Why drink water when other drinks are so much tastier?

Diggy Smalls

An internet troll stirs up knee jerk reactions to cause strike, I don't really see strife in this thread, but rather a silly conversation some are taking very serious.

I have had a few Chinese students over the years and parents wanted then all to drink warm water and never I've cold. I started assuming it might be cultural.

Anyway, i have heard warm water is easier for your body, but I'm trying to give my body a workout when I drink water. Nice and cold.

Most of us use cannabis, which changes us a lot more than cold water in estimation.

@capcoho man I used to ask new workers at work to go downstairs and grab me the instant water. You just have to add water.


Well-Known Member
yes indeed most of the hangover is from dehydration. Idaho rafting guides would drink alcohol every night like they were on a mission; then they would all drink like 2 quarts of water before turning in. Next morning they were bright eyed and bushy tailed waiting for the clients to pack up and continue the 5 day wilderness trip down the Salmon river. Oh yeah, because the air was so dry; they insisted that we sea level folks drank enough water that we had to take a piss every hour! If not you would get a raging headache that only hydration and sleep would cure very slowly.


I find it harder at times to hydrate with ice water, sounds counter-intuitive but I find it's harder to drink enough water when its that cold. Instead there is relief felt from the water temperature but often not actual cellular hydration (in my experience) I still drink iced drinks sometimes but I've learned to accept that my body tends to prefer ambient temperature water.
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