Hey Beef Supreme,
I did read about the burn off and from what I gather, it involves turning the unit on without any
material in the chamber. I'm guessing that the temp should be turned up fairly high. I really
did read the entire thread over the course of several days, but without the actual unit in front of me,
the changing of the various screens left me a bit....confused. I do remember reading several reports of
folks using ISO and somehow damaging the finish of their unit. I'll get in there with an iso dipped q-tip and give it my best.
With respect to the elb mod, the Vapexhale elbs appear to be out of stock everywhere on this side of the border.

I read that all new units being shipped have "upgraded screens" by Boundless. PIU confirmed that their inventory is the very newest from Boundless. They were including "several screens" with my order.
I will for sure scope it out once the unit arrives in the next day or so.
Thanks so much for the suggestions/advise. Very much appreciated.