Vaporizing marijuana $ hash, which one is more economic?


After practically experiencing how economic vaping is vs any other smoking method, I am trying to vape the most economic way possible.

So what is more economic, marijuana or hash? From my experience it is hard to tell as the oils and hash I use give alot of vapor(milk), but the high is a lot more "clear" than when using marijuana. Sometimes it's so clear I have a difficult time figuring how high I really am.

Any thoughts?
Much appreciated.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Easiest way I can figure to determine it would be get a set amount of hash and bud (say 1g of each).
Vape 1 as per normal, take note of how long it lasts.
Vape the other as per normal, and take note of how long that lasts.

Then its just some simple division to see which is more economic.
(all of the following figures are made up for the example)
Let's say 1g of bud costs $20, and 1g of hash costs $50.
If the 1g of bud lasts 3 days, and the hash lasts 7, then the cost is
Bud - $6.66 per day
Hash $7.14 per day
Bud wins
But if 1g of hash was to last 10 days, then it would be
Bud - $6.66 per day
Hash - $5.00 per day
Hash wins
Basically, it depends on how much your bud/hash costs and how potent they are.
Frederick McGuire,
I could not agree more. Seems like I have some experimenting to do. Any suggestion as far as the temp goes for hash? I have been using the EQ on 220C which seems to work well.


Staff member
For hash I usually bump up my EQ to about 240. Seems to extract a little more goodness from hash with the higher temp. Also a fine hash grind is crucial for optimal extraction of hash.


Well-Known Member
before anything that depends on the quality of your hash. Just a knife tip of kief has quite a punch in my EQ, but unfortunately (most) hash consists of a lot more than just kief.


I agree peterchen, i love a nice little bit of kief in my Solo and it last for ages


Well-Known Member
for me it is hash.
hash is about the same price as weed here(5-10 euro a gram for most strains), but 1 gram of hash lasts me way longer as 1 gram of weed
I only buy nepal tough, since it's the only commonly available hash that is sativa, and if I vape an indica while by myself I can't enjoy much of the high since I will fall asleep

there is some difference between nepal from different shops so I still have some variation, and sometimes I vape weed for the variation, but usually only on weekendnights
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