Yocan Concentrate Vaporizer Bundle


Well-Known Member
What's Included:

1 Yocan Torch
1 Yocan Nyx
2 Yocan Cerum (never used)
1 Yocan Evolve Plus Concentrate Pen
3 Yocan Coils (never used)

The Silicone Cover Cap for the Torch is stained yellow. It's totally clean but I can't get rid of the stain color. Its only purpose is to give you a seal when connecting it to your glass Looks pretty shitty and embarrassing honestly and it makes the pics looks shitty, but whatever. You can buy a brand new Silicone Cover Cap from Yocan for $2.99: https://www.yocansa.com/products/yocan-enail-cover-cap?variant=25264027907

Everything that is pictured for $60 shipped in the US.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Link to Image Gallery: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2c9t14fa0/

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