Well-Known Member
Here's the original TC40W, Pico and Mini side by each.....time to dig out the camera and take another family snapshot (maybe Pico, Nano and Aster):
Regards to all.
OK friends and neighbors, time to start the New Year out with something nice and simple......

That's the familiar Pico on the left, then the smaller Nano (internal 1100mAh battery) and the Aster on the right. All share the same basic software (although Nano uses four buttons like the TC40W), the same TCR numbers 'cross over' just fine.
It's hard to really appreciate how much smaller Nano is than Pico without holding them both. It's smaller in every dimension, enough so that it sits in a shirt pocket on it's side with the V2.5 on top. IMO well worth considering.
Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year for us all.