Hey guys, received mine Saturday..
Here is the bad boy :
(Actually @10 during the photo .. ≈ 300°C ! )
@PPN review said all: This damn thing rocks!
It can hit like a train, or swirl gently & warm ..
The conception is really good, the Titanium is beautiful

I loved looking at it during the first warm up, to see that thermal coloring process !
Have tried some Vapcap reclaim with Enail glass, it was my first dab ->
This thing is powerful. It easily handle a micro dose of 0.05g of herb, I will test with less..
I find the flavors are same, even better when micro-dosing; than Basic-XL

It just extract the whole bowl in less inhalations !
6.5 will be my max for herbs, I almost combust @ 7-8.
It's way more hotter than Basic & XL!
Not harsher or what, just more powerful!
I love to see how it can milk my bubbler with micro doses ..
Not so much a sipper, compared to classic ones !
The heat-up time is shorter and more reactive, same for heat-down !
Sure the all thing get warm and hot ! But you still can handle it to load/undload, just don't grab it near the heater ! I've used some heat shrink wrap on the handle. Looking forward for that isolated one!
Each time I wanted to write a review, I tried it one more time, and every time I was way too far away to expect something intelligible

Actual strain is Sensi Skunk , a sweet citrus Indica, and I've tried to capture some rushs to make a little video; bowls after bowls.. High as a kite, is you know what I mean ..
Would love to try it with some good Sativa, and good hashes (morroccan, Temple balls

I was already convinced by the classic Herborizer, but the Ti is really an improvement !

As I said to Sebastien, it would fit perfectly in a Coffee-shop
(Meantime, we shall stay @Home..)
Can't wait to hear (& see
) how you feel it, @bleak