What if FUCK COMBUSTION was actually a by-product of vigorous sex?


errl enthusiast
lol im sorry but i too am quite confused as to how you came to this conclusion :lol:


Revolting Peasant
lol it's not a totally crazy point- I enjoy word play- just a little unorthodox by way of an introduction.

Maybe I think that 'coital combustion' rolls better off the tongue and would better describe the condition

Or 'copulation combustion'?


Not sure it would be 'rad' though (I haven't heard that in this part of the world since Teenage Mutant Hero (ninja's were deemed too violent for the UK market) Turtles) ;)
I've been on this site for a while actually, but have never posted anything. Just cruisin and using it for good info. In fact the forums here were the reason I bought a Silver Surfer. People seem to be as stoked on it as I am, now that I own one.

I always thought FC was a great name for this site. It was just always a trip to me, and I guess I was just wondering if anybody else felt the same way. I guess it is just taken as a given that vapor enthusiasts are anti-combustion. I'm totally on board with it, and understand the benefits of vaporizing rather than smoking. I guess this thread was just meant as a little joke trying to point out some word-play... JUST trying to brighten the mood, folks! :lol:
WatTyler said:
lol it's not a totally crazy point- I enjoy word play- just a little unorthodox by way of an introduction.

Maybe I think that 'coital combustion' rolls better off the tongue and would better describe the condition

Or 'copulation combustion'?


lol @ copulation combustion. may try to work this into a pickup line :p


Vapeosaurus Rex
Haha at first I didn't get it,, but then I had to sit and think about it before I posted something crazy like "WTF ARE YOU SAYING :)"

good point :o


Well-Known Member
hence my offering of the tag line in the other thread "fuck combustion.... but make lurv to the vapor"

we must be on similar meds mate lol


Lost in Thought
I LOLed at it as I got it immediately.

I think you and I are going to get along splendidly. By first impressions, you and I think twistedly alike.

Keep it that way please.
(AKA) Dont be douchey. :D


Wych Doctor
Damn! I didn't do too well with this one. Took me about the time to do a trench on the MFLB to work it out...just call me Trigger!


It's a very old joke:
"Man in his 80's walks into a whore house... says to the madam '" I want something young and fresh" the madam looks him over with a big smile and says okay... she introduces him to Sally. The old man approves so they go off to a room, the old man pulls out a brown paper bag, puts it on the end table and sits down; he tells Sally to open it up and empty the contents. She does... condoms, blindfold, ear plugs, nose plugs. Sally knows what the condoms are for, but she asks why the blindfold, the old man replies " I don't like to watch myself having sex"; Sally asks why the ear plugs, the old man replies "I can't stand to hear a woman scream while I'm doin her", Sally asks, why the nose plugs, the old man replies '" I can't stand the smell of burning rubber"
Good one though!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
WatTyler said:
coital combustion

lol that sounds like extreme contraceptive measures....... "un un bi*ch you getting pregnant on me..... i set fire to that sheeeet"
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