won't leaving a vapor bros. on burn my herb?

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Well-Known Member

I'm checking out the vapor bros. vaporizer and came across this interesting video:


This guy say that you can leave it on for hours and it won't burn. Seriously?

Also, he says: "as the vapors cool off they condense and come back again" and "the vapor just stays in the first three inches....all day."

Can anyone confirm whether-or-not this has been their experience???

Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
interesting video. in my experience with the vapor bros, it will not burn your weed if you keep the temperature low enough. I have used it for about an hour and a half straight and nothing burned. However, by the time I was done, the knob was turned almost to the off position. The glass retains a lot of heat and so does not need to be constantly heated, what I did is when I started to feel that the hits were getting really painful I would pull the stem off of the vape and just take 2 hits or so without holding it onto the device, then putting it back on to heat up. I never had the hands free one, so I am not sure if they changed much. basically i started by turning it on and switching the knob to half way, then as it heats up I turn it down slowly so as not to burn the weed. Never got to a point of it ever actually happening but the thing got REALLY freaking hot.

Good luck.
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