Viewing alerts ??


Well-Known Member
any way to change this where:
let's say I have 15 alerts but screen only shows 5. I've gotten down to #8 let's say, I view it, and then alerts go back to showing 1-5. I have to scroll down and remember where I was. View that one and it goes to top 1-5 again.
Any way to have it return to the ALERTS group I was looking at?

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Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
It's all about technique. If you have a 'tabbed browser', and most are, click on Alerts so the page you're looking at is just alerts. Find the ones you want to read or respond to and then right click on one, choose Open in a new Tab. Repeat until you've opened all the alerts you wish to read and you'll have a tab for each to open.

When done reading or responding, close the tab.

Easy to keep track of that way.



Well-Known Member
Not sure as closest I get is, "open link in new tab".
I want to view all my alerts, let's say 15.
I want to go down in order but it always reverts back to first page of only 5 and I have to scroll down down down and remember what alert is next for me to view.

I did try your way some more and that does work as the tabs can be closed after reading.

Thanks--i'll try that method
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Space is the Place
Or ... you can click on 'watched threads' up there next to 'New posts' instead of going through the alerts drop-down list, bumps 'em off the page once you view a post.
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