You know what grinds my gears? Bull-cock-recycled actors in a cliche movie.


Well-Known Member
The movies these days and television shows are an abomination to that which is good.

Don't misunderstand me, as I do believe that some good shows and movies are still being

created, but the ratio of good to bad movies is displeasing.

I recently watched We're the Millers, a sequel about super hero teenagers who seek revenge against these bad guys because for killing their fathers, and Scary Movie 5. All of the movies were awful, beyond fucking horrible, and lacked zero replay value.

Now there's some movie out there with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. I don't even want to talk about it, really. I just can't stand seeing the same actors in the same type of movies, that seemed to have been put together as quickly as possible.
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I dont think the ratio of good to bad has changed. It's just that there is now a larger pool of options as well as increased social awareness of movies/shows that would have slipped under the radar in the days before the intrawebs and the twitters.

In fact there are probably MORE good movies and shows being made now than any other point in time. The problem is that the same can be said about the bad stuff.


Vapor Sloth
Now there's some movie out there with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. I don't even want to talk about it, really. I just can't stand seeing the same actors in the same type of movies, that seemed to have been put together as quickly as possible.

Sigh, more garbage . . .:rolleyes:



yeah movies blow these days

Upstream Color came out this year though, probably the best film i've seen all year:

you just need to dig deeper! I know it sucks, but its worth it


Norton isn't in many movies these days though...Primal Fear, Death to Smoochy, Fight Club, American History X, The Illusionist, they are ALL great, but they are also older..


Solod out.
ya, but i just watched leaves of grass. It was my first time watching him in a comedy movie. I like actors that can pull off comedy, and drama roles.
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