Hi everyone !
Update Time !

So that's the brand new Titanium (Grade 2) system, all convection swirling heat, variable temperature of 90° to 230°C, optimized for complete extraction in 1 or 2 inhalation (

Optional Enail housing, to vaporize concentrates (in direct contact on the broadcaster)
New Herborizer Ti on Bubbler
The set includes : Bubbler, bowl Ti 18.8mm, 5 screens, injector Ti, 4 orings viton, standard glass housing, titanium dabber, temperature controler, carry case, power supply and power cord
New Herborizer Ti with Enail glass housing
The set includes : Bubbler, bowl Ti 18.8mm, 5 screens, injector Ti, 4 orings viton, Enail & standard glass housing, titanium dabber, temperature controler, carry case, power supply and power cord
New Herborizer Ti on tube
379€ (Enail: 409€)
The set includes : TUBE, bowl Ti 18.8mm, 5 screens, injector Ti, 4 orings viton, Enail glass Ti (optional) , titanium dabber, temperature controler, carry case, power supply and power cord
Ti System alone:
The set includes : bowl Ti (14 or 18mm), 5 screens, injector Ti, 4 orings viton, standard glass housing, titanium dabber, temperature controler, carry case, power supply and power cord
Ti system w/ Enail Housing
The set includes : bowl Ti (14 or 18mm), 5 screens, injector Ti, 4 orings viton, Enail & standard glass housing, titanium dabber, temperature controler, carry case, power supply and power cord
Titanium Injector without housing:
Glass Injector Housing
Glass Enail Injector housing
Ti bowl (14 or 18 mm joint)
For those who already have an Herborizer power supply and Temp controller,
the system alone without them will be 189€
They also sell some extractor now..
All that is now available on the fresh new website !
Some videos & tests should be expected by the end of the year..