What do you mix cannabis with......other herbs...


Active Member
I heard people mix cannabis with tabocco. Do you guys add any other herbs to the mix. Chamomile, valarian, peppermint.

Just wondering what ideas are out there?
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Apprentice Daydreamer
I don't like mixing herbs in a vape. Every herb needs different temps to vape right and vapes differently at different rates.
If you mix two herbs, where one needs low temp and other high temp, then how can you vape it?
If you put the temp high you overheat the first one, if low, you don't get vapor from the second.
And if one is finished sooner, then you have to taste its abv taste until you finish the other.

Same goes with mixing teas, for example green tea steeps at 80°C and black at 100°C.
Or if you mix something that needs to be steeped for a long time and mix it with tea that goes very bitter after few minutes of oversteeping, that's another kind of mix that you just can't brew properly.
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C No Ego

Well-Known Member
@Seek that sage I have now is thick and even when I grind it... but I vape it lower heat than cannabis now , about 350 F to 390 F... it tends to get some funky higher in temp... cannabis too can get that toasty funky funk funk on high temp... even cannabis @ up to 440 F through a Bubbler is still considerably less harsh than smoking for sure by a long shot
C No Ego,
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