I had 40 pieces I think?Uh I have both. I thought I said that haha. Sorry.
I like the 12 inch for massive hits and getting fucked up. I love the 8 inch now for flavor and because it'd recycling and the recycling function is easy I still feel like it cools hits down well.
The amount of water it holds in comparison to the 12 inch Taurus is a massive difference 12 inch is a ton of water and this one is very little water.
The Ftk is a great middle ground imo.
I have more pics on my Instagram and I'll upload some function vids to YouTube as well. Just let me know if you got any questions, I've ordered a number of pieces.
Now I have about 25 or so left?
I break glass daily: {HYDROTUBES; ASH CATCHERS; GonG's; ADAPTERS}!
Today I found this little BUBBLER I haven't used in a few years.
However it works fine.
What I have learned is I love my vapor through water path.
I took a cheap low budget device with a cheap low income bubbler and I'm just as medicated as an expensive set-up?
CANNABIS is safer than MILK!