Wand Cleaning


Herb gardener...
Iso 99.9%
followed by a hot water rinse
Followed by being dried in my eq so as not to allow any bacterial growth in the wet spots...


Trichome Technician
Yeahhh, what sticks said!

I personally use a straw to scrape...I'm rather particular about cleaning though..

So, I clean at least once a week, but using the same straw, eventually the straw is full.

For my whip, I use 99% ISO and pour into tube, then I swirl it plugging both sides with my thumbs, think Jump Rope action. I usually do two back to back cleaning, then rinse with plenty of water.

Use a shop vac to dry immediately.

And everyday, I wipe my whip and mouthpiece with an alcohol prep pad, or simply dab some ISO on a paper towel and Sanitize the outer portion of whip and mouthpiece.

It's almost crazy how much dust/contaminant accumulates on the outside of the whip.

The first time I cleaned the outer wall of my whip with an ISO soaked paper towel, the filth I saw on the paper towel kinda grossed me out.


Out to lunch
A salt and alcohol mix?
I never use salt to clean glass. If alcohol isn't enough, PBW does the trick much easier. I'd keep that cleaner around just for stainless steel pots and pans, just keep it off Teflon and anodized grinders.

If you want to reclaim residue, that's a different story/method.


I want to reclaim the spooge but I'm not sure how to get into such a tight place to clean.

Straw? Almost full? Can you give me any more details?
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