Boundless CF / CFX / CF-Hybrid


Well-Known Member
I have, (I thought), read this thread from front to back and I must have missed about a screen to reclaim honey.
Please direct me to the post about that. Where do you place the screen and what kind?
I worked out a reclaim harvest for my Haze. I soak the mouthpiece in Everclear.
I placed a screen in the CFXs WPA and it seems to be honey condensation collecting on it. I thought I would just soak it in Everclear, and add it to my tincture bottle. Good idea? Doc


Well-Known Member
I have, (I thought), read this thread from front to back and I must have missed about a screen to reclaim honey.
Please direct me to the post about that. Where do you place the screen and what kind?
I worked out a reclaim harvest for my Haze. I soak the mouthpiece in Everclear.
I placed a screen in the CFXs WPA and it seems to be honey condensation collecting on it. I thought I would just soak it in Everclear, and add it to my tincture bottle. Good idea? Doc
It's the mouthpiece screen mod, a screen is placed inside the mouthpiece assembly to catch any honey and drips from the mouthpiece. its the first mod on the list. The honey you can add to your bottle Doc or place in some herb and vape.


Well-Known Member
I have been on that page four or five times and didn't see that video. I thought it was an advertisement and ignored it. Duh.
I did those mods just playing with it.
I hardly use the mouthpiece at all. I like the WPA with a water-tool. Putting a screen in the WPA cone works the same way I think. It's getting syrupy.
I have been saving up the ABV from this vape.
I have a Blast, (blender on steroids), and I blend up greens and fruit for a healthy drink. Well my S.O. dumped ABV into a blast and she was couch-locked for the rest of the day.:rofl:I enjoyed it, but she got pretty stoned. Doc
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Well-Known Member
I have been saving up the ABV from this vape.
I have a Blast, (blender on steroids), and I blend up greens and fruit for a healthy drink. Well my S.O. dumped ABV into a blast and she was couch-locked for the rest of the day.:rofl:I enjoyed it, but she got pretty stoned. Doc

When I filled a jar with my AVB, I put 80° moonshine bought from a countryside neighbor (VERY cheap), just enough to cover the AVB. I left it for 6 hours but stirred good every hour. After 6 hours I strained, throw the AVB to garbage, and left with about half of jar of green dragon.

It was my first experience so I thought to take it slow. I poured 50ml (1,7 ounces) drank it and waited for 30-35 minutes. Nothing happened so I drank another "dose" for a total of 100ml. Just as I put my cup down, I felt the first dose kicking in. It came as a hammer, and it kept beating me stronger and stronger. WOW ! I kept telling myself "nobody died from MJ, don't call the ambulance" :D I was stoned for 3 days.

Now I drink 20-30ml for a full Sunday experience :) Of course I dilute it with some juice, 'couse it tastes terrible, and the alcohol is too strong.

Sorry for the off topic, but I hope you enjoyed the story and maybe learned something.

New site:
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Well-Known Member
I have been on that page four or five times and didn't see that video. I thought it was an advertisement and ignored it. Duh.
I did those mods just playing with it.
I hardly use the mouthpiece at all. I like the WPA with a water-tool. Putting a screen in the WPA cone works the same way I think. It's getting syrupy.
I have been saving up the ABV from this vape.
I have a Blast, (blender on steroids), and I blend up greens and fruit for a healthy drink. Well my S.O. dumped ABV into a blast and she was couch-locked for the rest of the day.:rofl:I enjoyed it, but she got pretty stoned. Doc

I just added the video a few days ago. Several people were constantly asking for clarification, so i tried to show it more clearly in video format. I hope it helps someone.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the clarification. I thought I was missing something.
legalizeRO, I read your post as I was going to bed. I about fell out of bed laughing my a_s off. My girlfriend said she knew how you felt.
Thanks for the great laugh. Thanks again. Doc


Well-Known Member
Well, pulled the trigger and got a CFX from
I got free shipping and free herbs samples (peppermint & lavender).
Eric recommended this shop for European customers in one of the live streams and I don't regret at all. I've sent numerous mails to Simon and he was more than nice to help and answer all my questions.

I've also added the 4 ELBs in the cart, so I should be set. I'll post again when I get it to share my experience.


Well-Known Member
You are going to love the ELBs. Keeps the bowl clean, and great for on the go. Delta 3D Studios has a ELB loader that fills the ELBs easily.
I have a couple of cigar tubes that hold five loaded ELBs. Make sure you pull the cedar wrap out and rinse the tubes out. I wound up with five ELBs full of "OG Kush" that tasted like Macanudo Maduro cigars. Wasn't bad, just surprised me.
Did you get the WPA? If you do take the screen out so it doesn't hit the ELB top screen. I put a screen in the cone of the WPA, (collects reclaim). I will vape the screen or turn the honey into tincture.
This is a great vape. I'm glad I bought it. Doc


Well-Known Member
No WPA because I don't own a glass. 3 years ago I went from joints directly to a Plenty vaporizer. I'll cut a screen from it for the mouth piece reclaim catcher and that will be all.
I was very tempted to get the WPA because it had the bundle price, but then I would of have to get a bong, and I don't buy any cheap bong, so that means probably another 100$. I see that the vapor is pretty cool without it, so at least for now no more purchases. Did I mention I'm shopaholic?
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Well-Known Member
I have always believed in "RTFM". I always read the manual before ordering anything.
Well I ordered my CFX on 9/28. I've had the vape for over a month. I like to keep a copy of owner's manuals on my laptop. I was downloading the CFX manual, and read it again.
Stupid me I have been turning it off, (5 clicks), when it timed out, turning it on again, (5 clicks).
What else have I got wrong, besides not knowing to hold the power for two seconds, then hold power button two seconds to reset. I feel so stupid. "Read the f___ing manual" closely. Doc


I have always believed in "RTFM". I always read the manual before ordering anything.
Well I ordered my CFX on 9/28. I've had the vape for over a month. I like to keep a copy of owner's manuals on my laptop. I was downloading the CFX manual, and read it again.
Stupid me I have been turning it off, (5 clicks), when it timed out, turning it on again, (5 clicks).
What else have I got wrong, besides not knowing to hold the power for two seconds, then hold power button two seconds to reset. I feel so stupid. "Read the f___ing manual" closely. Doc
More fun to wing it once in a while! I use to 5 click after every session as well.. easier to hold it down 2 seconds on preferred start temp so when u hold it down its not revving up to the full extraction temp. Idk about any other tricks but If u have a mflb glass stem and UFO you can separate the mouth peice And insert the glass stem in the silver metal screen section and use the UFO for water filtration.


Well-Known Member
HI guys - I have been loaned what I believe to be an early CFX. I note that the filter in the mouth piece base bottom is supposed to unscrew into two pieces to be able to clean it. However, the one in mine does not seem to want to unscrew and almost looks like a press fit.

Its the older style with small holes in the metal of the filter top versus what I believe they ship today which is an assembly where the filter top captures a little screen when screwed on.

With the version of the filter I have, does it indeed unscrew and any tips?

P.S. - I tried a search on filter screen and this info wasn't in there. Search for screen mostly came up with screen mod tips, etc.

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Well-Known Member
HI guys - I have been loaned what I believe to be an early CFX. I note that the filter in the mouth piece base bottom is supposed to unscrew into two pieces to be able to clean it. However, the one in mine does not seem to want to unscrew and almost looks like a press fit.

Its the older style with small holes in the metal of the filter top versus what I believe they ship today which is an assembly where the filter top captures a little screen when screwed on.

With the version of the filter I have, does it indeed unscrew and any tips?

P.S. - I tried a search on filter screen and this info wasn't in there. Search for screen mostly came up with screen mod tips, etc.

They should simply unscrew Baron, if its a used CFX then it's probably just honey that's locked it. Try maybe ISO or hot water and see if it unscrews then.

edit:- just found my original screen and it's the same type as yours, it simply unscrews.
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Well-Known Member
Material Capacity: 1500ml

They should simply unscrew Baron, if its a used CFX then it's probably just honey that's locked it. Try maybe ISO or hot water and see if it unscrews then.

edit:- just found my original screen and it's the same type as yours, it simply unscrews.

Hot water and maybe a soak in Smoke Soap. Doc

Thanks guys...will give that a shot. Because its not mine, I wanted to be a bit careful with it (well, more careful than my ham handed general way of breaking things). Yep, most likey residue glued. I will try your suggestions.



taste buds
Thanks guys...will give that a shot. Because its not mine, I wanted to be a bit careful with it (well, more careful than my ham handed general way of breaking things). Yep, most likey residue glued. I will try your suggestions.

I find a quick session warms everything up enough to melt the residue and loosen the screen. It can be tricky to unscrew, you have to press against the back firmly to hold it in place while unscrewing the front piece.
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Serial Vapist
Is the screen at the bottom of the chamber in the CF removable? I cleaned last night with ISO and was unable to remove it. It has some black marks and is pretty gunked up, so I was hoping to soak it in ISO. I've watched several videos but never see that mentioned.
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Well-Known Member
Is the screen at the bottom of the chamber in the CF removable? I cleaned last night with ISO and was unable to remove it. It has some black marks and is pretty gunked up, so I was hoping to soak it in ISO. I've watched several videos but never see that mentioned.
Yep you can remove the bottom oven screen, use the provided dab tool and it should pop out.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone noticed the draw on their CFX becoming more restricted over time?

I feel that mine has become even more restricted than it was when new. The mouthpiece is fine, and the bottom screen appears to be clear as well, but it's a real effort to draw on it.. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I'm wondering if i need to ship it to Boundless for repair.

Any suggestions?


Vapor concierge
Has anyone noticed the draw on their CFX becoming more restricted over time?

I feel that mine has become even more restricted than it was when new. The mouthpiece is fine, and the bottom screen appears to be clear as well, but it's a real effort to draw on it.. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I'm wondering if i need to ship it to Boundless for repair.

Any suggestions?

Did you take apart your mouthpiece and clean the interior real good, along with taking the screen out and cleaning that? Did you clean the bottom screen in the bowl yet?
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