I wanted to wait for a bit to give a review as unbiased as possible. That explains its length as well since it a bit of a long story I'm afraid. Sorry for the massive post in advance.
Another problem is that it will sound very similar to previous reviews...But I guess that is a good thing since it will prove the point this little beast is a real work of art. Both aesthetically and functionally.
I received it 3 weeks ago along with another Mi which I had ordered for a friend. Long story (as) short (as possible) my original Milaana was lost in the mail for months, then (thank God) returned to RBT. He made up for it like I would have NEVER expected: Our Mi's were upgraded at NO cost to a BEAUTIFUL cherry V3 with green joint and a WONDERFUL spalted V3 with black joint (in replacement of the now defunct TOD project which I had also purchased 2 years ago). On top of what I had been ALREADY promised, which was of course also delivered (i.e: the almighty Bubble Stem! (Pics to come hopefully) AND another real badass heady MP on top of that, so 'cool' is an understatement here!). Due to the previous experience, and to the fact that I didn't have the original PayPal receipt any longer, as 2 years had gone by, I asked if it was possible to have 2 separate shipments, and guess what? RBT came through AGAIN by sending 2 separate boxes by Priority International so they got across to the EU in less than a week! I did have to pay 43E in taxes, but I miraculously wasn't required to go to the Customs office!
Inside the boxes were extra everything, although I previously renounced to some accesories in the (cool as fuck, btw) Mi package which my friend did actually get in full, plus another clear tube and an upgraded 2-bay Nitecore charger that I had previously purchased as well and ceded to him in exchange for the small 1-battery charger he got. There were also 2 4-battery cases and 2 double battery ones.
Regarding function, flavor is nothing short of amazing. You can really tell there's been a few pre-burnoffs done (as with all of the Zis). It is just herb and very neutral hot air, the signature is VERY nice. First hits really bring up a fresh minty taste in my herbs that is just delicious.
It never really tastes like burnt popcorn either! Even if the ABV is completely dark.
Vapor density is there from the second-third hit (depending on tamp,etc) sometimes even first, and it grabs you by the nuts. Still very flavorful, load looks olive green if that.
Fourth hit, body is warm, that little heater is pumping those 40-50W without a hitch.
There is also a very nice woody smell, once its warm, coming from the inside of the drilled holes for stem and stir pick. You can notice only by using the short stem though, at least in my case, but this isn't a bad thing at all, just the smell from nice untreated wood. Although new units are getting a fully smooth sanding finish plus 3-coat waxing apparently (that alone would make it worth the extra wait imo

Turn knob up almost to 80%, cash it in 3 more hits, pushing the button for one second or two, then inhaling shortly for 2more seconds. Load ends up very even.
Signature is very strong, even though vapor is pretty smooth. It grows on you by the day, after a week I took increasing affection to the little thing, no wonder beta testers actuallly named theirs!
Need to keep on playing with screeen orientation and grind.
Lots of fun in sight even though I'm not really a fan of stirring; I only have another vape that requires stirring and that is the Nano, I'm pretty pleased with the performance of both regarding extraction and vapor sig so that counters the need to stir. It is also related to breath intensity, screen orientation and cleanliness as other members have explained in ealrier posts. I haven't quite nailed it yet but I'm getting closer. I guess I'll do as with the Nano, get different stems for an assortment of each 'mode'. I also mark each position so I can return to them later, only done 2 so far, but strangely enough they follow one after the other, meaning I may only need 3 settings: hot, hotter and the rest

EDIT: now that I've had more time to play with it, I'd say it has 11 positions, just like the Nano!

I found out just by marking my favorite temp, then playing above and below that. Surprisingly, it fits! If you start from the lowest vapor temp (3 o'clock)... I also found it needs less stirring if you do deeper inhalations (but not too fast) at 60-80% power on the dial.
I find myself microdosing a lot with it as well! Even though its not really in my habits. Not because I don't like it, but because I couldn't conceive such small loads for my needs! Until the Zion that is; I started microdosing for its unique flavor signature, but the effects are very noticeable and pleasant, even with so little. I take two hits on 3 o'clock for the most AMAZING taste, bump it to 6 for even MORE amazing taste for another 2-3 hits, if I press a bit longer on the 3rd hit I get tons of vapor, and suddenly worry about combustion...to see the load have a dark green color...
I bump it even more for 3 more hits at 9 and the its all cashed. Even color of herb. Load is approximately the size of the screen plus 1mm, grind is medium fine and slightly 'pinky tamped'.
Aesthetically, this thing is SEXY. I have rarely seen such attention to detail and good craftmanship, was expecting it to be like a Magic Flight quality (hey, no offense there it's a very nice wood and a good finish, but this is on another level I'd say. The space is exactly the same between the door and the body, or the body and the cap is about 1/4 of a mm. This is very precise and, honestly is pretty rare for any item these days.
Weight feels right, not too heavy not too light, have had a busted wrist for a few days and it doesn't bother me to hold it. Been worse to type this massive slab

It's also very stable, so pet-friendly?
The wood itself is very nice too! Smells nice and is pretty sturdy. Smooth finish no rough edges, I can't stop passing my fingers over its curves!
The contrast between the different parts is very nice as well.
Battery life is pretty impressive. I always think they're dead, and still rate at 3.9V.
Only downside? there was some trouble with the magnet coming off but Ryan was able to spot it during QC and fix it, another detail right there of the care he's taken here, it did delay it a bit, but again, this is artisan work.
Only thing I'd add is a tiny o-ring so the stir tool doesn't fall off every time you load the stem onto the vape.
EDIT: another magnet has come off. Will fix it asap, no biggie. I was thinking about it the other day and realised how expensive those things are! Apparently neodymium is a strategic resource (it all comes from China and there was a massive scare some years ago because they, just as the Russians did with Titanium earlier, menaced to close the exports because of commercial and political disagreements and it sent the world on another economical dowturn) decent magnets are hard to come by... If I recall, Ryan sourced only the very best materials, and yes, the very very best magnets too, therefore they tend to work too well sometimes...
In the end, I not only made a fantastic purchase (or 3) as I was expecting all along, but also Ryan really did something selfless and for that I really am grateful and very happy to have gained a new friend along the way as well, which is wort a million vapes (good ones or really, really good ones, in this case).
Yes of course I did think of cancelling my order in anger at times, there were a few ups and downs but it just didn't
feel right; I was part of this for better or for worse. In my case, I even fear he did lose more than he gained overall, but customer came first; I even asked
twice if I had to pay anything extra for the upgrade, but received no reply or extra PayPal invoices, I just got a full upgrade for my troubles in the end

If I'm correct, he's PAYING priority express (international) shipping for all its early preoders at least. Not to mention that there's no classes yet, only V1 (and 'waxed' ''V1.1s'', ok) so we're all getting the full production model, not a cheaper pre-order version.
It was never about money (I was free to cancel anytime) I was just very hopeful in the(se) project(s) and that they'd bring something new and fresh to the vape world, but also from an artisan point of view: I really believe in what the small guys have to bring to it and prefer to back them with my money over more established companies. Not hating on anybody, I still am open to buy any good product out there, but pound for pound smaller guys seem a better choice. Not only Ryan, also many others which have contributed to make this market as exciting as it can be, with such ingenuity, innovation and great ideas all across the world.
TLDR: Do yourself a favor & go pester RBT to make some more Zis! You really need one of those. You won't regret it, NO MATTER what, been there: after all, having my MI lost by postal services made me miss the Mi train, since Zi production had to take over, and was green with jealousy watching all your fancy Mis for months on end until my unit could be sent back!
These are works of art IMO, just got to be a little patient, mine is #60 (...Or not! Don't wanna be taking sides, feel free to cancel and grab your pitchfork at any moment. Just tying to give you longing Zionites some hope.