What is your favorite vape?

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I don't know enough about the Herbalizer to speak definitively, but I do know it has been thoroughly "vetted," by some of FC's most respected members, even by vtac himself. I really don't think you need to worry about its airpath or any of its outer materials.

If you're okay with dishing out big $, I'd go with this. Considering how much time, money, and research was put into it, I seriously doubt there's anything unsafe about it, other than the fact that inhaling vapor in the first place is not 100% healthy.


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Yea it's just the price for a 2 year warranty bugs me. At that price it should be longer if not lifetime.

The LSV, E-Nano, and Vaporbrothers hands free are at the top of my list.

Vaporbrothers uses a natural mineral ceramic screen and has no non natural materials, I like that aspect a lot.

From what I can find the E-Nano is also all natural.

The LSV is what I'm researching now...


I have not been in the vape game but for a couple of years, and I have found that manufacturers (especially those active on these forums) truly stand behind their products regardless of what is on the warranty/guarantee certificate. They are involved here because they WANT to make happy customers and better products.

From what I can tell, the two under consideration appear similar but I have no experience with either. What shifted my attention to the E-Nano is that I have a bit of a hard-on for Ed's Woody Wongs and bomb ass-butter:) When I do get the funds, I want to choose some exotic wood from Snappo and have a custom one made; then send out to Ed for Wongs and stems.

(I have already spent a lot of time figuring this out:D)


Well-Known Member
I just went to a local shop that had the vaporbrothers...it looked legit. They had a bunch of good info on their box stating that it is compliant, and verified non toxic, no lead, mercury, aluminum, and a bunch of other things. I really like that their mission is all about clean healthy vapor, nothing unnatural.

I want to see a e nano though. I called the number on epic vapes site but it was a sketch google number...no answer.


Well-Known Member
My vote is for the miniVAP. Try searching for Vapefeind youtube video review or
take a look here under miniVAP thread..
Medical grade, simple, basic , superb flavor. Unless you want/need one with
bag capability like Herbalizer. Huge battery capacity. Great alone or with bubbler.
It's pricey with $865 MSRP but VaporNation has for $519 and they often have a
sale below that price.
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Herbalizer - The best vaporizer I've owned so far. Faster, more efficient, more versatile, and easier to use than any other unit I've tried.

Just for fun, here's a list of vaporizers I'm currently interested in purchasing:


Definitely won't purchase all of them, but they're the most appealing units I've come across. The Firefly will likely be my next purchase.
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