Why I Am So Mad at Television


Naruto Fan
EDIT: what I didn't write about here was that after 48 years I was finally "getting the hang of" how to "squirt a few" while I was watching whatever, the meanings had built up and been developed to a point where I could rock a TV show...I was fully plugged into it. To have that taken away so abruptly is a shock, disappointment, and cause for mourning (for me). As they say on South Park, "Those bastards!"

I don't know if i've said this before this simply.

before the last election I was following the news online and on TV about Proposition 19. I heard that the Drug Czar had issued a message to all the law enforcement offices in California, "do whatever it takes, make sure this does not pass!"

A week later a bogus driving experiment was shown where local radios personalities were asked by the DA's office to smoke pot and drive on camera. Except that the Federal Government had published a study in 1993 showing no problems IF they wait 30 minutes. So the District Attorney's office, the radio personalities, the police department and all the local network stations passed this off to the public as something on the up and up, when it was really a pack of mis-information meant to sway public opinion.
A week later they did it again by saying we'd give pot candy to halloween trick-or-treaters.

That was the start of my dis-illusionment with ABC, NBC and other networks. No fair-and-balanced, just the side of law enforcement and the status quo: demonizing drug and pot users.

two months later, still watching TV, but just before i was going to be laid off i cut back on # satellite TV chanels to save money, and was left with one called LinkTV. Eventually I was watching Democracy Now, and learning about the white house talking points, where they come from, what's going on in the world, and more than two sides to each story usually. This gave me two sides to the news: one from the regular broadcast stations I was still watching and now an alternate news source, not controlled by the corporations. I was starting to see the spin on regular TV, and it was heavy, I'd just never noticed it before.

For a week and a half the top story around the World was Tunisia, and the network stations ignored it...a "labor movement?" no way were they gonna show that until they had to.

Wisconsin, you remember I hope that a lot of people demonstrated against the bill that would strip the rights of labor workers? Not much was shown as it went, except Fox news showed the Tea Party'ers (1,500 tea partiers, compared to 100,000 demonstrators but you would not know it by watching network TV).... Then the republicans pushed thru the bill without the democrats, without the public and internal debate and meetings that legally are required to take place before such a measure is signed into law, no, they pushed it through in the middle of the night late one Sunday. This was probably the biggest news story of the year in America, signalling the start of a war against the people by the republicans, not to save money as they claimed, but for some other purposes. But on network television there was only loud blaringly loud headlines all day long about Charlie Sheen and Lindsay lohan, so then I knew, they were trying to make me shut up and be happy about my lot in life. Fuck them with a big stick in the middle of their brown eye.

there have been several other incidents where I've seen through their lies, like the map of Israel they shown on TV that doesn't have any land left for the Palestinians - it's all Israel on the TV map. That's not a matter of opinion, that's not trying to illustrate a point, that's trying to talk me into something that goes totally against what the international court has ruled, but they don't even tell us about that stuff on TV.\

I'm pissed because for 48 years i've had them inside my head and apparently it's worked especially well in my case. How could I have been such a fool? How could i have passed my power and destiny over to them so willingly? Well, it is the Matrix.


cannabis aromatherapist
you are correct. mainstream media sucks, if you believe what they tell you, i have a bridge to everybodygetsalong land to sell you. MSNBC, ABC, FOX, CNN AND CBS' news has gone from actual reporting of important world events (no matter how biased - it's up to the viewer to see just how strong the bias is) to reporting who's dating who in Hollywood. Decidedly NOT news, but the average American buys it hook, line and sinker and is now talking about such inane drivel as how celebrity A has colonics weekly for health and celebrity B got caught cheating on their spouse. I guess when you have 24 hours to fill, you eventually start filling it with bullshit. THEY want you to be distracted by shiny celebrities so THEY can continue to strip your rights from you one by one while you are none the wiser.
I've watched Link TV and it has given me a different perspective on world events, there are also a few people on those networks who are worth listening to, but it's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Fuckery knows no party affiliation - the dems (at least in the peoples republic of MD) have pulled many fast ones like this in the past as well. Middle of the night bill signings AFTER the session was called to a close and the GOP candidates had left for the day and (giving illegals in this sanctuary state in-state tuition rates against the will of the people for starters - very successfully petitioned and up for referendum vote in November YAY!), twisting of facts, distraction tactics, etc. bottom line is that almost all politicians - regardless of party - are scum and the media are the pond they infest and feed upon. Until this changes we are fucked.
I thought you were going to just show us a picture of the cast of Jersey Shore. I do have to fully agree with everyone's responses so far, though.
Rip Van Winkle,


Cloud Master
Same here in Europe...I choose everynight to watch what I decide, with no commercials and no brain washing. I simply put on a movie/cartoon/wathever. I'll find news on internet, and confrontate them with more than one site. The tv is shit, they've always lied to us, and they still do! Though through internet many persons are waking up.


Naruto Fan
When i first noticed this I was like, "I have to tell everybody, I have to find out what they know," (instead of thinking like i do now that i was the stupid one) and one of the first people I shared with was a Latino dental assistant at my dentists' (since they were showing Fox news on their TVs) and she shocked the hell out of me by knowing a great deal...being from South America she's heard all her life about the shit we do down there, so she knows it's true, so there are people around the world who know better what we do than our own people.

Which is probably exactly why Hillary Clinton says what she says about our TV here.
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