Edibles help, but those tasty chocolate bars are expensive. My home made edibles are nasty! I have trouble making myself eat good I used to like let alone something so foul.

))) I'd so so love a $16 bhang chocolate bar every night to knock myself out! I still need buds to make me hungry and keep it down. CBD edibles do not work, and neither do CBD buds. It takes oil to do that. 20:1. I have to say I don't enjoy oil in an e-pen for it's charred taste, but it works.
What in the world is a phatpiggie? I couldn't find anything. Is it something designed to go with the vapcap?
My husband and I watched videos. While it might be nice for someone on the go, this just isn't going to work when you smoke in bed while your pattnet sleeps... Not over our new sleep number bed that costs as much as a car. I doze off vaping all the time, or in my own wirld set the vape next to me on the pillow. My cats think the solo is an ass warmer.

But most annoying is the lighter, to my husband. He watched the video and said the clock clock every 15 20 min still drive him mad. So, I'll have to wait on this.
Does MFLB battery adaptor wish in the Milaan?
I do use my PAX in many.many places where you can't have an epen flame, and the more I think about it, I use it while walking with I've hand on my cane or balancing my wheelchair. I'd love to have one of these, with that wooden case, and not the glad one I'd destroy, but I need my discrete public vaporizing needs, which won't fry my teeth, needs met first. I don't wish to bring the hated PAX on my vacation!
The market seems saturated with vaporizers of all shapes and sizes. Is this all that's come out that's cool in the past 3 years?