The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
I think there's some validity to this, I recall an interview by Mark Cuban stating he thinks Trump will gain substantially from losing. It seems he will gain substantially regardless...he has already won no matter what happens in the election. As much as it hurts to say this.... is trump quite possibly the smartest guy in the room?:(

Or the voters are the dumbest people in the room.


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
I didn't think it was possible. But: hould-find-clintons-missing-emails/
"This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has
actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his
political opponent," senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan said in a
statement. "That's not hyperbole, those are just the facts. This has gone
from being a matter of curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a
national security issue."

What a f88king idiot - and a$$hole!
And potentially a traitor.

Imagine what the media and the reich wing would be saying if a Dem had done this.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
A very good article.
Is Donald Trump a Racist? - The New York Times

The New York Times › opinion › sunday
4 days ago - Nicholas Kristof JULY 23, 2016 ... Donald Trump and his father, Fred, in 1973 at Trump Village ... I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are ... his denunciations of Mexican immigrants as, “in many cases, ...


unbearably light in the being....
And they both should be held accountable, not ignore it since everyone is doing it.
great idea, but we need an example or two of such attempts not leading to open rebellion, murder and political fragmentation. Looking forward to hearing your ideas on how to hold one's political opponents accountable under the law with any chance of success.


Annoying Libertarian
Political fragmentation is what I want, lol. The two party system is horrifically failing this country.

And if we would just uphold the law, it would be easy. Instead, we allow for laxity with our elected officials or large corporations. This gets at many problems all at one time.


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
Political fragmentation is what I want, lol. The two party system is horrifically failing this country.

And if we would just uphold the law, it would be easy. Instead, we allow for laxity with our elected officials or large corporations. This gets at many problems all at one time.

3 party systems do no better. Blaming the 2 party system is futile.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
@yogoshio the problem in America is that people are complacent and don't vote. A privilege that folks don't have in third world countries or places where voting is a sham.

Plenty of places in America where it seems like trying to vote is a sham unfortunately.

People don't get upset about the system until after an election has begun. The time to do things are early on. Change things beforehand. Get involved in the system, try to actually change things.

Voting for the Liberatarian choice would be just as bad as Trump. The Green Party candidate isn't presidential material right now.

It's too risky this election. Trump could win. We need to vote with that in mind.:bang:

I don't know about you but when I see Trump on the screen, I'm pissed. He puts me in a bad mood.
I need some mood elevation.;pd;:leaf:
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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I run into this scenario all the time in my business....I wonder if Trump thinks similarly....

Scenario A: Company hires a project manager. The project manager will start the discovery by using a secondary resource to take direction, gather the information needed and then put together a project plan. The project manager then makes decisions on how the plan should be modified, the secondary resource updates the plan and then the project manager reports back to upper management. Tracking and working the project will be done by the secondary resource(s). The project manager will oversee the secondary resource.
Scenario B: The project manager will start the discovery by using a resource to take direction, gather the information needed and then the project manager puts together a project plan with the info provided/gathered. The project manager then reports back to upper management but is responsible for the hands on day to day project management.

In Scenario A: The project manager can work multiple projects but would probably be better described as a director since they are not really doing the hands on project management.

In Scenario B: The project manager can only work one or maybe two projects but is more accurately titled as a hands on project manager.

I think Trump sees himself as the director from Scenario A. The problem I have with this is that in my world it's always beneficial to have some knowledge about the area you're directing/managing and not just management skills. I would think it would be even more critical to have some working knowledge of the problem at hand if you're president.


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
The two party system is a system designed to manipulate the people on the right and on the left. It is a trick the oligarchy and elite use to control and manipulate. Because we have two-parties they are always in conflict on every issue, it comes down to us or them. Because the two-party system sets things up for perpetual conflict solutions must come as a compromise. This means all potential solutions from the right is never far from the solutions from the left. Why? Because we have a two-party system and the two-parties are engaged in constant conflict and neither party can get far enough away from the fight to give the solution our nation truly needs.

We disagree. I see no evidence from European countries that they work any better with 3 or more parties. They have the same disagreements and conflict.


Vapor Sloth
I think Trump calling for Russia to hack H's missing e-mails is kinda weird since they are gone now. Now, is it possible the Russians already have them? imho yes. They probably hacked her server a long time ago.

I will bet a virtual poker chip, no cash value, that we see a few more releases of DNC e-mails moving forward and at just the right moment there will be a release of H's missing e-mails, hacked by Russians, from her basement server.

($) . . . one chip.

If the Russians can show right before the election that they had their way with H's server, and the content of the deleted e-mails are work related, possibly classified, and they put her in a bad light, this could really be a game changer for the election.

I'm not saying I want this to happen but the little birds are whispering about it more and more.


Well-Known Member
Ganga Baba's Rules to teach one's kids how to live adharmic* life
Culled from a lifetime of witnessing the American political scene become ,more and more tribal
Trump edition

Rule 1: Always lie lie, frequently, inconsistently, unabashedly and you will never get feel the embarrassment of guilt getting caught

Rule 2: Facts don't matter Speculation and opinion are as good as investigation and verification

Rule 3: *Look it up


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
When I see either one of them I'm pissed.
That is because you have a false equivalency.
Drumpf and Hillary are not in anyway the same.
Drumpf is maybe a traitor (asking Russia to hack the State Dept) and Hillary is not.
Drumpf is a racist and Hillary is not.
Drumpf is a grifter con man and Hillary is not.

You see where I am going with that?


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
I think Trump calling for Russia to hack H's missing e-mails is kinda weird since they are gone now. Now, is it possible the Russians already have them? imho yes. They probably hacked her server a long time ago.

I will bet a virtual poker chip, no cash value, that we see a few more releases of DNC e-mails moving forward and at just the right moment there will be a release of H's missing e-mails, hacked by Russians, from her basement server.

($) . . . one chip.

If the Russians can show right before the election that they had their way with H's server, and the content of the deleted e-mails are work related, possibly classified, and they put her in a bad light, this could really be a game changer for the election.

I'm not saying I want this to happen but the little birds are whispering about it more and more.

The game changer is Drumpf asking Russia to hack the state dept. That is the issue. He is a traitor and a national security problem.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Any outside group that has access to those emails and exposes themselves because of it........ had better have a serious dislike for doing business with America because they will be shut down faster than a PC with a blue screen.

If the Russians have them and make them available we won't know it came from them.


Vapor Sloth
The game changer is Drumpf asking Russia to hack the state dept. That is the issue. He is a traitor and a national security problem.
He is trying to walk it back right now, but you are right, he should never have said anything like that.


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
He is trying to walk it back right now, but you are right, he should never have said anything like that.

If a Dem said that it would be the end of their candidacy.

On another note. Are you really going to go to the State Fair?


Vapor Sloth
I have not been since my college days. I am waffling because I hate the heat, crowds and parking:)
I feel the same way you do. Its been so long that I can't remember the last time I went up there. If we both decide to go we should meet.


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
That is because you have a false equivalency. Drumpf and Hillary are not in anyway the same.
They are they same in my estimation in that they are both VERY BAD CANDIDATES not worth the reward of my vote! Equivalencies can be listed until the cow jumps over the moon and the cheese turns green, I will not ascribe to any of it - bad is bad, period, end of story... you lose face with me, irrevocably, forever. I can abide an individual who admits genuinely to making ten mistakes, but not ten lies for one mistake. I can abide a well-grounded individual who has a healthy well-intentioned imagination who can share the dream, but not a fear monger who can't discern reality beyond the horizon of his own greedy nose. Yeah, I get that withholding my vote is possibly a vote for the other guy, but somehow that argument still isn't compelling enough for me to get out of bed on election day. Let the house burn down - from the rubble & ashes let the Phoenix rise... or not.

The two party system is the pendulum that swings and it's a wrecking ball...
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