinks it's just the coil turning on and off maintaining to temp.
I'm digging on this kinda thing as a cheap option until I get the NewVape tin;price|1784046661
No way, why do you think it's called the FlowerPot! It was specifically designed for flowers. That's why I'm purchasing it. Well one of the many reasons actually. It's got a few different uses too, bonus!is it nuts to get this for flower use only? I don't like dabbing.
Thanks Joaon I appreciate that.
It seems dead easy to get. Although I saw there are different types of SS used.
One is SS 316, which has added molybenum. Not sure if this would taint the airpath with any added impurities or toxins, but I would just use the regular SS, Im sure the stuff you got from the shop would be this one.