Vape Donkey 650
All vape, no smoke please.
Hello everyone, I just stumbled onto this thread after I ordered the vaporesso mini nrg tank. Nice to see some familiar faces here.
I think I am doing something @Nine9bar did. I have noticed that those high end vape cartridges that use distillates, use ceramic cell coils. However, I've always disliked the leaking and airflow problems with those little cartridges, so I'd figure a bigger, reusable version of those should work? I also found some distillate that is very viscous, even more so than some ejuice, so I'm having high hopes for this distillate/nrg tank combo.
@Nine9bar How's it working for you? Can you provide more details please? Like how was the flavor, vapor production, and did the oil last long? I ordered my nrg tank off fastteh and won't ship for 4 days plus another 10 days for shipping so, I just would like to get some impressions
Hey Steve, nice you found this little hidden tank thread over here.
What made you decide on the NRG mini tank tho? That's a bottom-air tank, that's most likely to leak out on you, unless you can fill up your tank and vape it down to empty in only a few days (bottom air leaks are usually slow) Still should be much better than those crappy little pre-filled carts, you should get more airflow and better flavor, avoid burning with TC, etc.

4 days to ship out your tank? Why? Maybe you can tell them to cancel your order, with all that delay, and switch out your order to a Veco tank or one of Vaporesso's other top-fill top air tanks, so you won't have to deal with leakage. Distillates and co2 are too precious to tolerate leaking, it's so frustrating and annoying.

Or you can try this place where I got it from here, they are domestic and have it in stock, I'm hoping to get mine in a few days.
Hey Vape Donkey, I've had some success make your coils!!!
I was looking at a few of my old tank and came across The Honeystick Sub Tank!!!! Similar design to the cubis, anyway I decided to try on put a ceramic donut inside, success!!!! It worked!!!! I also experimented with some Double quarts crystal rods, I got botth type coil to fire up, just no wicking yet, so failed to produce vaper,
Where do u get ur ceramic donuts from? I've only got one( scavenged from an old dab pen) and can't seem to find them anywhere, also how do u know which metal each one is?
Cool, so you managed to switch out the quartz rods in your honeystick sub tank out to a ceramic donut, and it fires up? So it seems you at least have figured out the basics of coil building, which is just getting the wires and gasket / plug in the right place so it has continuity and can fire up. Why do you think it's not wicking up though? Is the donut dry on the inside of the coil?
I can't get a great view of the atomizers on the honeystick sub tank, from what I can tell it looks like a decent design. I've seen new FC members bring up lots of new tanks for concentrates and I must say this sub-section of vape gear does seem to be improving.
If the holes for the juice / oil on the casing of the atomizer for the honeystick tank are too small, you might have to remove it and punch some holes in it with a hand drill. (dis-assemble the atomizer and clean it after drilling and before rebuilding it, you don't want metal shavings obviously)

The honeystick is also a top-filling top air tank, so it shouldn't leak. Porous ceramic coils, that's good, standard. They don't say if the wire on the coil lets you run in TC mode, the obsolete battery they sell with it is not a TC mod. Still, this looks alot better than much of the cheap crap tanks that people fill up with co2 and distillates today.

@Nine9bar, you haven't mentioned, what battery or mod are you using with your tanks? (hopefully a good TC mod?)

For the ceramic donuts, I've get them from Divine Tribe, the loose donuts he sells are of a consistent high quality and resistance range, with nichrome leads that are well controlled @ TCR 200-245. You can get similar donuts from lots of stores and resellers, but alot of the time you don't know what the wire composition is, for using with temp control, and some cheap off-brand donuts have un-even heat patterns. Not to say it's impossible to find good replacement donuts elsewhere, but DT's supply is a certainty. He has them in 0.8 and 1.5 ohm, and also stocks larger 10 and 13mm donuts, but I haven't found an RTA coil head (TFTA) big enough to fit those, yet.... (still looking)
He will ship those to the UK; send him a note on e-mail and he might hook up a discount too. Might as well try his v2.7 / v3 atomizer for your straight rosin too, while you're at it.
That bring me on to the Veco, U can rebuild the coil, however my donut coil won't fit in the metal housing, think I need the small one without the hole.
Also the metal pin at the bottom has a hole in it for the air flow, this is the reason why I believe it won't work, might be wrong tho!!!
This tank works great tho for vaping my Rosin/WaxLiquidizer at a ratio of 4:1 - 7:1 however I still want to make a tank for much thicker ratio like 1:3, 3 being 3 grams on Rosin to 1ml WL, do u think this is achievable? i.e able to produce vaper at that ratio with that donut type coil?
Thank for ur help thus far anymore advice would be much appreciated!!
Hmm, I think I know what you mean on the veco coils. The ceramic cylinders they use are fairly tall and skinny, so the coil casing is pretty compact to match it, like their old cCells. Not enough space for a 7mm donut, maybe the 5mm discs? (i still want to get my hands on more of those) I'm hoping to take a look at this soon, myself.
As for your rosin / WL mixing ratios, sorry I can't offer you much help there.

The UK laws are a joke, Drug testing at work, road side drug testing, they class it the same as drink driving now, 2 year ban if caught, this is another reason why I'm making this e liquid, U.K. Cops wouldn't look twice at a vape(clueless) if ever pulled over.
I hear you, but that's only how half the states or more are in the US. They still send parents to jail and take their sick kids away to die for trying to treat seizures with CBD oil. I feel pretty lucky living in California in that respect, but I still don't want to bring attention to myself vaping out in public, so the sub ohm tanks are perfect for that. Some concentrate RDAs that don't look conspicuous like DT's are also good for that. I like using my tanks when driving, but then we also got guys like @Steven who like using 9" tall hydratubes....while driving!

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