Cheap High Quality Bubbler

Slow Draw McGraw

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Company Rep
Guilty as charged! lol But I was surprised to see auction pieces $60-$75 on IG for smaller pieces from lesser known artists. Plus it's fun to bid.
Yeah some of those auctions are insane! I've missed out on my fair share badass boro on IG auctions that's for sure. when I see what the winner got it for it kills me!


Well-Known Member
I know this is for "Cheap" bubblers but price is relative. And these are so thick and I got them for a good deal so they feel like a bargain at anything under retail to me. I started saving up 3 or 4 DH Gate purchases and trading it for 1 IG purchase, it's worth saving up! These are from @Phattassglass and I cannot get over the fantastic function! They have this crazy gridded "Hover" perc that retains flavor while giving you good diffusion.
Good Stuff all over IG if you take the time to look for sure! As for affordable I have a nice little piece coming from @Eranparkglass for $100! He is the guy who makes the Illegos ( Glass legos) and he has some really good functional pieces for a good price, check him out!


Who were you getting those klein's from? I want to get one too!

You really should cancel this. I dont think it'll work. I notice they didnt put a video up for it
I'll give a bad review or something, maybe I'll get my money back or a partial refund.


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Who were you getting those klein's from? I want to get one too!

I'll give a bad review or something, maybe I'll get my money back or a partial refund.

Now those were worth the money IMO! His name is Hemping (Zhang). And he doesn't have any of those kleins, I think that may have been a one time sale for now. But he has a blue one I posted earlier available. I haven't tried it though. And one other one, search his most recently listed items.


Well well well.. after months of waiting, they're finally being made:

I am wayyy too excited

e: Ordered one with a carb cap from the same seller in the watermark at the bottom right. $22. Will report back.

Ya I have definitely been tempted to order one of those

I don't get it. It looks like a banger with an internal dish (to prevent sucking the dab through)? Or are the wall solid quartz and extra thick for heat retention?


Well-Known Member
I don't get it. It looks like a banger with an internal dish (to prevent sucking the dab through)? Or are the wall solid quartz and extra thick for heat retention?

Not sure if this is how they actually work but these are copies of Pukinbeagle Thermal P Bangers, I think the two layers of quartz helps retain heat and then you typically use a high airflow carbcap to move your dab around/the hot air in between the quartz. It also has the added benefit of not sucking your dab through. Watching dab videos of people using them they look pretty impressive, but it is kinda hard to judge as they typically use a huge glob.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this is how they actually work but these are copies of Pukinbeagle Thermal P Bangers, I think the two layers of quartz helps retain heat and then you typically use a high airflow carbcap to move your dab around/the hot air in between the quartz. It also has the added benefit of not sucking your dab through. Watching dab videos of people using them they look pretty impressive, but it is kinda hard to judge as they typically use a huge glob.

@063_XOBX Welp, @weenstoned beat me to the punch. That's exactly it! There's a ring cut around the top of the internal cup so that airflow can go out to the outer cup and down the stem (??) without leaking oil. If you're on Instagram, look up a dude named hardcore_toke420. Plenty of vids to show it in action. Or just search #thermalp or #thermalpbanger
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Well-Known Member
^^^ Yep, all the baller torchers rave about the PukinBeagle Thermals.
Good design, nice carbcap combo (they have those copies, too?).

If you mean the ones that are the replicas of the PB Thermal P bubble caps, then you'd have to search for them under "bubble carb cap" or something similar. You'll find this..


but you'll notice that they're actually meant for a 30mm PB skillet knockoff/dropdown hybrid, which looks like this..


This is called the "dropdown banger" lmao. They're also 30mm in diameter, whereas the colored carb caps from Goodsstore (which is available in clear, by the way - I have pictures that the seller didn't post) has about a 21mm diameter, since the inside of the dish is only 17mm.
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Well-Known Member
^^^ Yep, all the baller torchers rave about the PukinBeagle Thermals.
Good design, nice carbcap combo (they have those copies, too?).
what's the advantage of using a bucket like that vs using an enail?

I know i see all the glob droppers on instagram not many use enails.

anyone try glassartist new klein out?

Are kleins loud? In terms of fc710 loud. Also in terms of that glass artist small beaker bong loud.
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Hi vaponauts
Got that walnut U/D about a year ago and have been suffering recurrent bouts of GAS ever since. Fortunately, this thread ensures that my ailment is likely to persist well into the foreseeable future.

Here are my two favorite pieces. Just got the 10 arm tree perc on the left. It actually requires very little water so vape flavour and potency are delivered undiminished. It's 8.5 inches tall but the base is
a whopping 4.5 inches (actually bigger that the description stated). The green tyre perc has a very easy draw, easier than a D020, and it generally functions really well. I also like their aesthetics. Both are well proportioned - the amber tree perc is handsome in a masculine sort of way whilst the green tyre is more feminine and elegant.

They came from Paramount Glass and Clean Clear Glass respectively and based on my (admittedly limited) experience I would certainly recommend them both. Can post links if required.


I just ordered one of the tree perc ones... thanks for the info
Will be my first piece other than an f-bomb diffuser tube, can't wait to get it!
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log wrangler
I just ordered one of the tree perc ones... thanks for the info

Good choice friend. It functions really well and looks great too. It's also comfortingly solid and with a base size greater than half it's height you'll have difficulty knocking it over accidentally. That 18mm joint is also a must for me. The 14mm's often look too flimsy to take the weight of a stem and a log. I hope that both you and @Baron23 get the same excellent service that I did. Let us know how it goes.



Well-Known Member
what's the advantage of using a bucket like that vs using an enail?

I know i see all the glob droppers on instagram not many use enails.

A lot of the lack of enails is mostly due to lots of heady rigs being too small to really support the weight of an enail. Also I would say that torches also have their appeal on an enthusiast level. I would liken being able to properly time a fab with a torch to being able to properly tamp/pull a shot of espresso from a manual espresso machine vs an enail being more like a Mr coffee drip machine. Don't mean to disparage enails but IMO a torch/banger is better unless you are planning to drop a couple of hundred dollars on your nail alone (not counting the controller box).


Sapphire Powered Dabstronaut.
what's the advantage of using a bucket like that vs using an enail?

I know i see all the glob droppers on instagram not many use enails.

anyone try glassartist new klein out?

Are kleins loud? In terms of fc710 loud. Also in terms of that glass artist small beaker bong loud.

A lot of the lack of enails is mostly due to lots of heady rigs being too small to really support the weight of an enail. Also I would say that torches also have their appeal on an enthusiast level. I would liken being able to properly time a fab with a torch to being able to properly tamp/pull a shot of espresso from a manual espresso machine vs an enail being more like a Mr coffee drip machine. Don't mean to disparage enails but IMO a torch/banger is better unless you are planning to drop a couple of hundred dollars on your nail alone (not counting the controller box).

That and I think it's probably easier to use a torch/bangers at a big session when everyone shows up with a different rig and they all want to hit everything.
But I also thought it was kind of strange that there are almost no enails on IG.
Which brings up a question: why don't people use dropdowns when torching their banger in their super expensive rig?
I don't think that I've seen anyone using a dropdown as they torch a banger on their multi thousand dollar rig.
Wouldn't a torch and banger combo have a much larger thermal shock issue than an enail that warms up more slowly and then ~stays at temp?

PukinBeagle also makes a custom 50mm Thermal banger and a triple 25mm!

Personally I think that the ease of use and dependable temperature offered by an enail makes them the winner (but I also have a few really expensive nails).


Well-Known Member
That and I think it's probably easier to use a torch/bangers at a big session when everyone shows up with a different rig and they all want to hit everything.
But I also thought it was kind of strange that there are almost no enails on IG.
Which brings up a question: why don't people use dropdowns when torching their banger in their super expensive rig?
I don't think that I've seen anyone using a dropdown as they torch a banger on their multi thousand dollar rig.
Wouldn't a torch and banger combo have a much larger thermal shock issue than an enail that warms up more slowly and then ~stays at temp?

PukinBeagle also makes a custom 50mm Thermal banger and a triple 25mm!

Personally I think that the ease of use and dependable temperature offered by an enail makes them the winner (but I also have a few really expensive nails).

I don't think a drop down is necessary as the heat on your joint is pretty minimal, like usually less than a glass coming out of a dishwasher (and heady joints are typically a lot thicker than your average drinking glass). I bet just straight up torching most heady glass probably wouldn't harm it much as long as you weren't making it cold right after.


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
what's the advantage of using a bucket like that vs using an enail?

I know i see all the glob droppers on instagram not many use enails.

anyone try glassartist new klein out?

Are kleins loud? In terms of fc710 loud. Also in terms of that glass artist small beaker bong loud.

As you know I use the shit out of an Enail, but I also have a Quave banger, Or QCB I use on the road sometimes. It is a step Below Evan Shore and Pukinbeagle bangers but still much better than any Hyman DH gate quartz. The better the quartz the longer it retains heat. And the advantage to me is no battery , I still prefer my enail at home and still even use a travel enail. . But a quick torch dab from one of my little banger hangers is fun too! I still buy my friends throw away DH gate quartz bangers though because they can't even fathom spending $300 on a rig let alone the nail!
I might try a Thermal P knock off for sure! for me I just like having multiple options on what to smoke out of. Plus some of my little mini rigs just work better with a banger than an enail.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure qcb is considered a step above or at least at par with Evan Shore as he basically just copied their shaping (though lately he seems to have changed the base slightly). I don't think better Quartz retains heat better, you're paying for more consistent shaping and to support American artists.


A lot of the lack of enails is mostly due to lots of heady rigs being too small to really support the weight of an enail. Also I would say that torches also have their appeal on an enthusiast level. I would liken being able to properly time a fab with a torch to being able to properly tamp/pull a shot of espresso from a manual espresso machine vs an enail being more like a Mr coffee drip machine. Don't mean to disparage enails but IMO a torch/banger is better unless you are planning to drop a couple of hundred dollars on your nail alone (not counting the controller box).

I'll give you the first point about some heady rigs not being able to support an enail but idk about the timing torch dabs thing. I was starting to feel like Rain Man from counting out seconds before dabbing for at least a year. After ~11 months torchless I used my quartz nectar collector and it was kinda fun but otherwise meh.


Well-Known Member
@063_XOBX I definitely agree there's a bit of a rain man quality to it, but using the stop watch app on my phone makes it a bit less insane. I would say espresso also has that kind of quality to it which is why most people don't really make it at home. If I have people over I will probably pull out the enail but if I am rolling solo then I find it more enjoyable to torch up/a bit better for my self control as I have to wait/do work to have another dab. Then I also usually just leave the stopwatch app going so I can monitor how frequently I am dabbing.
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