Melting Pot
Sick & Twisted
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I can understand some of the feelings here. I happen to have some perspective beyond the updates so I feel a bit different myself yet still very much understand the sentiment. Please don't ask me to share beyond that because it's not my business to discuss.
I would however like to say that all hope should not be lost. Ryan has 24 more Zions in production right now and is plugging away. Not as fast as everyone wants of course but still going.....
And as for the bias, boy is that a tricky subject. I happen to have a relationship with several folks in this industry (retailers, manufacturers, industry experts) and have been a beta tester for a number of different units (as many other well respected members and even moderators have). Does this make me biased? Well I suppose you could say so (and I would not argue against it either). However I still feel that I am able to maintain objectivity. I have my favorites. They are generally the first vapes I recommend. But only to people I feel fit the bill for that vape. I ask questions first to understand the users preferences. I have nothing to gain here. I don't make money or receive compensation for my suggestions. I just like to help people and share my knowledge. I don't think there is anything wrong with that.......
As we stand together waiting for the only train we knew to Valhalla ... we notice another moving in our peripheral.
I'm feeling the same way. I have almost $400 sitting, that I could be playing with elsewhere. There are so many vapes I'd love to try and only so much money I'm willing to put into it......I've been hovering over the refund button. Having mixed emotions. Lol
( Week 3
Replace incorrect resistor on Zion chips
Drill Zion door and cap magnet holes (Final Set)
Fabricate Zion heaters and turbulators
Build exotic Milaanas and DOPE give-away unit
June Week 4
Cut and flame polish Zion mouthpieces
Assemble magnets and tape on Zion doors / cap
Sand and Rout Zion (Last Set)
July Week 1
Final Zion machine sand 180 and 220 grit
Sand Zion rounds 150 and 180 grit
Hand sand unit 180 and 320 grit
Bees wax polish
July Week 2
Drill Zion caps and wood burn battery +
Start Assembly of an estimated 5 - 10 Zion units per week.
3 - 6 Months
Manufacture Initial production run of the Splinter.
Zion, Zion and finally completing Zion![]()
Maintain Milaana sales and service.
Refine Business systems to optimize and sustain a direct sales model.
Commercialize Splinter and Milaana.
.... It's moving![]()
Yep ... I think he wants nothing more than for people to drop off or finish the units and put this all behind him.I get the impression that he's deeply burdened by these Zion preorders,
The knob. The chip. Milaana has neither.Why are these units so hard to produce compare to the Milaana?
It's been moving all along though, right? At the pace of a snail crossing sandpaper on a cross-country journey, but we've been told all along "it's moving". From all the instagram pics we've seen it looked as though much of this was already done on more units than have already shipped. So, I gotta ask (not that anyone here would know - so probably just rhetorical) - why is "Start assembly of an estimated 5 - 10 Zion units per week." not scheduled to start until July Week 2 - a month from now? And, should we take this to mean that those units will ship as completed? Maybe in groups? Maybe none go until all completed? Would that include those who ordered recently (while units were being sold in spite of some of waiting for so long with no Zion)? Are those of us who are two years in (sorry for exaggerating - I'm actually only at 23 months!) going to be waiting as long as those who just purchased in April?
Sorry to keep whining here, but all I see is more BS and no solid dates. Not that dates would really be more reassuring, as we've had many from the initial promise of Oct '15 (when I purchased), to the last set of updates that recently claimed June '17 / Q2 '17. I really don't doubt Ryan's skills at producing a solid vape based on my Mi's and reports of Zions from many who's opinion I trust. But, for those of us who have experience working in the corporate world (and surely others), we've seen enough corporate bullshit over the years to recognize it for what it is. Hell, Ryan's isn't even as good as most of what I've seen from different companies I've worked for - nor do I expect it to be. He's one guy, and larger financial firms (where my experience has been) have whole teams of people with MBA's in bullshitting writing them. Well written or not doesn't matter either way - it's still all bullshit!
I can't help but think if he were actually doing the work he lists, instead of putting together bullshit updates that don't really say anything, that he would be MUCH further along with production and many more of us would have Zions in our hands now. I just keep getting a visual of some poor guy, sitting there with his head in his hands, freaking out and putting together these updates, strategic plans, blogs, etc, while all the wood and parts are sitting 5 feet away - but for whatever reason he can't get it together to do the work. Hope I'm way off here, but I've witnessed others do this with both production of products and just completing paperwork, and from the distance we are here - this is exactly what those situations look like.
At the top of this latest 2017 Plan - "Detailed weekly / strategic Monthly Plan", "The important thing is to enjoy this crazy RastaBuddhaTao ride!" What the FUCK? Yeah, this is real enjoyable! Forget about the fact that the title at the top isn't even properly capitalized while he's trying to put together something corporate/official looking to stave people off. If it weren't so god damned frustrating, it could be fucking hilarious.
Maybe I'm lying to myself in thinking I'm mellowing in my old age, and in reality am just becoming a saltier old prick. But, this bullshit had already reached a level where I felt like it was insulting my intelligence (and the same for others). I find myself feeling like I need to to scream, "Do you really think we're that fucking stupid?", with every new bullshit update. Or, maybe Ryan just thinks he's that fucking smart and that these updates will pacify people. Or, maybe he's just lying to himself and bringing us along for the ride. Who knows? I just said above, I'm in and still waiting - and I am for now. But, this bullshit brings even more doubts and makes me feel like I'm making the wrong move in doing so. If any of these updates gave something tangible, and backup to explain why whatever he posts is real this time instead of as empty as almost all that has come before, I'd sure feel a lot better about the whole mess.
I dunno..... I feel like many share my sentiments here though they're not griping as I am here. Maybe so, maybe not. But fuck, I can't sit here and feel like I'm being treated like a piece of shit - as opposed to a customer that paid for a product wayyyy too long ago - and keep my mouth shut. Guess I'll gauge whether or not to keep being a whiny bitch by likes on this post. I'd probably get nearly the same results of my venting if I just write it in a word doc and not post here. But for at least this time, I needed to share. Thanks to all for indulging me in that if you've made it this far through my rant.
@flotntoke I agree entirely on every point, I don't want the refund but this is becoming more of a circus ride than a Zion train ride! Its a joke to be honest!
And what a rant it was.Thanks to all for indulging me in that if you've made it this far through my rant.