Boundless CF / CFX / CF-Hybrid


Well-Known Member
Did you take apart your mouthpiece and clean the interior real good, along with taking the screen out and cleaning that? Did you clean the bottom screen in the bowl yet?

Yes, I've cleaned everything with ISO and hot water, so the screen and mouthpiece are spotless (though I'll admit, I'd put off the screen until you mentioned it....and I know better than that!). Still, it seems too restricted. I did notice that it was dirty under the screen, including below the holes that are exposed with the screen removed. I don't know how I could clean that area without disassembling the vape, thus voiding the warranty.

IDK, but maybe I'm being too critical, and imagining the decline in airflow, as I've mostly been using another vape for awhile. I'll load a bowl this evening and try it again. Still, I'd love to get at the airpath and give it a good cleaning.

Thanks for the input, @stickstones.


Vapor concierge
Thank you @RelaxedNow , as you're not the only one noticing this. I'd love to figure out the problem, and it could very well be herbs getting below the bottom screen and deep down in the unit. I wonder if blowing into the intake while it's off would dislodge anything that might be down there.


Well-Known Member
Thank you @RelaxedNow , as you're not the only one noticing this. I'd love to figure out the problem, and it could very well be herbs getting below the bottom screen and deep down in the unit. I wonder if blowing into the intake while it's off would dislodge anything that might be down there.

I did blow into the intake, as you described. I didn't see anything fall out, though I suppose it may have stirred things around a bit.

I loaded it up last night and gave it a try. It's tough to say with any certainty, due to the subjective nature of the natter, but it may have improved a bit. If so, it may simply be due to having cleaned the screen.

In the end, I I'll keep the CFX around and use it on occasion, but I've gotten hooked on convection, so it probably won't be used often. Not a knock on the CFX, just a personal preference.


Active Member
Yeah I already have a couple of bongs and bubblers. Will probably order a WPA soon.
So that DHgate website is legit? I was checking it out and the prices almost look to good to be true.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I already have a couple of bongs and bubblers. Will probably order a WPA soon.
So that DHgate website is legit? I was checking it out and the prices almost look to good to be true.
It's similar to a Chinese E-bay or Amazon, be prepared to wait for packages but they are good for a lot of things.


Active Member
So question for you guys...Just got my CF and really excited to try it out. Turned it on and it has %40 battery, is it ok to use or should i wait until it has %100 charge?


Well-Known Member
The short answer is, if the CF let's you vape it, do it.

I can't find anywhere what type of battery CF has. I wanted to ask Eric, but 4:20 PM your time means 2:20 AM for me and I simply can't make it.

Eric, what type of batteries are in each model that Boundless sell, and at what ranges of voltage are they programed to cut of ? So we know how to treat our vaporizers.

OK, the long answer is Lithium 18650 batteries don't like extremities. That means 3,5 and 4,2 volts. If you have a low battery, and you need to vape it, do it, but charge immediately AFTER session. BTW, they also don't like pass through, even tho it's possible. So vaping and charging should never be done simultaneous. I charge my 18650 to 4,1 volts, and if I want maximum power I charge to 4,2 but I start using it as soon as it reaches 4,2 .

Also, charging in half of hour is extreme in my opinion. Nothing good can come out of that. The 2 hour alternative charge is more than safe. It was believe until recently that the slower the charge, the better, but newer test showed that 18650 don't like very slow charge either. A 2 to 4 hours charge is optimum, and 1 to 6 hours is acceptable. Below 1 hour there are safety concerns, more than 6 hours there are life of the battery concerns.

You can't do anything with this info until Eric clarifies things, but should give you a slight idea of what 18650 means.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
That's just an assumption. The CFX uses two 18650 good quality batteries. I've seen the tear down. But I read somewhere that CF also outputs 7,4 volts but with just one battery, so in logic it does not have a 18650.
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Well-Known Member
Anyone know who has the ELBs in stock? I wanted to order from puffitup but they are out of stock. I emailed them and they aren't sure of an ETA. I just got my CF and love it so far. The chamber is way too big for my uses but I love the fact I can under pack it and it still works.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know who has the ELBs in stock?

Vapor Warehouse (an FC supporter!) has your back -

The ELBs add some convection also, and my favorite part is when you're done a session and want to save the rest of your load (I fill mine up 3/4s full), you can just pop it out of the chamber attached to your mouthpiece, and it will rapidly cool down in the air, instead of continuing to cook in the oven.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
I have a big favor to ask you...
Use the WTA and PM me in a month telling me I should not be kicking myself in the nuts for not ordering the WTA and PWT for an extra $70.


Well-Known Member
HI guys - I used a CFX loaner and loved it...will probably be buying one in the next week or so.

I did go to Boundless new website (I think this is the new one) at

I notice that they do not list contents with the vaporizer, i.e. does it come with brush, power cord, anything else? I believe that the WPA is extra, no problem. But what does come with the vape? Anybody know?


Well-Known Member
HI guys - I used a CFX loaner and loved it...will probably be buying one in the next week or so.

I did go to Boundless new website (I think this is the new one) at

I notice that they do not list contents with the vaporizer, i.e. does it come with brush, power cord, anything else? I believe that the WPA is extra, no problem. But what does come with the vape? Anybody know?

  • Boundless CFX Vaporizer
  • USB charging cable
  • DC charger
  • Oil/concentrate pod
  • Packing/dabber tool
  • Cleaning brush
  • User manual



Well-Known Member
HI guys - I used a CFX loaner and loved it...will probably be buying one in the next week or so.

I did go to Boundless new website (I think this is the new one) at

I notice that they do not list contents with the vaporizer, i.e. does it come with brush, power cord, anything else? I believe that the WPA is extra, no problem. But what does come with the vape? Anybody know?

I just watched their livestream on youtube and they are not able to process credit cards on the new site.

A CFX can be purchased from their old site or from Puffitup.


Well-Known Member
I've had my cf for a couple of days now and I've ran into an issue. The charging port seems to be loose in its connection. The light goes from red to green, red to green, and then red when I first plug it in to charge. And it seems to be only going up to 4 led lights and not the full 5. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?

Boundless Vape Technology

Well-Known Member
The short answer is, if the CF let's you vape it, do it.

I can't find anywhere what type of battery CF has. I wanted to ask Eric, but 4:20 PM your time means 2:20 AM for me and I simply can't make it.

Eric, what type of batteries are in each model that Boundless sell, and at what ranges of voltage are they programed to cut of ? So we know how to treat our vaporizers.

OK, the long answer is Lithium 18650 batteries don't like extremities. That means 3,5 and 4,2 volts. If you have a low battery, and you need to vape it, do it, but charge immediately AFTER session. BTW, they also don't like pass through, even tho it's possible. So vaping and charging should never be done simultaneous. I charge my 18650 to 4,1 volts, and if I want maximum power I charge to 4,2 but I start using it as soon as it reaches 4,2 .

Also, charging in half of hour is extreme in my opinion. Nothing good can come out of that. The 2 hour alternative charge is more than safe. It was believe until recently that the slower the charge, the better, but newer test showed that 18650 don't like very slow charge either. A 2 to 4 hours charge is optimum, and 1 to 6 hours is acceptable. Below 1 hour there are safety concerns, more than 6 hours there are life of the battery concerns.

You can't do anything with this info until Eric clarifies things, but should give you a slight idea of what 18650 means.

Here is a list of the units and their battery size and specs. Hope this helps.

CF: 1 x internal 18650 (1300mAH) 3.7V

CFX: 2 x internal 18650 (2500 mAh) 7.4V

CFV: 2 x 18350 Dual 18350(1300mAh) 7.4V

CF Hybrid: 1 x removable 18650 (2500mAh) 3.7V

CFC: 1 x internal 17650 (1800 mAh) 3.2V

CF 710: 1 x internal 16500 (900 mAh)


New Member
Hey everyone. New to the forum and vaping. I bought my very first vape, the cfx and it works good so far.
I read a few pages back to modify the mouthpiece using a regular screen to catch "honey". Does that mod work with the ELB basket/cap, or do you only do one mod? Also would the cap not capture the honey or does it only collect in the mouthpiece screen?
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